How to get 20 grams of protein with each meal

Improve your favorite dishes with these high protein adjustments to strengthen your metabolism.

How muchProteins do you need a day? TheDietary reference is 0.8 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight or0.36 grams per book. This means that themean American woman of 170 pounds and the average American man of 198 pounds should take62 or 72 grams of protein per day, respectively. If you eat three meals a day, you should have at least20 grams of protein per mealto meet these recommendations.

Do you eat enough protein per meal?

The protein combines the muscular building process, dull hunger, and can help prevent obesity, diabetes and heart disease. And although most of us know at least some of these advantages, few of us eat the appropriate amount. While some of us eatToo many proteins (which can actually lead to weightGain), those who adhere to vegan and vegetarian regimes can actually suffer from aprotein deficiency.

To help you get at least 20 grams of protein per meal, we have rounded 20 simple ways to hit the 20-gram bar at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Integrate even more protein, you can also nibble theseHigh protein snacks between meals.

How to get 20 grams of protein at breakfast.



colorful brown eggs

In every big egg you will findSix grams of protein. So, if you fear three of them in a saucepan with a shredded American cheese cup, you will have a total of23 grams of protein Even before polishing your daily mug of Java!

If you are not a cheese fan, add some tablespoons toGreek yogurt To the cracked egg mixture to make scrambled eggs of fluffy. Always hungry? Nosh on bays or an apple (skin on!) To get a success offiber To keep you full and satisfied until lunch time.



yogurt berries nuts

A portion of 2% Greek yogurt transports 150 calories and impressive packs20 grams of protein. Take your container with fresh fruit and nuts for a softness and an extra lacrosse.


Improve your oats

healthy oatmeal little spoon

When prepared with water and surmounted by fruit, an oat cup will serve about 7 grams of protein. Hit20 gramsUse a mug of milk of 1% milk (6 g / protein) instead of H 2 O and high on the bowl with an ½ cup of sealed almonds (6 g / protein). For gentleness and added flavor, use a small honey drizzle and some cinnamon shakes.


Add protein powder

chocolate protein powder

If you make smoothies,groats, pancakes or waffles, protein powder can help you make your meal healthier and more filling. A standard scoop has about18 to 35 grams of proteinSo you can be assured that you will hit the nutrition brand.

RELATED: This7-day Smoothie Regime will help you lose these last books.


Call on cottage cheese

avocado toast with cottage cheese

If you like Toast Lawado, you go gaga for this upgrade of protein. Make the dish shown above, install two slices of breadezekiel bread On a plate, at the top, each with a trimester of cheese cottage low in sodium, then sprinkle with a tablespoon of ½ spoon of seeds of chia and pepper to taste. Top cheese with a quarter of a lawyer then the season with another crushing pepper. That's it! Talk about an easy way to hit your morningProtein of 20 grams quota.


Pour a better bowl

kashi cereal

Even if you sit on a bowl of low sugar cereals each morning, you probably do not consume more than 10 grams of protein - and most of them probably came from cow's milk. However, we assume that we use a cup of milk, a simple exchange at a high protein cereal like Kashi Go lean (the 12 g / 1 ¼ cup) can allow you to go to the target of 20 grams. Talk about an easy andHealthy breakfast idea!


Pudding chia

pumpkin chia pudding

Sick of yogurt? Try the pudding of the chia seed. The dish offers an easy and scaling way to get tons of protein and healthy fat. And not to mention, there is a ton of different ways to savor a basic recipe that guarantees practically that you will never let go your taste buds. To prepare a portion, combine 3 tablespoons of chia seeds, a cup of cow's milk, 1 tablespoons of maple syrup and a vanilla teaspoon in a pavement with a lid. Cover the container, shake it and leave it cold during the night. In the morning, off the pudding with an ¼ cup of almonds apart and your choice of fruits. The resulting dish will be the one with 375 calories, 17 grams of protein and 11 grams of satisfaction fiber. To start the number of proteins up to 22 grams, add a ¼ filly of protein powder.


Have Lox on Ezekiel Toast

salmon breakfast sandwich

Instead of spreading a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, go to two slices of Ezekiel bread filled with protein, smother it with a spoon with whipped cream cheese (since it It is filled with air, you can get away from), and the high off with 3 ounces of LOX. This simple but tasty combo will give you 24 grams ofproteinand 6 grams of filling fibers for 285 calories! It's not much better than that.


Do a protein box

Starbucks Protein Bistro Box

If you frequent Starbucks, you probably saw their protein bistro box. (It is one who is filled with a hard egg, cheddar cheese, muesli bread, apples, grapes and peanut butter.) Although we liked the protein-rich combo, a box costs 5, $ 75. In addition, he falls a little under the target of 20 grams. To amplify the protein and save money, make your own Smorgasbord at home. Our combination go-to a combination - which includes 2 hard eggs, 1 slice of ezekiel bread surmounted by 1 tablespoons of natural peanut butter and 1 mini babybel cheddar cheese-strike the nutrition brand, serving 23 grams of protein and tons of satisfactionhealthy fats. Always hungry? Point a fruit for some additional fibers and nutrients.

Ways to get 20 grams of protein during lunch.


