Perfect breakfast, lunch and dinner for fat loss

You are looking for a plan to get the quick weight loss you have not seen through your usual feed habits and exercises.

To get new results, try an old method. Listen to us. We have evolved on a fasting and feeding cycle. The human beings used have passed the majority of their life to eat clearer or to fast during the day while following the follow-up, hunting and collecting food. We spent the evening enjoying all our daily food consumption. This structure is suitable for our natural instincts and our social models. This is certainly not all or nothing in our modern world, but this plan will bring out the physique of your ancestors of hunters.

The simple recipes of this plan are made for a caloric deficit with many high quality proteins and a moderate amount of carbohydrates that burn fat, stimulate the growth of new muscle and speed recovery when combined. They also allow you to burn fat in the first part of the day, then direct the major part of your daily nutrition to muscle growth by increasing the nutritional value as the day progresses.

Try it for six weeks and see.

Breakfast - Café

Start your day with 12 ounces black coffee, which contains only four calories and stimulates your metabolic rate, according to aAnnals of nutrition and metabolism to study. You can use any method to make your coffee. We love the French press.


2 spoons with coarse gromber coffee
12 oz water


Put coffee in a French press and add water. Close the lid (do not move) and leave for 4 minutes. Press the piston slightly by simply using the weight of your hand until it reaches the bottom. Pour and serve immediately.

Numbers: 4 calories; Protein 0g; 0g carbohydrates; 0g fat; 0g fiber
Total time: 6 minutes

Need to eat something in the morning?

If you can not handle not to eat before the end of the morning or the beginning of the afternoon, here are some options that will not hurt your results: 1/4 cup of nuts; a portion of fruits; 8 ounces of lean meat; 4 eggs; or 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter.

Lunch - Salmon and Lawyer

Eight ounces of salmon provide an incredible 45 grams of muscular building protein, as well as omega-3 healthy fatty acids reduce inflammation to speed recovery.


Wild Salmon 8 oz (or flank steak or chicken breast)
1 C. Olive oil
Salt and pepper
1/2 lawyer (or 3 eggs; or 1/2 cup of almonds, cashews or macadamia nuts)


Rub the salmon with oil, sprinkle the salt and pepper with taste and grill for 5 minutes on each side. Cut the lawyer in half and serve.

Numbers: 483 calories; 47 g of protein; 9 g carbohydrates; 29 g of fat; 7 g of fiber
Total time: 13 minutes

Dinner - Pork Linge and Potatoes

We have mixed white rice and potatoes. If you do not like potatoes, use 3-4 cups of white rice for your carbohydrates. If rice is not your thing, 24 ounces of potatoes will cover your bases.


4 tablespoons canola oil
1 ½ red potato, cute cut
1 big soft potato, dice cut
8 oz pork loin (or bison, chicken or salmon)
1 cup of white rice
½ red pepper, sliced
2 c. Red onion soup, sliced
1 cup of broccoli flower
½ cup of carrots, chopped


Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in an average nonstick stove. Sauté the red and sweet potatoes, stirring frequently until it is slightly brown, about 12 minutes. Clear the pan, before adding 2 tablespoons oil and cook pork lanyards for 3 minutes on each side. Cook the rice according to the packaging instructions. Finally, heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a nonstick stove over medium-high heat. Sautéed red pepper, onion, broccoli and carrots, stirring frequently until tender and slightly golden, about 10 minutes.

Numbers: 846 calories; 62 g of protein; 116 g of carbohydrates; 14 g of grease; 15 g of fiber
Total time: 22 minutes

Courtesy ofMen's Fitness

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