Eat this, not only for a better sex

You would be strongly in a hurry to find someone who did not enjoy a delicious meal and a hot thrust in the bag too.

And there is actually a scientific reason (not so sexy) why: both sex and food both activates the brain pleasure centers by releasing hormonal dopamine. Over time, it contains us to think that sex and food are big enough. With that in mind, it should not be a big surprise that can eat your way to better sex life. Of course, Dim Lighting and Marvin Gaye can put you atmosphere, but your daily diet is what can really raise your pleasure at the next level in the long run. At the same point, some foods can put a great tooth in your sex life by lowering libido, pleasure and fertility. You certainly do not want to fall victim! And thanks to us, you will no longer need. Here we reveal the foods that will make your life to sex life or a pezzle.


Nuts of Brazil, 1 oz

Calories187Fat19 Gsaturet Fat4.5 Gsodium1 g

Not that!

Edamame Roasted dry, 1 oz

Calories130FAT4 Gsatures FAT0.5 GSODIUM150 mg

You have probably heard that Edamame is a nutritional power plant - we told you several times ourselves. The bean is responsible for antioxidants, vitamins and protein, you are probably wondering why it's on the right! side of the equation. According to researchers, soy protein decreases sperm concentration and testosterone, which can reduce sexual intercourse in men and women. Brazil's nuts, on the other hand, are a source of selenium, vitamin E and magnesium, nutrients that stimulate testosterone and maintain healthy and more viable spermatos. If you try to get pregnant or if you just want to heat things in the room, Brazil Nuts is the best choice of snack.


Oven potato, 1 medium


Not that!

Dinner roll, 1 standard roll

Calories87FAT2 Gsaturet Fat0 GSODIUM131 mg

Here is the scenario: You are outside a dinner, determine your attack plan. You try to keep the calories of checks and debate between engaging in a fluffy pre-dinner roll or controlling a baked potato with your entrance. Make the decision for you: go with the potato. Of course, the roller has fewer calories, but it is probably charged with a ton of sodium. Do not let the fact that he does not do ittaste Do you want salty you. Bread and rollers are the largest sources of sodium in the American diets, according to a disease control and prevention report. Salt foods can not only reduce blood floods to genitals, which can make it more difficult to get an erection and reach orgasm, but can also make you bloated. Not a look you want to switch when you plan to strip your skivvies. The potatoes, on the other hand, whether they are white or sweet variety - are an excellent source of potassium. This nutriment counteracts the bloating effects of salt and stimulates traffic, which can help you feel better in bed and also increases the pleasure of your bedroom. It's a winning victory!


Ginger root, 1 tablespoon


Not that!

Singearmint, 1 tablespoon


If you like your food as you like your lovers - sweet and spicy, you're lucky. Ginger can improve your sex life by helping blood flow in your white regions. Consume a simple teaspoon of matter several times a week is everything you need to harvest the benefits, according to a study of theInternational Cardiology Journal. It has also been shown that the spice increases the levels of testosterone and the viability of sperm in men. Singearmint, on the other hand, a grass you want to avoid. Regular consumption of grass can significantly reduce testosterone levels, according to aPhytotherapy researchto study. And ladies, it's not just bad news for men; The hormone also plays a major role in women's sex. A warning word: anything labeled "mint" can be made with peppermint or green mint, and the dietary packers will probably not specify what you get. To stay ready for sex, avoid any "mint" labeled.


Granada juice, 8 fl oz


Not that!

Bottled water, 8 floz


Revount your sex life with a spritzer of refreshing pomegranate juice. Studies have discovered that grenade juices, like pom, wonderful and mangain, have positive effects on erectile dysfunction and testosterone. Grenades are also loaded with antioxidants that support blood flow, which can help increase sensitivity and pleasure. Simply make sure to water your juice a bit: a cup of the substance has 31 grams of sugar, which will not do your favorite stores. A drink to avoid: bottled water. It's not the water that is the culprit here is the BPA lacestic plastic bottle. The chemical has been associated with negative impacts on fertility in men and women, so if you try to design, reducing your chances of success is safe to kill the atmosphere.


Apples, 1 medium

Calories72fat0 gsaturated fat0 gsugar14 g

Not that!

Cantaloup, 1 cup of cubes


An apple a day can help keep the doctor away, but a recent Italian study suggests that it can do a lot more than that! The researchers divided more than 700 women in two groups: those who have eaten apples daily and those who did not do it. They found that those who regularly consumed fruit - rich in sex phytoestrogenes, polyphenols and antioxidants - had a more pleasant and pleasant sex than those who did not do it. Cantaloupe, on the other hand, is a different story. Of course, the fruit is healthy, but it is also rich in molecule called myo-inositol that has been proven to reduce testosterone in women by a height of 65%! Testosterone plays a vital role in sexual desire, so nibbling on the fruit can put a real damper on your sex life.


Black chocolate, 1 oz, 70-85% cocoa

Calories190fat12 gsatured FAT6.9 GSUGAR7 g

Not that!

Chocolate cake, 1 average slice

Calories249Fat13 gsatured FAT4 GSUGAR26 g

Do you want to have your mood lover? Heads clear of this dessert trolley and invite it to your place for a dark chocolate instead. Rich cakes and sweet treats are loaded with sugar (glucose), which decreases sexual training and desire, while dark tricks have the opposite effect. Cocoa increases the levels of hormonal mood-stimulation serotonin, which can reduce stress levels, desire stimulation and facilitate the task of reaching orgasm. And that's not all: cocoa also increases blood flow in the arteries and relaxes the blood vessels, sending blood to all appropriate regions, which can stimulate sexual pleasure. We love the endangered species with natural dark chocolate with a cocoa at 88%.


Red wine, 5 fl oz


Not that!

Vodka, 1 oz shot

Calories64FAT0 Gasaturated FAT0 GCARBS0 G

Looking for a tasty way to boost your libido? Get a drink or two of red wine - but make sure you cut out there. Women who drank one to two glasses of the substance had a sexual desire and a higher sexual function than those who did not come down from Vino, aSexual medicine newspaperstudy found. Unfortunately for wine lovers, there was no added benefit to drink more than two glasses, which is the most health experts suggesting that we drink daily anyway. What makes the elixir so beneficial? It contains flavonoids that increase blood flow to key areas (you know those). Martini enthusiasts, on the other hand, may want to reconsider the control of their drink if they hope to become crossed at a first date. Despite conventional thinking, the researchers at the University of Washington found that women who drank vodka cocktails were less likely to have sex with a new partner than their sober counterparts.

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