Too much salt causes fast weight gain

Feel salty about your current weight? Try to cut the sodium. According to recent conclusions, it makes us implore like fat, a lot.

In your quest to reduce the wing, you have again coupe on creamy foods, sweet snacks and even carbohydrates. (Oprah is not so secretly rolling his eyes on this last thing.) But the ladder is to be more stubborn than ever. Your next strategy? Back Cut salt. According to two studies conducted by the Deakin University in Australia, who consume too much sodium can lead to desires of fatty foods, which can certainly cause weight gain. Not cool, salt.

There are more bad news: even if you do not think you eat a lot of salty stuff, you're probably. (Cue Grottings!) Dietary guidelines recommend that adults limit their sodium consumption to less than 2,300 milligrams per day of the government. (Which is what you would find in 2.3 Big Mac or 11.5 single salt packets.) Meanwhile, it is estimated that the average American consumes approximately per day 3,300 milligrams of sodium, with 75 percent thereof from processed foods and meals at the restaurant. (Get a taste of what we want to say by checking these20 restaurant desserts with more salt than a bag of pretzels!)

But let's go back to school: on the basis of the previous results, the researchers at Deakin University had a presentiment that Mess could be salted with sensitivity fat, so they created two experiments to test the theory. During their first trial, they had 49 participants taste a variety of milk tomato soups with different concentrations of salt and fat. The participants were then invited to evaluate each, noting their desire to continue siphoning. The sensitivity of the fats was also measured by noting the capacity of the participants to taste fatty acids in the milk. According to the data, people really like the taste of salt. In fact, they found that salt was more important than fat when it came to the yum factor of soups. More interesting, they found that people who were sensitive to the taste of preferred fat the low fat contentsoups More than those who are less sensitive, but only for soups without salt added. Once the salt has been added to the mixture, their preference for a lower fat version has changed, suggesting that the salt "masks" our fatty breadth preference. In simple terms: "The strong effect of salt on pleasantness can indicate that salt is the main engine of [desires for] ... Tasty fat foods [S], say the authors.

The second study examined how salt affects the amount of food we consume. The team of researchers recruited 48 participants and have come four times for lunch. They were served macaronis and sauce each day with variable concentrations of fat and salt. The researchers measured food intake each day and discovered that participants consumed 11 percent less calories when their meals were lower in upper salt and fat. They also observed that people eaten the most when they were given in salt, a meal rich in fat, indicating that high levels of salt disorder with the body satiety signals.

"Our body has biological mechanisms to tell us when to stop eating, and the fat active these mechanisms in people who are sensitive to the taste of fat," says the author of the lead study, Professor Russell Keast. "However, when the salt is added to the food, these mechanisms are blunt and people end up eating more food. This can bring you to eat more fatty foods and over time, your body or adapts becomes less sensitive to grease, which will lead you to eat more to get the same feelings of fullness. Although many fats have health benefits (like these20 healthy fats to make you slim), They are as dense in calories, so eat large portions can result in weight gain.

Eating this! advice

To reduce on the things of salty aid and the books come off, limit your food food consumption, and the back also cut on sodium-filled snacks and grocery items (such as potatoes,baccadé of beef, Tomato sauce, canned soup and soda).

Categories: Healthy Eating
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