11 benefits of food plants, according to science

Here's what happens to your body when choosing nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits on processed foods and meat.

In partnership with Wonderful Pistachios

2021 should be called "the year of the factory. What was once a gourmet trend is now a huge movement, like eating and herbal its benefits officially entered the dominant current. At the base, the plant-based diet could not be simpler: it eats a lot of foods that come from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals and nuts, and reduce or eliminate animal products ( such as meat, milk, eggs or honey) and processed foods.

Fortunately, eating this way is becoming easier than ever. Grocery stores extend their options to transform the most popular menu items in more healthy alternatives made from whole foods, herbal options are blooming everywhere. And if you are not familiar with the benefits of eating more plants, you are in it for a treat: scientists and health experts as well have published tons of data in recent years on the many bodies, The spirit and benefits for the health of a plant based on.

Here are some of the positive changes that you can personally experience eating more plants, directly from scientific research.



fajita vegetables

Foods of vegetable origin are packaged with fibers, that your body has more difficulty to digest than other foods. as theMAYO Clinic Recalls, "Fiber-rich foods provide not only the volume but also longer to digest, make you feel satisfied longer less calories. »

Fruits, vegetables and whole grains have all natural fibers and are lower in calories, so integrate them into your daily diet can allow you to eat more food without gaining weight necessarily. Nuts are also an excellent source of natural fiber, according to theHarvard.Wonderful pistachios have fewer calories than other nuts, and just a portion of a handle-or 49 nuts has a 3 grams of impressive fibers and 6 grams of protein to keep you full.

In addition, a study on the effects of a plant-based diet posted in the journalNutrients In 2019 revealed that herbal eating usually comes with a reduced caloric intake that can actually burn fat. In fact, in a study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal, Overweight men and women who consumed five portions of fruits and vegetables per day lost nearly 7 pounds over 16 weeks.



Blood Cholesterol Report Test Healthcare

Many foods of plant origin naturally contain two healthy fat forms for mono-unsaturated fatty acids and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (AGMI and AGPI), which can both help reduce your bad cholesterol levels (LDL).

Nuts and pistachios, especially asWonderful pistachios-Is these great sources of healthy fats. In fact, a study published in theNutrition Reviews Of five clinical studies have found that those with moderately high cholesterol levels that consumed between 32 and 126 grams of pistachios per day experienced "a significant reduction in total cholesterol. This is good news for your habit snack ... and your heart!


blood pressure

Nurse taking the blood pressure of elderly man

Foods of vegetable origin are a great source of vitamins and essential minerals including vitamin B6. According toCleveland Clinic, B6 "promotes blood circulation by helping blood transport oxygen for cells", which can help reduce your blood pressure. Specific plant foods that contain a good dose of this essential vitamin include chickpeas, green vegetables with dark leaves, bananas, oranges, papayas, salmon and pistachios.


Increased cardiac health

Adult male with heart attack or heart burn

Thanks to the blood and the pressure of the hypocholesterolemonger benefits of eating a plant-based diet, your risk of heart disease (and its complications, such as the heart attack or stroke) can be significantly reduced. shared with the search for theAmerican Heart AssociationIn 2017 found that a herbal diet is associated with a lower risk of developing heart failure in people without cardiac disease diagnosed previously or heart failure.

"A diet mainly dark green leaves, fruits, beans, whole grains and fish, while limiting processed meats, saturated fats, trans fat, refined carbohydrates and foods rich in added sugars is a healthy lifestyle for the heart and can specifically help prevent heart failure if you have not already, "the authors of the study said AHA.


Muscular force

Woman with strong muscle arms doing push ups for exercise

Plants are full of proteincontain essential amino acids That the body does not naturally matter, but are essential for muscle strength and repair. By adding whole grains, nuts and products to your daily diet, you can be getting the muscular support protein you need, even if you skip meat products or animals.


Disease prevention

plant-based burger

Chronic inflammation in the body has been linked to autoimmune diseases and can be caused by environmental or dietary triggers, a 2019 magazine published in the journal.Borders of nutrition said. Soda, fries, red and margarine meat are infamous inflammatory triggers, according toHarvard HealthConsidering that they "can play a role promoted in the auto-immune process, and a compromised intestinal barrier can allow food ... to enter the blood, trigger an inflammation", review notes.

On the other hand, plant-based foods such as tomatoes, olive oil, fruits and nuts, likeWonderful pistachios, have the opposite effect and are considered some of the best anti-inflammatory choices there.


Slower aging

Woman's face

Eye conditions related to age may not see the light of day if you eat more plants now, says theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology. Eat many green leafy, colorful fruits, seafood, olive oil, whole grains and nuts is a way to prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts, confirms theNational Institute of Blind People.

To eatWonderful pistachiosIn particular, it is a great way to prevent macular degeneration related to age and its effects of blur. Two amino acids found in a handle of these pistaches rich in antioxidants are found in any other nut and have been linked to help reduce the risk of developing the disease, according to theCleveland Clinic.


Glucose Regulation

Holding pistachio snack in hands

All fiber-based foods contain are not simply perfect for the management of blood pressure and cholesterol - it can also help limit blood glucose for those with and without diabetes. The carbohydrates are the main source of energy of the body and are absorbed quickly - even the sweets, treated. That's why you can meet picks of sugar in the blood after eating them. But plant fibers can slow carbohydrate absorption and help prevent headaches, thirst and even blurred vision that is usually associated with high blood glucose, depending on theAmerican News and Global Report.

It is important to choose sound snacks between meals.Wonderful pistachios contain 3 grams of fiber in one serving.


More energy


Eating herbal meals full of nutrients, vitamins, protein and fiber is a key to getting more energy. Whole foods are in their purest forms and have not been treated and filled with additional sugars and chemicals, so it's the way the body absorbs it, saysThe Mayo Clinic. This means that herbal foods are an excellent meal or snack to have before exercising and this includes pistachios.


Softer skin

woman with good skin

A review published inThe magazine of clinical and aesthetic dermatology In May 2020, indicates that a plant-based diet was "demonstrated to extend telomeres, a marker for cell aging" and "maximizing the antioxidant potential of our cells". It is also said that doctors should recommend following a more-based diet on patients seeking to eliminate their skin.


Progression of reduced cancer

pistachios in a bowl

Anew study From the University of Texas Mr. D. Anderson Cancer Center found that men with prostate cancer who eat a stricter Mediterranean food, which is full of herbal foods - can see a lower risk of progression. The study was conducted on 410 men with prostate cancer that have been allocated to a high, medium or low mediterranean diet score based on a food frequency questionnaire and nine food groups. energy. Researchers found that male participants who ate more nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, olive oil, legumes, beans and seeds were a lower risk of their progress Cancer.

Start integrating more plant-based foods likeWonderful pistachios, in your diet today, and you can start seeing these advantages.

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