7 best foods for your orgasm

Ecstasy keys can be in your pantry.

Made: your orgasms could be stronger, longer and more abundant than they are currently. The key to unlock Monster O can already be in your pantry. Here are seven commonFood for sex This can take you and the pleasure of your partner to a brand new level.

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best foods for orgasm and libido - eggs

Your days of suboptable orgasms are finished, easy. Eggs are not simply a complete protein; They are a complete boost to your chances of having breaking orgasms from the earth. First, eggs are largely protein, offering you a sustainable energy that will help you between the leaves. Second, eggs contain a natural chemical calledcholine, which triggers the production of nitric oxide (NO), increasing the blood flow to the penis and clitoris. In addition, choline is a precursor of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that controls sexual behavior through its activity in the brain; Having a higher level of Ach has been associated with more frequent and more intense and intense and longer sex. And if all that is not enough, the high concentrations of B5 and B6 egg vitamins and B6 help balance hormone and combat stress levels. The orgasms themselves are stress relief, so adding eggs to your diet, you can start a positive return loop that could keep you appreciated for a big sex. Aim for two a day.



best foods for orgasm and libido - peppers

The hottest they are, the better. Hot peppers increase your metabolism and stimulate endorphins, which makes you sweat, immerse your lips and accelerate your heart rate. Which gets blood flowing towards all essential areas. Net result? Best sex and a more memorable finish. (If you plan to manipulate Habañeros, make sure you wash your hands before approaching the parts of the sensitive body.)


Healthy fats

best foods for orgasm and libido - healthy fats

Consuming healthier fat can do wonders for your libido and have your neighbors filing noise complaints: they are crucial to keeping sex hormone levels where they should be. Snack on nuts and almonds and cook with cold-labeled vegetable and walnut oils - they retain more nutrients than the variety treated with heat. Cold pressed oils also contain vitamin E, which is essential for balancing your hormones. (See which are theBest Greases for Weight Loss.) Cholesterol has a bad reputation, but it is in fact the basis of all sex hormones. Consume salmon, berries, eggs and dark chocolate will increase your good cholesterol (HDL). With regard to bays, a study printed in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that adults who ate a cup of frozen bays once a day for eight weeks saw a 20% increase in their levels of HDL!



best foods for orgasm and libido - spinach

Does not he end the list of benefits that spinach confer? The choice of the choice of Popeye is charged with nutrients that can take orgasms to vertigge new heights. Nutritionist Aishwarya Rajan says that spinach "... are rich in manganese, which facilitates the production of estrogen of female hormone. A magnesium deficiency also affects a woman's fertility levels." Spinach are also loaded with zinc, which makes it possible to curb the production of the pituitary hormonal prolactin. At high levels, prolactin can cause sexual dysfunction. Zinc is also found in lean cuts of red meat, dark meat poultry, brown rice, whole grain bread, seafood and friable cheeses.



best foods for orgasm and libido - honey

Studies have shown that boron, a mineral found in honey, can improve the blood levels of testosterone, the hormone responsible for promoting sexual reader and orgasm in men and women. In addition, boron helps the body to metabolize and use estrogen. Use honey to soften ginseng tea, which has high concentrations of ginsenoside. Some clinical studies have shown that ginsenoside can help improve erections and increase the production and quality of sperm. Check these50 best foods for your penis!



best foods for orgasm and libido - oysters

This may seem to be a cliché, but science suggests that oysters are worth their reputation as food improving sex. Crustaceans are packed with minerals that are critical components of sex hormones and are also essential for optimal brain and nervous system. In particular, oysters are a rich source of zinc, which helps to feed the prostate gland andIncreases testosterone production.


Dark chocolate

best foods for orgasm and libido - dark chocolate

Research has shown that women who eat daily chocolate had more sexually satisfactory sex. According to the Endocrinologist Pankaj Agarwal, the chocolate contains a chemical called phenethylamine, which triggers feelings of relaxation, poisoning and pleasure. It also frees an increase in mood, a serotonin reducing stress, stimulates physical contact and reduces inhibitions. But more: cocoa increases serotonin levels, which can reduce stress levels, strengthen desire and reach orgasm easier and cocoa increases blood flow where you want.

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