Eat this, not that for a better skin

The good wash and the moisturizers of the right face can only do much to keep your skin healthy and young.

In fact, despite what advertisements and advertisements can tell you, the real key to a healthy complexion does not come from a bottle, it starts with what is on your plate - and it's a known secret celebrity For years! In fact, it is the very reason of the stars as a musical sensation Alicia Keys and the secret model of Victoria Miranda Kerr incorporate a daily regime changes to their skin care. Of course, the habits of genetics and lifestyle (like smoking and tan) can influence how your skin is alike too, but fight against your complexion misfortunes on all possible fronts will only help the cause.

So, that you need to fight against acne (as Ms. Keys), move away from premature aging (like Kerr), reduce the lints of appearance or fight against another cutaneous condition, the good diet can be a precious help. Below, we reveal eight foods to prevent you from feeding your skin from the inside and what improves from the skin to the Nosh instead.

Fight against UV damage


Low sodium tomato juice (8 oz)


Not that!

SODA (8 oz)

Calories93Fat0 Gsaturet Fat0 Gsodium30 mg

Fight the sunburn in the next tomatoes and skin damage with bright red vegetable juice of the same name. A cup of drink serves a heavy dose of lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful sun rays and stimulates the procolagène levels, a protein that preserves the cutaneous structure. If you are not a fan of the drink, we do not want you. It's an acquired taste. Instead, harvest the benefits protecting the skin by eating watermelon or adding a low sodium tomato paste to your cooking. The only thing youshould not Replace tomato juice with? Isoceinated drinks like soda and coffee. Too much caffeine can interfere with sleep - the time our cells are repair and compete against the damage caused by the sun.

Fight premature aging


Olive oil (1 tablespoon)

Calories119Fat13.5 FAT Gsatures1.8 g

Not that!

Vegetable oil (1 tablespoon)


Your body looks like a young athletic teenager, but you fear that your face starts looking old before it's. If you spend a lot of time outside or have had some sunburn too much, it's probably the cause. Instead of investing in a series of dubious anti-aging products, head to your kitchen and eliminate olive oil. The cooking staple is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been proven to reduce the risk of premature aging caused by ultraviolet radiation. While the popular Mediterranean oil has almost 10 grams of age defying nutrient by table spoon, the vegetable oil serves only 1.6 grams. The winner defying the age here is clear!

Combat dark circles


Applegate Organics Chest of Grilled Turkey Organic (2 Oz)


Not that!

Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Turkey Chest, Roasted Food (2 Oz)


Of course, spend a good night's rest will make youto feel More refreshed, but if you are subject to Cells Pesky, it will not necessarily make you look more alert. Why? Because aging - no sleep - is the main source of black circles other than genetics. Over time, the skin loses collagen and thine, which makes the veins under the eyes more visible. Although you have heard that foods rich in selenium like Turkey can strengthen collagen production, picking up any former lunch package will not do. Some varieties (as the Oscar Mayer product mentioned above) are located with sodium nitrates that stimulate oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can cause structural collagen changes, resulting in increased sub-eye transparency, underperhead bags and wrinkles. Applegate Organics The organic grilled turkey breast, on the other hand, is free of damaged nitrates, but stay rich in selenium protection.

Combat acne


Whole grain bread (1 slice)

Calories69Fat1 Gsatured FAT0 GCARBS11 GFIBER1.9 g

Not that!

White bread (1 slice)

Calories79Fat1 Gsaturet Fat0 GCARBS14.7 GFIBER0.7 g

Despite what you could hear, just cut chocolate and fries will not heal your acne. What will be? Exchange the white bread for the variety of whole grains. In addition to being zero of any nutritious health health, white substances have a high glycemic load, which means that it further impact blood glucose and insulin levels that foods are lower on the index. Glycemic (GI), like whole grains. During a Korean 10-week study of subjects with a mild to moderate acne, researchers found that those who are placed on a low blood glucose diet have decreased the severity of their acne more than subjects on a diet. high blood glucose. In addition to whole grain breads, fruits, beans, vegetables, fish and barley are all considered low GI foods.

Combat wrinkles


Yellow peppers (1 cup, slices)


Not that!

Oranges (1, small)


Citrus fruits like grapelites and oranges are certain healthy and nutrients eating, but beware: if the juices of these refreshing fruits drop on your skin while you prepare or grame them, they can act as photosensitizers of 'news and lead to horrible and drive to horrible sunburns, according to oneTravel Medicine Journal to study. Not to mention, a burn can be seriously painful! The next time you need a snack on a hot and sunny day, many on green or yellow peppers rich in vitamin C. In a study of more than 700 Japanese women, researchers have found that the subjects of vegetables More yellow and green have eaten, the less they had to have wrinkles and feet crusts, even after controlling the exposure to smoking and the sun. A study on British competitions. The British research crew found that those who consume diets rich in vitamin C have fewer wrinkles than those that consume less nutrient.

Fight dull


Gentle potato baked (1 cup, cubic)

Calories176FAT0.2 Gsatures FAT0 GSODIUM14 mgcarbs41 g

Not that!

Fries fries (1 cup)

Calories182Fat9.7 Gsaturet Fat2.2 gsodium110 mgcarbs21 g

After a dried long winter, it should not be a surprise if your complexion looks more dull than usual. Fortunately, add sweet baked potatoes to your plate is an easy way to restore your glow. A 2012 study found a link between the consumption of carotenoid rich vegetables (such as spanish orange) and the improvement of the shine of the skin. A medium mild potato with the skin provides 200 percent of your daily recommended nutrient intake, while their salted cousin, French friest, will reduce the water from your skin, which made it even more dull.

Fight dry skin


Linen oil (1 tablespoon of seeds)

Calories55FAT4 Gasaturated FAT0 G

Not that!

Hard alcohol (1 oz, 80 anti-resistance alcohol)


Of course, a quality moisturizer will help to fight against dry skin, but if you really want to improve the situation, you have to feed your face of the inner oil and linen is one of the best foods for the work, according to aBritish Nutrition Journal to study. During the study of sensitive dry skin participants consumed of daily linen oil for three weeks, their skin was more hydrated and less red and rough. You can replace flax linen oil in any fresh juice or smoothie recipe that calls flax seeds. Adding an alcohol to your drink, on the other hand, will only make your situation cutaneous. Not only your taste buds are happy for a certain hydration after consuming alcohol, as well as your skin. Dehydration is not only that your skin looks tedious and red, but also temporarily makes fine lines more perceptible.

Fight the risk of skin cancer


Nut (1 oz, 14 walnuts)

Calories185FAT18 Gasaturated FAT1.7 g

Not that!

Macadamia nut (1 oz, 12 nuts)

Calories204Fat21.5 Gsaturet Fat3.4 g

The rays of sunscreen, hats and umbrellas are obvious tools in your arsenal fighting skin cancer. Nuts? Not really. But only consuming five grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids can be able to reduce the risk of skin cancer or the development of its development, according to one American Society for Nutrition Study - and a portion of walnuts will offer more than double this amount. Although macadamia nuts do not suffer from your skin, they do not even wear a gram of protective fatty acid and are higher in calories. Our advice? Paste with walnuts and stay out of the direct sun to stay safe.

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