Walmart Employee Covid-19 Business is superior to the claims of the company, indicate the report

The retailer faces ongoing monitoring of coronavirus infections in workers.

While Walmart has been rented for early implementation of in-store safety measures to protect customers, the retail giant is under continuous supervision of the number of coronavirus-infected employees.

Considered an essential company, Walmart sites remained open on the United States during the pandemic. But these are Walmart employees who pay a price for the uninterrupted service.

Back in April, CEO Doug McMillon assured employees who being on the front lines of the pandemic do not result in higher infection rates. In an open letter to the Walmart community, he stated that the rate of infection among the employees was in line with that of the general population,at about 1%. However, united for respect, a group of advocacy for Walmart workers,reports that theThe number of infected employees is now in thousands of people, with at least 22 defirmed dead. Walmart has not yet provided an updated percentage.

The Company faced its share of legal controversy in the manipulation of CIVID-19 infections among employees. Acontinuation of unjustified death In April alleging that the death of a store worker at Illinois was a direct result of Walmart by ignoring a creeping infection in their store and do not protect employees correctly. Later this month, a director of public health of Massachusetts sent Walmart toCease and designate opinions To force them to close a local store to test the employees-85 have finished testing positive.

To date, the company has reached approximately $ 755 million in special cash bonuses to hourly associates and have accelerated $ 170 million payments in a regular bonus. Employees can also benefit from the companyEmergency leave policy which was extended until July 31st.Subscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest foods delivered directly to your inbox.

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Categories: Groceries
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