7 Two-Dollar Food and Wine Couplers Joe's JOE

Upgrade your bump day with our breaking of food and wine combos.

At the end of a long day, all you want to do is launch your shoes, throw you a glass of wine and cold. And thanks to the selection of Wine Charles Shaw's Trader Joe, Aka Do-Buck Chuck, you can have a fun and relaxing night at a very reasonable price. Although two dollar mandrels are usually about $ 3 or $ 4 now, the price tag on Chardonnay is not bad at all, especially if you need some bottles for a meeting with friends. What is even better is that for only a few extra dollars, you can associate your glass with a delicious aperitif of TJ. Delicious dipped dips and cheeses with frozen hors d'oeules, here are seven wines Wednesday Duos that you do not want to miss! Then read these tips forcooking with wine.


Cabernet Sauvignon

Carne asada autentica
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

This bold, bold red wine, both pairs of red and chicken meats for its oak flavors and average acidity. But if you do not want to put the job and love to whip a steak dinner, consider it to be paired withGrilled Cabbage of Trader Joe that you can make the oven for a few minutes andTrader Joe's Carne Asada AVENTICA, which is a steak of throng butterfly boil that cooked in minutes on a hot grill or a saucepan.


Shiraz (Syrah)

Turkey meatballs
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

Whether you call it Syrah or Shiraz, this bold and robust red wine is one of the darkest. Also full-bodied, the Syrahs are superb with heavier dishes and have notes of berries, pepper and smoked flavor if you want to cook with it. And as he is in charge of tannins, it is one of the best wines to harvest the advantages of healthy healthy antioxidants. Enjoy Trader Joe'sSweet fireballs Between the sips to improve the softness of the canned raspberries.



Grilled jerk chicken thigh skewers
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

As one of the most popular red wines of America, merlots are made for easy consumption because of their smooth texture, sweet taste, fruity taste and black chocolate notes. ThoseJerk Joe Trader Joe Jerk Chicken Cooking Skewers Are the perfect complement to your glass because it has a beautiful smoked and spicy flavor that will balance the sweetness of wine.



Three-seed sweet potato crackers
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

Born in the south of France, Chardonnay has tropical flavors and earthy tones, such as mushrooms, making it one of the most versatile wines in the list. The best couple foods are not too spicy or acidic. Try it with TJ3 crackers of the sweet potato and hummus or cheese, like low lactoseManchego and Cheddar for people susceptible to dairy products. Serve with a tray of grapes and olives and you have a DIY cheese plate. For a healthy crunch ship, consider theseSmall carrots In a variety of colors.


Pinot Grigio

Wild salmon burgers
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

If you are looking for something light, dry and crisp wine, Pinot Grigio is for you. It complements an equally delicate dish, such as seafood, light pasta dishes and vegetarian food. Consider heating one of theseWild salmon burgers premium In the oven, on a grill or on a hob. It takes just a few minutes to cook!


Sauvignon Blanc

Tahini slaw kit
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

Sauvignon Blanc is a crisp white wine known for its quality herbal and herbs. This makes it one of a few wines that are seamlessly with vegetables such as asparagus and broccoli. Our choices: Tropical Salad Kit of Tropical Mango Trader Joe andTahini Kit, Pepita & Apricot Slaw. The tasty blend of shredded rainbow carrots, broccoli, cabbage and cabbage fruity shades of this white wine.


Zinfandel Blanc

Mini brie en croute
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

This wine is so sweet that it's basically dessert. That's why we decided to balance the equilibrium with a cheese appetizer that falls on the tasty side of the dessert menu. TjMini crust (Creamy brie cheese wrapped in a puff pastry) and the sugar plum jam make the sugary and sugary ultimate pair. Just make sure to keep the portion sizes in mind as pastries and jams are both high in calories.

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