20 natural remedies of your kitchen

Say goodbye to sniff, bad moods, to swell, and more with the help of these delicious super-passages, snacks and meal ideas.

PSST! It's. Do you feel a bit down? Do you want to take? You want a little something that will kidnap these bad feelings and make you happy? Give you more energy? Banish your stress and help you look and feel lighter, instantly? Then I had what you need, here under my cloak. What I arrived here is ... the food.

This is true: food can be the right remedy for all your evils. And it's cheaper and more effective than seeing the doctor, bringing out a bouquet of pills or call your cousin without a good taste with shaded connections. You do not need pharmaceuticals to fight depression, relieve stress or pick you up when you are beaten. Just change your diet will do the same thing, but much more safely, cheaply and efficiently.

Our body - and how we feel inside them - are nothing more than the reflection of the different chemicals that cross our system on a daily basis. And when these chemicals are so that you get the right mix of fruits, vegetables, protein and fats, you will feel healthier, more energetic, andhappier that you have for years. Unfortunately, most Americans suffer from two separate-but linked diseases: we are surplus and undernourished. When something goes wrong with the way our body works, our first instinct is to go to the pharmacy. But the food is-or should be - our first line of defense that prevents symptoms when they occur and protect us from their reappearance. Discover the arsenal below of the natural remedies of your kitchen and do not forget to add them too40 ideas of healthy snacks to keep you thin at your range.

When you are stressed


Modern life is a big boiling hyperone and we get a cup of help everyday. Whether you're talking about your boss of a promotion, talking to your spouse on credit card bills or talking to your children from this mud spot on the new carpet, stress hides around every corner. So, calm down quickly with these natural nervous settlers.


Yogurt and mixed nuts

Slovakic scientists gave people 3 grams each of two amino acids (lysine and arginine) or placebo, and then asked them to deliver a speech. The blood measurements of stress hormones revealed that acidified amino speakers were half anxious during and after the speech of those who took the placebo. Yogurt is one of the best sources of lysine food; NUTS packing tons of arginine. Mix 1 cup of plainGreek yogurt With 2 tablespoons mixed nuts to stay calm and continue.


Red peppers

The researchers at the University of Alabama nurtured rats of 200 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day and found that he almost stopped the secretion of stress hormones. Add raw slices of red peppers toMason Jar saladssandwiches and soups; Calorie for calorie, no other food gives you more vitamin C.


Peppermint tea


A study revealed that peppery mint maintained the pilots on the road more alert and less than anxious. A reason for it could be because it helps you breathe more easily. An acid in peppermint encourages your cells to produce a substance called ProstCyclin, which maintains your open transmitted airways. Learn more about the tea powers with stress-reducing stress7 days old flat belly tea! The test panels lost up to 4 inches of their size!


Sesame seeds


Stress hormones can exhaust your body's magnesium supply, thus reducing your stress adaptation capabilities and increase your risk of developing high blood pressure. Sesame seeds are packaged with this essential mineral, are also surprisingly good sources of calcium, too! In fact, a tablespoon crispy seeds and hazel tasting bearing as much calcium as half cup of milk! For more surprising sources of the mineral of the bone building, consult our exclusive report,The 20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy.

When you feel leu

In Spanish culture, the nap is a nap of noon that reconstructs the energy of the body and prepares it for a hard work evening and fierce party. Unfortunately, explain a 3 m. Snooze in these terms of your boss will probably not go far. Instead, use this food reserve to pass through themidday.


High protein salad with vinaigrette


If you drag your feet in the office throughout the morning, lunch a protein salad with a tasty and oil-based vinaigrette. Build your salad on a bed of Romaine or spinach for an additional boost of riboflavin (a nutrient that helps convert food into energy), add chicken and hard egg for energizing protein. The oil will help slow the digestion of protein and carbohydrates into the salad, stabilizing blood sugar levels and maintain high energy levels.


Mountain mix


A small handful of skinny grape and walnut track is a tasty snack and is packed with nutrients that will revitalize and boost your day. What makes it so energizing? Dry grapes provide potassium, your body uses to convert energy sugar. Nuts store your body with magnesium, which is important in metabolism, nerve and muscle function. When the magnesium levels are low, your body produces more lactic acid - the same substance inducing the fatigue you feel at the end of a long workout. Blech. Oh, and talking about sweat, stimulate your business and get sexy, ABS flat with the help of theseABS aerobic training of 15 minutes!


Full cereal

Not a morning person? Offer your day with a high fiber whole grain cereal like fiber an original or a simple ol 'groats. "High fiber whole grain grains slow down glucose release in the blood that results in more consistent energy levels throughout the day," said Lisa Moskovitz Nutritionist. Whatever the cereal you choose should have at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Serve with biological milk of 1% or mix it in plain Greek yogurt for an extra protein shot.


Dark chocolate


Yes, we give you permission to indulge in a sweet afternoon! In addition to the wonderful taste, dark chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which can help increase focus and energy. Opt for a low sugar dark chocolate with 75-80% cocoa (or even higher), so your energy does not plant later in the day. Yesweightloss Your goal is sure to cut you after a portion. Although he has health benefits, chocolate is always a dense calorie food that should be eaten in moderation.

