10 things you should never talk about your health

See your face-to-face doctor must always be your first choice.

At this internet age, Cyberchondria has become a real thing. You feel sick, you connect your symptoms into a Google search and you suddenly return because you think you have a rare and difficult disease to pronounce. On the side rocking, you put yourself at risk of letting you tell you that your symptoms are "not serious", when they are actually something you need to check immediately.

Yes, we know it's faster to turn to the internet than making an appointment with your doctor. But that will save you a lot of sorrow if you stay at least away from "Dr. Google "if you encounter the following symptoms. Find out why, then do not miss our report on17 Best Immunity Boosters That Emergen-C!


Thoracic pain or cardiac palpitations

woman holding chest

If you feel a tightness in your chest and decide to ask the Internet what it might mean, it is likely that the results of the search will indicate the heart attacks or the serious underlying cardiac conditions. "In reality, these are quite normal experiences in everyday life or can also be a harmless symptom of stress or anxiety," explains Dr. Samuel Malloy of Drfelix.co.uk. "If pain in the chest or palpitations are caused by anxiety, believe that this could be a heart attack can often be sufficient to cause a panic attack." Rest assured unless you are in a high-risk group for heart attacks, occasional palpitations or thoracic pain are probably nothing alarming. But if you are still worried, you should consult an adequate doctor from your doctor. And while you think about your ticker's health, avoid these30 worst food for your heart!


Diseases in the news

person using a cell phone

Be careful to googling all potentially fast diseases with disastrous consequences, such as Zika or flesh bacteria. If you are really worried about having symptoms of a hot health topic of the moment, what you should do is call your doctor before reading stories of exaggerated cases and start thinking about the worst scenarios.


Dermatological disorders

woman checking skin

"Unless you have a deep fascination and tolerance for the grotesque, I would recommend around Google images from a number of dermatological disorders", recommends Dr. Gretchen Kubacky, psy.d. The images of the broken flesh, oversized boiled and excrescences, zits filled with puss, and the more you are not something you can soak - and not something you want to imagine growing a minor skin irritation that you could face, like a small label of the skin! Keep away from image search and move them to these25 healthy foods that give you a shiny skin instead of.


Abdominal pain

abdominal pain

"Do not turn you to Google to find an explanation of acid abdominal pain," says Dr. Dion Metzger. "Extreme and severe pain in your abdomen is an emergency until proven otherwise. Get off the internet and in your fastest transportation to the emergency."


Fast weight loss

pouring pills into palm

No matter how you may feel, especially after the holiday season, do not google these three little words: "fast weight loss". "If it's fast, it's probably not so durable - and may even be harmful if pills are involved," says Dr. Metzger. If an inflated belly is your problem, eat more than these42 foods to deflate your navel.


Anal pain

bathroom sign

Nobody wants to ask their friends of anal pains, which unfortunately leads a lot to run to "Dr. Google" to get a diagnosis. "Great mistake", explains Cedrek McFadden, MD. "There are several conditions that can lead to and cause anal pain, including rectal or anal cancer. So, by erroral treatment" hemorrhoids "with creams especially from counter - when they actually have a crack, an abscess or even a Worst Cancer - The patient can delay particular attention. "You can also create a situation unconsciously in which a potentially curable and treatable condition becomes a situation that is much worse and even incurable.


Medicine when you are pregnant

pregnant research laptop

Googling The risks of taking various medications during pregnancy are a slippery slope, as the main results of the search provided via Google sponsored ads are biased, unfounded, inaccurate or anecdotal. In addition, if a woman is concerned about her health during or after pregnancy, "she is better served talking face to face with a reproductive psychiatrist who knows how to diagnose various perinatal mental health problems," says Dr. Carly Snyder.

Do not miss:Eat this, not that! When you wait



upset sad depressed man

If you suppose you have the depression and treat it with a suggestion on the counter, you may miss a larger and more serious problem (although rare): some brain tumors are identified with personality or depression changes. Go see a doctor if you are "beyond" more like a "month off" without obvious reason.


Skin rash

mad baby

Many first time panic when their babies receive their first rash - but googling remedies are a no-no-no. Some rashes actually reproduce yeast infections (especially among girls) and adult creams such as Monistat are part of the recommended treatment. But coming through that, in a Google search rather than a doctor, ask for a panic attack that no new parent needs experience!



nausea dizzy unfocused

The googling problem something as common and simple as nausea is that it will appear in a wide range of diagnostics - everything from pregnancy to hyperthyroidism. And when a symptom is not exclusive to an illness, you ask for a lot of grief, worry and what if ...? " Scenarios for something you probably do not have and you do not need to be treated. P.S. - We know that transport disease is not always the same as nausea, but check theseBest and worse food sickness food This can help your situation.

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