5 foods that make you last longer in bed

You tried to think of your football league. You have mentally estimated that the reimbursement of next year taxes and counted back in your head of 100 - but nothing works. In fact, the more you highlight your status "Minuteman", the more you have finished faster.

And you are not alone. According to a report, 45 percent of men believe that they do not last long enough in bed, and another survey revealed that 71 percent of men want them to have bettersexual endurance. But wishing, in hope and panic how long you can last causes things to do. In fact, experts believe that anxiety has stress and performances up to 20 percent of all erection problems. In other words, a state of mind closes self-debilitating you and your mini-me down literally.

Of course, we can tell you to relax and make sure your partners do not want youlasts longerthat you are already, but thiswill The help is refining your diet. Eating foods that have been proven to combat anxiety can make it easier to relax when it comes time to act. Here, some healthy staples to add to a diet "Like longtime".




You know that, still tired relaxed, the feeling you get after Thanksgiving dinner? It is all thanks to tryptophan in the holiday turkey. Tryptophane helps the body produce serotonin, wellness hormone, which has been shown to soothe anxiety. To increase the soothing effects of the meat further, couple with a high-index glycemic carbohydrate, such as a white potato. Canadian researchers have found this combination of nutrient anxiety more efficiently. Bonus: Potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, a nutrient that canget rid of bloating, Helping you watch more skinny and more muscular in bed.


weight loss tea

A cup of hot chamomile can ironically be what you need to keep waking up. In fact, this tea has a soothing effect doubly: we hot feeling often associated with a feeling of relaxation, and chamomile contains compounds that bind to the same brain receptors as drugs like the valium, the feelings of easing angst . In an eight-week trial, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center have given patients with widespread anxiety disorder, or a chamomile supplement or placebo. They found that the Chamomile group had a significant decrease in their anxiety symptoms, while their non-herb counterparts do not have it. If you are not a camomile fan, do not be afraid! There are a number of other teas that areNatural remedies for anxiety And can help you relax during your ebbels.



health benefits of avocado

You can not deny your first emissions are the root of your eminent anxiety, but a lack of b-nutrient vitamins that maintain healthy nerves and brain cells could be even more elevator your stress. Not onlylawyers Rich in anti-stress vitamins B, but they are also a source of monosaturated fat, which has been shown that the blood flow of help to the whole body, including the penis. Bonus: Healthy Fats In Cream Green Fruit have also been shown to suppress hunger and helpweightloss-Parrier on a multitask!


Dark chocolate

dark chocolate

You are not imagining: Eating chocolate really makes people make it happier and less anxious. According to researchers, cocoa - the main ingredient of dark chocolate - increases the levels of serotonin, hormone stimulating mood. In a 30-day trial, participants who consumed a chocolate drink every day (equal to 1.5 ounces ofdark chocolate) Started feeling more calm than the subjects that are not sipping the chocolate drink. Then, the next time you are on a date, pass the dessert loaded with calorie basket and nosh dark chocolate and a fresh fruit plate back in your place. Your date is sure to love the effort you put in, and eating dessert will help you feel more relaxed about your future performances.


Wild salmon


To make sure your swimmers do not make a premature output, add morewild salmonto your diet. The fat fish is a good source of omega-3, which have been shown to reduce anxiety. In a 12-week study, students who took 2.5 milligrams per day of omega-3 fatty acids had less anxiety before their exams that participants who received placebo. But that's not all: omega-3 fatty acids also help the production of nitric oxide, a key chemical involved in maintaining erection (which explains why salmon is one of the foods that help to fightdystem) In addition, additional research found that rear calorie reduction and sticking to a Mediterranean-type diet rich in products, whole fish grains and healthy greases (such as omega-3) can improve erectile function in men with men with men with men with men with men. metabolic syndrome.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
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