When you are sick


The first line of defense in the war to protect your health is not found in the pharmacy; It is in the aisles of the supermarket. Have your cold, send the influenza and strengthen your immune system with these tasty foods.


Ginseng tea


In a Canadian study, people who took 400 milligrams of ginseng per day had less than 25% of colds than those who show a placebo. GINSENG helps kill invasive viruses by increasing the production of the key immune cell body. Since you can never be quite sure of what is in a supplement (they are not regulated by the FDA), we recommend brewing a cup of ginseng tea. Enjoy this tea and much more with our full guide featuring the bestWEIGHT PERIX TEAS.




Zinc and vitamin C in Guava will not prevent the assault of a cold, but they could diminish the severity and duration of your symptoms. A guava cup provides more than six days of vitamin C. For a certain perspective, an orange offers a little more than one day. For more surprising foods packaged with sniffing nutrients, check these7 surprising rich foods of vitamin C.


Green tea

EGCG, an incinitive compound of chemical flasks that is powerful in green tea, has been shown that adenovirus (one of the bugs responsible for colds) to reproduce. Pumpgreen teaIn your system at the first sign of a cold and that you should be able to pay worse symptoms.




Foods rich in healthy fats, such as olive oil and lawyers, help reduce inflammation, catalyst for migraines. A study revealed that anti-inflammatory compounds in olive oil suppress the same path of pain as ibuprofen.

When you feel paunchy


Whether you're trying back to the size of promoting the promise of promising your high school or saving yourself from a holiday trial season, you want to get rid of extra pounds (and this slow feeling) at the haste. So do not imply your clothes; Adapt your meals.



A study by the University of Oxford revealed that eating salmon and tuna can accelerate the movement of foods of your stomach to your intestines, which leaves your belly quieter and bloating. Credit Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, which stimulate hormones that govern food consumption, body weight and metabolism. (And speaking of metabolism, go back with the help of these55 best ways to stimulate your metabolism.) No idea how to prepare fish? Pick up a box of salmon burgers (we like the Seagak variety) and serve them on a thin whole wheat bread with Mayo olive oil, rocket and a slice of low-fat Switzerland.




If soft intestines are the reason behind your inflator, the researchers say that Kiwifruit with high fiber can be the kick you are looking for. A study of researchers in Asia Pacific found that people with irritable intestine syndrome (IBS) who ate two kiwis a day for four weeks had less constipation and a general decrease in IBS symptoms than those who do not have not. Hacate it and add it to a fruit salad or use it as agroats Topper as well as unsweetened coconut flakes and chopped nuts.




Inflated? Go bananas. The researchers say that the fruit is a good source prebiotic fiber, which helps to feed good intestinal bacteria and improve digestion. A study in the newspaperAnaerobe Found women who ate abanana Twice daily, a pre-meal snack for 60 days experienced an increase in good bacteria and a 50% reduction in bloating.




If you remember water, snack on a corner of Miellat Melon is a honey. The search suggests a compound found in Muskmelon called Cucumis Melo has meaningful diuretic properties and can be used to treat edema (fantasy name for water retention). And while the fruit helps to flush the excess H20 of your system, it also serves as a natural electrolyte replacement due to high potassium rates.

When you are in a bad mood

Watch enough television advertising and you start thinking that the only answer to a bad mood is a bottle of pills. Wrong! Your next meal can also have an impact on your mood as your next recharge of the prescription. So, the next time you have a gnawing feeling that something is missing, try to gnaw one of thesesuperfeument.


Greek yogurt

This dairy choice is packed with more calcium that you will find in the milk or the ordinary yogurt, which is good news for your mood. Calcium gives your body the "GO!" Order, alert your brain to free wellness neurotransmitters. As a result, inadequate calcium consumption can lead to an anxiety, depression, irritability, altered memory and slow thinking.Greek yogurt Also contains more protein than ordinary yogurt, making it an excellent snack.


Canola oil


Canola oil is one of the cheapest sources of omega-3 fats and one of the easiest to incorporate into your diet. When consuming, these fats are concentrated in your brain and help raise your mood. Make a canola oil vinaigrette or use some vegetables.


Mixed green


The green leafy-arugula, the Chard, spinach - are rich sources of B vitamins, which are part of the mounting chain that manufactures wellness hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. In fact, according to a study published in theJournal of Neuroscience, a lack of B6 can cause nervousness, irritability and even depression. Add greafy greens to sandwiches, salads, omelettes, swirls andPot health recipes Recover the benefits.


Whole eggs

Feel a little dark and aggressive after a fall with a friend or other significant? Take out your anguish by cracking eggs and whisking an omelette. Breaking the eggs much better than putting your fist through dry partitions and, thanks to their rich vitamin D content, eggs can help you remedy yourself. (A three-egg omelette will fill over a third of the nutrient consumption recommended by the day.) Whatever the vitamin D to improve the mood is not yet completely understood. However, a theory is that nutrient increases serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which is also working numerous antidepressants. Associate your omelette or one of these25 Best Egg Recipes for Weight Loss-With a piece of integer grain bread to further increase serotonin levels.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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