7 energizing foods better than a red bull

Try to remember the last time you had an eight full hours of sleep.

Was it a weekend? Thus thought. America is a nation of over-operated and under-rest. Fortunately, while it might not be possible to change your workload or schedule, there is a healthy way to stimulate energy and fuel workouts without the imminent sugar accident with energy drinks. Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder of the NY NUTRITION group, shares 7 more and more energy foods that will allow you to get through your superhuman schedule without feeling exhausted. Bonus: They are probably already in your kitchen.




"Egg yolks are naturally rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for converting energy food and also have a vitamin D to maintain strong bones. In addition, they are one of the best sources of protein, Essential especially after an intense training session when the muscle failure occurs most, "says Moskovitz.

Energy Board: If the idea of ​​eating whole eggs makes you nervous, stick to an entire egg at a time. Add 2-3 egg whites in omelettes, plus filling vegetables for a skinny energy breakfast.




Soybeans are high in nutrients that strengthen your energy levels such as B vitamins, copper and phosphorus. "Complex vitamins B work to break down the carbohydrates that we consume in glucose for fuel. At the same time, they help to transport oxygen throughout the body. Copper and phosphorus are both converting the food consumed in energy and the release of cells so as to be used. By the body. Edamame also provides carbohydrates, fibers and exercise proteins for the muscles. Just 1 cup of shelled soy beans in more than 8 g of fiber Filling and 17 g of protein, "says Moskovitz.

Energy Board: The best time to choose this snack is when you fill out energy stores after a difficult workout. You can also add a touch of salt to restore lost electrolytes.


Full cereal

whole grain cereal

"High fiber whole grain grain cereals slow down the blood glucose release that ultimately translates into more coherent energy levels throughout the day. Sudden increase in blood glucose, which occurs after missed Refined carbohydrates like Candy causing crèches in blood glucose and excess production of the pancreas insulin, "says Moskovitz." Insulin is responsible for getting the blood glucose and cells. When glucose levels become too fast too quickly, insulin levels ".

Energy Board: A quality of fortified whole grain cereals has almost all the important vitamins and minerals, so that the reading labels carefully. GENERAL MILLS FIBER ONE GOES THE MOSKOVITZ APPROVAL WARK. Whatever the cereal you choose should have at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Serve with skim milk or a non-matte Greek yogurt for additional proteins.


Mountain mix

trail mix

"Nuts and dried fruits are the ideal combination of healthy fats, fibers and protein. While refined carbohydrates that are empty fiber falls rapidly grucose for short gusts of energy, the fibers make it possible to slow down the release of glucose, so there is always a constant supply. Similar to fiber, the protein also slows the metabolism of carbohydrates and repairs muscle damage to prevent post-drive pain. Greases such as nuts, seeds and oils are notorious to offer sustainable energy, especially for longer races or swimming more than one hour. Since carbohydrates are the first macronutrian to use during the activity, they can easily become exhausted at what point the body. Supports the energy of fat, "explains Moskovitz.

Energy Board: Make your own mix of trails to prevent sugar and excess oil; It's easy and you can adapt the mix to your favorite flavor combos. Try mixing raw nuts such as pistachios, almonds or peanuts with seeds and dried fruits. Add to some whole grain cereals or pretzels to pack in higher carbohydrates.



quinoa salad

"Quinoa is a gluten-free grain that contains more protein than any other grain or rice. The grain is so rich in amino acids, which is considered a complete source of protein, lysine, methionine and the cysteine ​​- ideal for post-training meals to help build muscles. It is also high in folate, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, making it a source of nutrition carbohydrates for sustainable energy levels " Explains Dr. Lindsey Duncan, Celebrity Nutritionist (he worked with Tony Dorsett and Reggie Bush), naturopathic doctor and co-founder of Genesis today Superfood products.

Energy Board: Quinoa is an excellent replacement of wheat or refined carbohydrates as it is free of gluten, protein conditioning and can help support a healthy cardiovascular system, blood pressure levels and intestinal health. Simply simply a grain, like bread, rice or pasta, for quinoa and feel these levels of energy increases, Dr. Duncan recommends.


Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds

"A handful of raw combs or dry roasted pumpkin seeds can give you a natural jolt in power through a workout. The pumpkin seeds are a good source of protein, healthy greases and fiber, by holding you Fully annoyed, "said Dr. Duncan. "They also contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which provide additional energy support to maximize gym time."

Energy Board: The pumpkin seed oil is another great way to harvest the benefits if you do not want to keep the seeds at your fingertips. Dr. Duncan recommends the 3-6-7-9 mixture of overfruit oil 3-6-7-9 to all foods.


Goji berries

goji berries

"Energy berries reinforce Goji's berries have been used for thousands of years of Chinese medicine to help increase energy and improve hormone release. Goji increases the body's ability to manage stress and support health , mind and memory, while giving you Energie Up-And-Goimage to do your workout at Next Next, "said Dr. Duncan." Goji is also beneficial to increase blood flow, which contributes to oxygenate All cells and body tissues, including sex organs, which increases libido, which is why they call Goji the "Viagra of China".

Energy Board: "Get goji in liquid form because the liquids are more easily assimilated in the body - you should eat hundreds of times more goji dried berries to get the same benefits," says Dr. Duncan.

Courtesy ofMen's Fitness

Categories: Healthy Eating
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