If you had this common disease, you are more likely to die from COVID

A previous case of this disease can make you more likely to die of coronavirus.

Several among ussort of illness Every year, whether it is a cold, a sinus infection or the flu. Although most of these diseases are manageable and easy to forget to recover, you may want to look at your medical history.in the middle of the pandemic of Covid Because this can be a predictor of how your body will manage the virus. A new Harvard study found that having a previous case of a particularly common disease could put you at increased risk of dying of Covid. Read it to find out if you are in danger, and for more cases of serious coronaviruses,If you did that, you are twice as likely to develop severe covidation.

You are no longer at risk of dying from Covid if you have already had pneumonia.

Nurse is comforting a covid patient at the ICU

Harvard researchers have recently discovered that a prerequisite of pneumonia can be a strong indicator that you will have aMore severe - or even mortal-case so infected by Covid. In their new study, published in the newspaperNPJ Digital Medicine On February 4, they drew medical records of nearly 17,000 coovidants patients. Their research showed that after age age, pneumonia was the second risk factor for Covid's death. Among those who died of Covid, nearly 49% had a history of pneumonia.

"A history of pneumonia, which is rarely requested in typical epidemiology studies, was one of the most important risk factors for the prediction of CVIV-19 mortality," said researchers in their study. And for more ways to reduce your risks, find out whyThese 3 vitamins could save you discoveries from the severe Covid study..

Pneumonia is very common in the United States.

Woman sick and coughing in bed

Pneumonia is a very common disease in the United States according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), nearly 1.3 millionAmericans were diagnosed with pneumonia In 2017. The agency says that even though most people who descend with pneumonia in the country are adults, this pulmonary infection can affect people of all ages. And for more coronavirus concerns, know thatDr. Fauci has just published this new cooling warning about COVID.

You could have had pneumonia and unknown.

A man in a medical mask in the park with his hand on his head due to a headache.

According toHealth, many people ever evenrealize that they have had a case of pneumonia-Suse if they had a mild case.Zachary Strasser, MD, one of the authors of the study and a postdoctoral Harvard boy at Massachusetts General, told Bloomberg News that he is even common for cases of cases ofChronic pneumonia to pass undiagnosed.

According to the American Lung Association, this may be due to the fact that "Pneumonia can be difficult to diagnose Because the symptoms are so variable and are often very similar to those observed in a cold or influenza. "The symptoms of pneumonia include coughing, fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea and confusion. And for more COVID new news,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Other risk factors for COVID are also often associated with pneumonia.

senior man holding his head in pain after getting bad news from a doctor at the hospital during COVID-19 pandemic.

The CDC has created a list of medical conditions that put you toIncreased risk of serious disease or death of CovidBut pneumonia is not one of them. However, as Harvard's researchers, a previous Pneumonia case may actually be an indicator of an underlying condition thatis included in the list of risk factors.

In fact, the CDC says that you are more likely to get pneumonia if you smoke or have underlying medical problems such as diabetes or heart disease. And smoking, diabetes and heart disease are all listed by the CDC as conditions that have put you at increased risk of serious COVIDs. And for more than this agency, discover whyThe CDC warns against the use of these 6 face masks.

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