Top your salad

chicken salad

If a garden salad and a cup of soup are your combination of lunch, you can or not enjoy enough protein to stay fully and satisfied with your middle-afternoon meetings. To get more protein during your afternoon meal, add a mass to your salad. Every ounce of animal protein (which includes all fish and chicken with turkey and steak) contains between 5 and 10 grams of protein, whileVegetarian sources of proteins Like eggs and hard beans have about 8 and 11 grams per half cup.


Upgrade your PB & J

pb banana sandwich

A typical PB & J on white bread will give you about 9.5 grams of protein and 2 grams of high fiber. Some simple modifications, however, can seriously raise the nutritional quality of your lunch. Simply exchange white bread forEzekiel Provides 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber! Commerce of jam for slices of fresh strawberries, add a pinch of Chia with two tablespoons of nut butter and extend it between the bread. In the end, your Sammy will contain a little less than 20 grams of protein and nine grams of fiber. It's not too shabby for an axis of playground! Always hungry? While a sandwich filled with 390 nutrients of calories should be enough to fill you, you can always pair the dish with an organic chain cheese horizon for 80 additional calories and 8 grams of protein.


Open-faced tuna

tuna melt open face

When it is smart, this end-of-night dinner clip squeezes protein. Hitting a Sammy with 23 grams of the muscular repair nutrient, turn 2 ounces of tuna (without mayo!) And two slices of tomato on a slice of bread listened to Ezekiel and Zap in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds to get The cheese all melted. Associate the open-faced sandwich with a piece of fruit or side salad for additional fiber and vitamins.


Tote along a thermos

chili bowl healthy

A standard portion of Chile has between 30 and 40 grams of protein, making it one of the easiest and most cozis ways to get your daily protein dose. Do you want to dig your spoon during the week? The safest way to get your chili and from the office is in athermos. To make sure your fittings and your add-ins do not receive Soggy, pack them on the side.


Packaging of lettuce

lettuce taco shell

To obtain a strong fit of tasty protein - without breaking the calorie bank - make a lettuce film inspired by Fajita. Simply 2 ounces of grilled chicken, 2 tablespoons of black beans, slices of peppers and onions and a soup spoon of salsa in a large leaf of Roman lettuce or two - and enjoy! You can also launch some avocado slices at the top for an additional dose ofhealthy fats.


Try Tempeh

kale tofu salad

If you try to reduce the meat and by-products of animal origin, but you do not want to fall short on your protein intake, consider adding a tempeh (a fermented soy product that absorbs any flavor to which it is Discount) to your weekly lunch - at the top. One of our favorite tempeh dishes is a salad that combines the alternative to dice meat with curly cabbage, grapefruit, lawyer and chopped almonds. If you are using 1.5 cup of green, 4 ounces of tempered tempeh and ¼ cup almonds you will hit your target of 20 grams, no problem.

Get at least 20 grams of protein for dinner.



chicken dinner

No matter how you savor it, add a piece of 3 ounce chicken to your dinner to your dinner one of the simplest ways to hit your quota in protein. Associate it with a whole grain (like quinoa or brown rice) and vegetables for awell rounded dinner.


Get creation with Quesadillas

white bean quesadilla flickr

If you are a big fan of Tex-Mex eating, you are sure to love this creative touch and rich in protein on the quesadilla always nice. To make our GO-TO recipe, place an Ezekiel tortilla or 6-inch whole grains on a stove and let it warm up a little. Then add 1 oz from white cheddar, 3 tablespoons cannellini beans and ½ cup kale shredded. Fold the tortilla in half, tap and cook for 1 to 2 minutes per side or until golden brown. While the Quesadilla Cuisine on the stove, combine 4 tablespoons of plainGreek yogurt With 2 tablespoons of low sugar barbecue sauce in a small bowl. The combo makes a low-murderer dipped dip for your dinner.



teff powder

While brown rice is healthier than white rice, TEFF is the grain you should eat if you want to hit high protein lenses. While brown rice has only 5 grams ofprotein per cup, TEFF door 10 of the same service size. And not only that, the fully naked grain and Nutty Nuty contains 30% of the iron of the day and four times more calcium than quinoa. Calcium-rich diets have been associated with lower body weight and reduce weight gain over time, so it's certainly good news! Given that a portion of TEFF will get you halfway from the mark of 20 grams, all you need to know is how you will want to take 10 extra grams. Here are some combos of veggie meat and vegetables that hit the target: 1 cup of cooked spinach with a grilled chicken ounce (13 grams); 1-ounce of steak with 1/2 cup of broccoli (11 grams); or 2 ounces of shrimp with a ½ cup of jumped zucchini.




While the phrases "the packaged protein" and "go out"Are not generally considered synonymous, it's easy to take 20 grams of protein - without sacrificing your healthy consumption efforts - if you know what to order. Send yourself the edamame and a shrimp and lawyer roll. ( Simply make sure it's not tempura shrimp!) Or if they have, spring for Sashimi of wild salmon. Teriyaki chicken (without rice with sauce on the side) is also a safe bet, rich in protein .


Hit a better Mac and Cheese

Banza Mac and Cheese

With twice the protein and four times the Blue Box brand fiber brand, Mac and Banza chickpea cheese could be the only comfort food on the market that can help your muscles grow. A portion has 18 grams of protein, so if you serve a bowl with a spinach-based side salad, you can easily access more than 20 grams. A green green veggie cup packages 5 grams of nutrient.

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