This state eats the most candy
Collectively, Americans eat 24 candy pounds a year! And, as it turns out, Utah residents are more eager than anyone.

According to a recent search report by Hershey, Utah residents buy candies at the highest rate of the nation - almostdouble The national average - and the reason could surprise you. Some 60% of residents of the state are Mormon, a religion that runs through the use of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. Sweet treatment, however, are an acceptable indulgence, explains Glenn Christensen, professor of marketing at the Brigham Young Marriott Marriott Management School of the University of Brigham. He continues to explain that serve candy at the church and family events is commonplace. In addition to houseing the largest Mormon population in the country, there are more children living at Utah than almost any other state. In 2013, 31% of Utah residents were under the age of 18, while the national average was 23% and children are undoubtedly some of the largest fans of treats.
Have we raised a desire for sugar? Satisfy your sweet tooth without guilt with our15 best sweet snacks for weight loss.

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