21 things that people with the Six-Packs Do Every Week

"I can count on one hand the number of things that I ingest processed in a month. »

I really worked hard for my abdominals.

I'm talking about two-day workouts, spot-counting, begging each time someone offered me a beer / a bag of chip / opportunity to sit and take a charge. Nobody ever had to ask where I was, because the answer was always the same: Mark? He is in the gym. I thought that work hard, sacrifice and be vigilant was the only way to win and keep your abdominals.

Well, I do not do these things anymore. And I always have my six pack. But I also have my life too!

In fact, my new book,Eat this, not that! for abdominals Is absolutely about how easy it is to have skinny, firm and scammed stomach that you've always wanted - if you stop working so hard and that you rather adopt some single swaps and secret tricher who have proved to a soaked cake. In fact, the more I made my research, and the more I met research and the most meager, in good health, the more I realized that I did everything wrong. You do not need the Gut to get ABS. Just the opposite. Here are some of the secrets of insiders how to get ABS of six packs. Put them to work for you, then do not miss myTop 5 best foods for abs-warranty!


We get too much fomo

It's something I learned that I did not have 30 years. I was always afraid of being absent the coolest event if I did not go there or something would happen if I left early. But guess what? I was not you either. By limiting the number of times I came out during the week, there was a snowball effect all my life. I slept more, which led to a better muscular recovery; I did not take additional calories from alcohol and tissues; And I was more productive because I was not hippover or tired of the night before.

I'm not telling you to be a hermit and stay at night, but I tell you to choose your evenings wisely - and avoid these40 habits that make you sick and fat.


Our drinks are strategic

When I go out, I usually control a vodka and a soda club. A tequila on the rocks (120 calories, 0 g sugar) with fresh lime pressure is also an excellent choice instead of a margarita, which will have 5 to 10 grams of extra sugar.


We plan our food

I know it sounds simple and stupid, but it's true. People have a much better chance of having a slim guiller if they plan when they are going to eat and what they will eat. It's part of the reason my book isEat this, not that! For abdominals and not onlyFor abdominals! Before going to bed, I look at my day's job for the next day and plan what I'm going to eat and where I'm going to eat it. I am on the road from 6 am to 8 o'clock. each day. It is essential that I prepare and pack the food at night before or plan where I'm going to eat if I'm on the road! If you leave the day starting without planning, it will be 3 perm. Before knowing it and you will eventually make an unhealthy decision.


We plan training sessions


And we keep our appointments! Try to know the Sunday evening which training you do for the whole week. If you just leave your week and every day, start and move randomly, it will be advanced before knowing - and you will be too tired to train. Plan an appointment with a coach or friend, book a class or fit it at home. You can even make one of my 15-minute fast workouts, like this:Video: 15-minute lower back drive for ABS killer.


We drag with people with similar interests

Do all your friends party and be up? Could be time to search for new. Try to associate with people who will be favorable if you say they must stay in that you have a 5-year-old spin class and you can not drink tonight because you have a long day tomorrow.


We jump the processed foods


My rule when I do my weekly shopping: if it was manufactured in a factory, it's not going in my mouth. Chips, cereal, bread, pasta, candy bars, soda, meat sausage, juice - they are all things that have been processed in a factory and in a certain way. I can count on one hand the number of things that I ingest processed in a month. Not because I'm afraid my six pack disappears, but because I know the harmful preservatives and the way they make me feel! Check these150 The worst food packed in America So you know what to jump!


We need inspiration on social


It is not difficult: people who follow you motivate to exercise, eat well and live a healthy life. There is no place for negativity here! You'd be surprised how photos and videos can inspire you to get your butt to the gym several times a week. While you're there, take photos and videos of yourself ... You never know who you might be inspiring!


We routines


If you find yourself in bed at a different time every night and you wake up at a different time every morning, stop! Your body likes routine. You want to have the habit of going to sleep at the same time and get up at the same time each day to ensure you get enough rest every day.


screen time? What screen time?


Approximately 40 minutes before I plan to go to sleep, I try to minimize the number of screens and light home. That said my body it's time to go to bed If you have screens or television every night before bed, your body is confused and does not produce the melatonin it needs to sleep.


