The self-confidence regime

The guilt of food, negative discussion, still misjudged clothing schemes can make a number on your self-confidence, especially when your goal still seems-more-10 pounds.

But wantlosing weight It does not mean you have to hate your body now. In fact, studies suggest that self-love can be an integral part of your success; Plans that lack self-compassion often lead to "emotional levels", high stress levels and low weight loss. So, how can you love and feed your body as a work of art while it's always a work in progress? We contacted a handful of body image experts for tips for loving books:

Think: instrument, not ornament.

"Realize first thatYou're amazing. You should do these things - eat well and work, because you love your body and want to become a stronger and more impressive version of yourself. When it comes to working, put the center exclusively onWhat your body can doAnd be proud of his abilities. Strive to improve your performance every workout, because when you change your goal of what you haveto weigh to which your bodycan doYou will get the weight loss results you want by improving your trust in you and become a more impressive version of yourself. Do these things and you can be happy today; You will not have to wait before reaching your weight loss goals. "-Nia Shanks, Bus, health and fitness writer, and the elevator leader as a girl's revolution

Wallow in a hot bath.

"A hot bath is one of the simplest expressions of love and self-care. Skinny soaking in the intimacy of your own bathroom eliminates the mind, soothes the painful muscles and frees the endorphins of pleasure . It's a sensual break in the stress of our daily lives; a hotspot to indulge in our bodies, mind and our appetites for the pleasure-calorie without calories! So grab the bubble bath, fluffy towels extremely voluminous, a candle and a sign "without disturbance" and draw a 20-minute vapor bathtub. Children can wait. (Think: pretty bubble bath.) "- - - - -Melissa Milne, Author ofThe naughty diet

Practice the wording of the words of self compassion.

"Only when you like your body, you will really feed it and you will occupy yourself as you need to lose weight with healthy, without recovering it. A simple way to start this process is to write in a "self-compassionate log. "Every morning you will write 3 things yourself that you think to be fabulous-a physical line and two character traits or personality. The more you write, the more you will be open to love and compassion for yourself . "- -Neughar Fonooni, Fitness coach and lifestyle, and author ofLean and charming program

Get out of your comfort zone.

"Do things that challenge you physically! It can be as simple as going to run or as extreme as taking a kiteboarding lesson. When you do something stimulating, your mind automatically changes to be present; and when You are present, there is no judgment. Now you can enjoy the strength of your body and you feel connected. How do you feel after a challenge? like a winner! And that's exactly the mentality that will stimulate your self-confidence. "-JOND JILL, Integrated nutritional health coach and model founder eaten

Request notes of love.

"Positive affirmations can help stimulate your confidence, but they can sometimes be difficult to use when you feel at your appearance. Turn a little idea on his head. Look in the mirror. If you have trouble saying some gender thing yourself or your body, ask those whom you like to help! Ask for notes from your best friends, parents, brothers and sisters and someone else whose opinion can you Lift. Post these notes on your mirror and read them every day. Allow their words to become yours! "- -Dr. Robyn Silverman, Corporal expert, author of The good girls do not grow: how the obsession of weight is spoiling our girls and how we can help them prosper despite this

Adopt a weight loss mantra.

"You can always love your body while working in favor of weight loss by making a sentence that is personally personal -" I feel louder and healthier every day ", you can think of yourself when You feel a negative thinking about your appearance or progress are starting to slip. Repeat this sentence for yourself can help you disaffirm and focus on the positive aspects of your weight loss course. I like to take an inhale complete, then repeat the sentence to my head as I expire. Let all come ... "- -Jen Comas KeckNasm Personal Trainer and owner of beauty lies in force

Pothermate yourself.

"Learning to put you in the first place is an important part of your weight loss course. Trailer yourself with a massage, manicure, pedicure or simply with a new lipstick can do wonders in the lifting of your mood and also provides an alternative to reward you food. Remember that independent care is not selfish! When you take steps to pamper your body, you will feel more beautiful, more confident and more capable of sharing yourself with others. "-Keri Gans, RDN, author of The little change of change

Celebrate small achievements.

"Display of health behaviors as an act of personal care is essential. Start taking notes daily, noting positive behaviors and what you would like to accomplish or continue tomorrow. For example:Today, I was happy to have left my desk and eat lunch. I was more aware of my food and I have to read a chapter of my book. I felt more upbeat and productive the rest of the afternoon. I hope to do that again tomorrow and plan a balanced dinner ..."-Leslie P. Schilling, MA, RDN, CSSD, LDN

Categories: Weight Loss
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