4 reasons why your cat pee outside the litter, veterinarians say

No, they are not only angry with you. Here is what this disturbing feline behavior means.

Like anychat owner Knows, the smell of feline urine may be impossible to get rid of. And if your cat has peed on the floor or furniture, there is a good chance that they will be attracted to do it again in the same place. It is often said that cats pee when they are angry with their owners-maybe you started going back to the office after a year at home, or maybe you had a new baby that attracts the whole 'Warning. But at the same timeAnimals certainly feel stress and sadness, anger is not the reason why they will generally have an accident. After talking to veterinarians, we learned that there were four main reasons for which your cat pee outside the litter. Continue to read to discover what they are and how you can limit this disturbing feline behavior.

Read this then:The 6 best dog breeds that get along with cats, according to experts.

They are stressed.

Millennial handsome man with his Russian blue cat at home
Drazen_ / Istock

As mentioned, cats can absolutely feel emotions. However, pee outside the litter is rarely done to teach you a lesson, as is generally supposed. It is generally because they feel stressed, and just like humans, they develop nervous habits.

"Cats are sensitive animals that can be easily stressed by changes in their environment," explainsMelissa M. Brock, aveterinarian certified by the council and author at Pango Pets. "Things like moving houses or introducing new animals or furniture can make them feel confused or even threatened by something they used to hold as" normal ". This is particularly true with regard to their litter because it seems to be such a simple thing, but it is actually a big problem for certain cats! ""

AccordingMikel Maria Delgado, PHD, aCat behavior expert With Rover, as soon as you notice that your cat pee outside the litter, assess if their emotional needs are met: "Do they have places to feel safe? At home? Do they have messages to scratch and things to occupy them (like food puzzles, perches, toys)? Do you do your cat exercise by day by interactive play? "Sometimes sometimes , everything you need to put things on the right track is an additional little love and attention.

They mark their territory.

gray cat and ginger cat by empty bowls of food in the kitchen.
Anastasiya tsiasemnikava / shutterstock

The main stressors for cats are new family members, like another animal or baby. In these cases, your feline can engage in what is called marking. "If you have brought a new cat or other animals to the house, and your cat is not intended to be entirely, pee outside the litter could be an act of domination to establish their territory" , ExplainJacquelyn Kennedy, founder andCEO of Petdt.

If this is the case, Kennedy recommends socializing your cat appropriately. For example, most veterinarians recommend keeping a new separate cat for several days and gradually introducing them. She also suggests giving each cat their own space, so they do not feel threatened. For male cats, sterilization will also reduce their desire to "spray" or mark their space, according toShort courtJackson, veterinarian and founder ofAnimal digestion.

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They are unhappy with their litter or their litter.

two adorable fluffy kittens looking at their litterbox
Shutterstock / Galsand

Humans have the basic desire to use a clean bathroom in private - and cats are not very different. "Cats have more olfactory receptors than humans. What could be clean for us is not for your cat," notesLea Fronterhouse, ABCCT, FFCP, Chat behavior consultant and trainer atCat pajamas advice. "Try to pick up several times a day with a complete litter replacement and wash the box with a light unfoiled soap every two weeks."

Cats can also hesitate to go to a litter that has just been used by another cat. According to Delgado, "you should have at least one chat box plus an additional box, so if you have a cat, two boxes; if you have two cats, three boxes, etc."

Your kitty may also not like the type of litter you use. The fragrant or coarse litter can disturb her nose and his legs, explainsAmanda Takiguchi, veterinarian and founder ofTrendy breeds. Delgado says that "a soft, sandy and non -fragrant litter" is ideal.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Or, the problem could be with the box itself. Some cats find their configuration too exposed, they therefore prefer a covered litter, while others like to do their business standing and find an obstructive cover. Delgado does not like "robot" (self -cleaning) of litter ", because they do not offer enough space for cats, and certain cats find the mechanism frightening."

And, of course, make sure that the box is large enough for your pet to feel comfortable. "As a rule, the litter must be once and a half the length of your cat," advisesDanny Jackson, co-founder, CEO and editor-in-chief ofCompany lover.

Finally, consider where the box is. “Cats do not want to do their business in an animated area of ​​the house. If the litter is placed somewhere where there is a lot of friends, "said Danny.

In addition, Courtnye recommends having a litter on each floor if you have a house on several levels. Sometimes the problem could be as simple as your cat cannot hold it!

They are sick.

A tiny orange kitten being examined at the vet.
Famveld / Shutterstock

If there is a doubt that your cat's litter misfortunes are not behavioral as described above, make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately. AccordingJamie Whittenburg, DVM, main veterinarian atCat world, the most common health problems that would cause it to urinate it outside the litter are cystitis, urinary tract infections (UTI), urethral obstructions and bladder calculations.

"Cystitis is the medical term for the inflammation of the bladder," explains Whittenburg. "This condition is the first cause of inappropriate urination that I see in cats in my practice." Although she notes that veterinarians are not sure of how cystitis develops, she says that stress is definitely playing a role. "These cats will often fight, go frequently in the litter frequently, have blood in their urine and urine outside the litter, often in sinks, baths and clothes," adds Whittenburg. Treatment includes a diet rich in humidity, special prescription foods, stress management and pain relievers.

It is generally believed that urinary tract infections are the main culprit behind this behavior. But Whittenburg says it's much less common. "Women are more at risk due to their shorter urethras, but I see many cases of poorly diagnosed cystitis like a urinary tract infection," she notes. "A real use is caused by bacteria in the bladder." If an urine analysis shows bacteria, your veterinarian can simply prescribe antibiotics.

Male cats are more prone to obstructions in the urethra. "Small crystals and mucus formed in the bladder move in the narrowed urethra and block it. A complete obstruction will make the cat incapable of urinating and is an absolutely deadly emergency. However, partial obstructions can be painful and cause a cat To urinate outside their litter, "explains Whittenburg. She warns that partial obstructions can quickly become complete, so do not hesitate to make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Crystals in the urine can also "merge and form stones in the bladder," she says. "The stones irritate the walls of the bladder and cause discomfort and emergency. These cats often urine outside their litter bins." Not only is it painful for your kitty, but it can cause urethral obstruction and even death. "If a bladder stone is observed on an x -ray or ultrasound, your veterinarian will obtain a sample of urine to determine the type of stone. Some stones can be dissolved with special diets, while others will require a surgical removal "Adds Whittenburg.

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Tags: animals / News / Pets
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