We do not know the balance


Want to knowHow to get a six pack? Stay off the scale and stop obsessing with an ideal number. Put simply, 150 pounds of lean muscle much like 150 pounds of fat, is not it? So if you're just going to scale, you will be misguided. Take steps or try on a pair of pants that you want to try to get you!


We do not worry ourselves with sit-ups

The only things that sit-ups can guarantee is a runner and bigger problems down the road. You must train your heart smarter and more functional. I show you more than 30 movementsmy bookBut you can focus on the stage front, side boards, pushing and hanging leg raises. They work a lot more muscle than a traditional sit-up - and also keep your back nice and healthy!


We do not do either hours of cardio

Abs are made in the kitchen. Make endless hours of cardio every week will do you that make you hungry. And guess what? You will not want to Kale. Instead, opt for cardio with just two 20 to 30 minutes of interval training three times a week. Focus on strength training two or three days a week.


Our bodies are our equipment

The excuse # 1 that people have asked why they do not work is because they do not have time to go to the gym. What if I told you that you walk all day with the best equipment of all time? Yes, it's your own body! Squats, lunges, thrusts, pull-ups and planks are the staple in any exercise program. You can do these exercises in your living room, your office, the elevator Try this ...No equipment ab workout!


We really try to be perfect


A key to life is balance. There will be times when you want pizza and guess what, you have to indulge your desire! But tell you on the wagon! Try to be as perfect as possible is actually a reason why people succeed six pack. You must recognize that sometimes you go away you and it goes well - make sure this does not happen every day! I like to treat myself once a week to something, be it a slice of pizza, a bite of dessert, chocolate or a handful.


We embrace our inspiration


People train for different reasons. Many people want a six pack because it represents health for them and others want it to do well. There is no right answer about why we do things and there is no right answer as to what we incites them. I remember when I was 20, I saw the movieFight Club and wanted to be cut off as Brad Pitt. So I printed a picture of him, full of the bedroom door and looked every day. It gave me something to work. When it comes toTips motivation, Find what inspires you and kiss him because different things work for different people!


We practice us in the AM.

Did you know that you are more likely to stick to your routine if you exercise first thing in the morning? Most social events occur after work; Additionally, after a day of 12 hours, you're probably too exhausted to exercise quality! Plan your workout first thing in the morning to make sure you do not skip it. Bonus: You will also most likely to go to bed earlier.


We track our progress


A week, a customer has 5 pull-ups. Then 6 next week. Then 8 next week. 10 Then next week! And he wrote everything, what I do too. It is very satisfied to see where you started and how you proceed. Keeping your track of your workouts and your growth will provide you a pat on the back every time you open your book to look back and see how far you've come!


We try to be patient


Want a six-pack? Then set realistic goals! If you plan to go super-flab to completely flat in a matter of weeks, you will be disappointed. Instead, I set short-term goals and long term goals. That means I have 1-3 short-term goals that are 1-3 months long and 1-3 long-term goals that are 3-12 months.


We cook at home


Well, or we find a companion who did. Joke. Not only make you cooking your own food you get all the nutrients you need for good health, but you also save money! Saturday look ahead to the coming week and see how many days you will be home for dinner, and the number of snacks you might need for your day. On Sunday, go to the store and buy enough food for those meals. Now, after a long day of work, you just open the refrigerator and start cooking. No need to run to the store! Psst! Check these32 kitchen hacks to Healthy Eating Chief editors of Eat This, Not That!



Holidays weeks of crazy work ... it does not matter. Every week, people with the best six packets still stick to their better habits. My clients most successful are those that are compatible with their workouts throughout the year; they leave nothing get in the way of their workout! It's like putting on their pants or brush your teeth is something they would not think of not to do!


We Jam Out


Music is like my kryptonite and I'm looking for great new music every week! If you're like me, you need to assemble the best playlist possible before your workout. I'm 50 times harder during a workout when I have my own music. Make sure you have your playlist ready, helmet loaded, and even a pair of backup just in case!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: abs
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