17 reasons why you can not lose weight, according to nutritionists

If you worked hard to drop these unwanted books, but the ladder does not move, you could make these mistakes.

So you have counted calories diligently, hit the gym a few days a week and drink your 64 ounces of water a day. So why will not the ladder move? You could sabotage without even realizing it.

Even some "healthy" habits you have incorporated into your weight loss routine, you could actually make the balance or worse, increase. So what gives? We have exploited these nutritional experts on some of the biggest mistakes they see from their customers about their weight loss trips. With some simple changes, you can finally see the scale down. And if you need more inspiration, consult our list of100 best weight loss tips never.


You jump breakfast

Woman eating cereal

"Skip breakfast and have two large meals instead. Unless a person intentionally uses an intermittent fasting technique, eating in this way can lead to eating very large meals, which does not affect the blood glucose and weight. It also leads to a leptin., Who is a hormone secreted by adipose tissues that plays a role in his ability to lose weight. We want our leptin to be effective, then have a breakfast based of protein within 30 minutes of wake up can lead to a better hormonal profile for weight. Loss. "

- Nicole Anziani, CDE, FIT4D


You ignore overall health

Chicken avocado salad

"[A] A weight loss error People are focusing too much on calories and not enough about health. I advise customers to help them feel good and healthy. I want them to have high energy levels, feel good in their clothes and pure diseases. Usually, it means that they will eat a healthier than normal diet with many products, lean proteins and healthy fat, all have been linked to weight loss. I am also a great defender of the 80/20 rule - it's eating as much healthy food as possible from 80% of the time and to engage in your favorite treats by 20% of the time . I think if someone has healthy behaviors, the numbers of the scale will reflect that. "

- Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD


You do not believe you can

Woman cravings

"There are many reasons why people can not lose weight and it starts with them in fact that they do not do it. I have never heard someone say" I can not lose weight "And start by magic to see books. The first step to lose weight is to reset your mind and welcome weight loss so that it can actually happen ... people do not realize it, but when they say, "I can not lose weight", it affects all their food choices and they start self-sabotage. For example, "I could also finish my children chicken nuggets or ice container because I can not lose weight anyway. "Our body reaches what our mind believes. Therefore, when you start repeating and that you believe" my body likes to lose weight and I'm in weight loss mode " all your food choices and your behaviors start T to prepare for success so that you can start meeting your weight loss goals. "

- Ilaana Muhlstein, Rd, Nutritionist forExplore cooking


You do not sleep enough

Tired man

"Do not have enough sleep can make it difficult to lose weight. It is recommended to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Too little sleep can make us feel foggy and tired the next day. To help fight against the Fatigue, our personal personal people, usually in the form of sugar. It makes it difficult to eat with force. "

-Lauren Manganiello MS, RD, owner ofLauren Manganiello Nutrition & Fitness


You do not pay attention to the portions


"It's easy to go both on both the portion without even achieving it. Take handles here and it can quickly add up. When you find out a bag, you easily lose a trace of How much you consumed. Our plates and bowls are also much larger nowadays, we tend to eat more simply because we like to see a plate filled rather than a plate with appropriate portions and empty spaces. "

- Gina Hassick, MA, RD, LDN, owner ofEating well with Gina


You dotted all day


"What happen is that patients end up eating a lot of extra calories through tiny tastes and snacks and never give their bodies a chance to be able to exploit their fat reserves. They constantly form their insulin. And their blood sugar and telling their bodies to store, against use, their fuel. "

- Nicole Anziani, CDE, FIT4D


You are too restrictive


"I often find that my patients are not able to lose weight when they believe that the restriction will result in a quick weight loss. Patients who deliberately restrict too much to eat at a future time. It is difficult to maintain a restricted calorie plan. Without sabotageing these efforts. I think a healthy and sustained weight loss can occur when you consume a balanced diet with one or two "treatments" during your week. The idea is not limited, but to avoid Most unhealthy foods most days. "

- Leah Kaufman, MS, Rd, CDE, CDN


You are not consistent


"I would say that the behavior I see most is not consistent and that you let things slip because of a bad meal, snack or event. For example, someone goes in three good days then something happens where they do not feel like they were "perfect" and they say, "Oh well, I greeted badly so what is the point" and they continue to eat until Monday or to say to My clients, consistency is what you get the results. So if you have a bad time, go on the track the next time you eat. The wrong meal is never the reason you gain weight, This is what happens again and again. "



You exceed after workouts

Man eating

"If you allow yourself to finish each workout with a high calorie sports drink or a huge meal, you almost instantly eat the calories you just burn. Sweet sports drinks can be the largest culprit in this regard. Your best bet consists of sticking to the water to rehydrate after exercise. Keep small-drive snacks: a low fat cheese stick, reduced fat chocolate milk or half a protein bar which has both proteins and carbohydrates. "

- Ashvini Mashru, Ma, Rd, LDN


You eat too much carbohydrates at breakfast

couple eating donuts

"A bowl of cereals with milk is very low protein and a low probable fiber unless a very" all "grain is chosen. You can fix a person for a blood glucose crash that can lead to excess hunger and choices. Poor throughout the day. Aim for a choice of higher fiber proteins and meager, can keep you longer and help you start the day of the right foot. "

- Nicole Anziani, CDE, FIT4D


You forget how much you really eaten


"I think people sometimes underestimate how much they eat. An entrance dinner in a restaurant can easily top 1,500 calories and sometimes we continue to eat just because it's there. Sitting in front of the screens and the Frantiesie Watching your favorite shows could lead to a binging without perfection on the treats. Before knowing it, an entire bag or a bowl of snacks is gone. With both, there is an easy reset. Pause before a meal or put less In the bowl before starting the show - this integrated speed bump can help you be more aware and help you recognize a little better the signals of hunger and fullness. "

- Marisa Moore, RDN,Marisa Moore Nutrition


You focus too much on the exercise

Weight training

"Many people think they can exercise enough to burn additional calories - you can not go beyond a bad diet. You can work seven days a week, but if you eat too much, or [eat] bad for you foods, You will not get the results you go after. "

- Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CDN, Actual NYC Nutrition Nutrition


Or you only do cardio


"Sometimes, when people are focused on weight loss, they want to burn a lot of calories by doing cardio. While burning calories is certainly important, sometimes they engage in a difficult cardio volume to maintain In the long run. metabolically, their bodies can cling to the big stores if they exert strongly and did not eat enough calories to maintain it. It also seems to fear lift weights and build muscles because of The fear of "swelling".

"In my opinion, there is nothing better than you can do, fitness-wise, for your overall health and long-term weight success as muscular construction. A combination of cardiovascular trainingand Bodybuilding is the secret sauce for the success I've seen in customers. This may not lead to as many losted total books, but this number does not matter if your health and body composition improved. In addition, people who eat appropriately to power their fitness are also the most successful. Exercise like crazy and eating very little is a safe way to saboter long-term success. "

- Chelsea Elkin, MS, RD, CDN


You do not factor in liquid calories

Woman drinking champagne

"I think the biggest weight loss error I see that people do not think about liquid calories. So many people forget that things like a glass of night wine or an occasional sporty drink have added calories that Do not help you to satisfy you. When you are "you try to lose weight, these extra calories cut the process. Instead, opt for things likeWater infused with fruits and herbs, or cut your wine with Seltzer to make a spritzer. "

- Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD


You are not prepared for meals

Meal prep

"If you do not plan or do not prepare, you will probably have to depend on the desire to make your best decision when you are tired, busy and otherwise distracting. Life can have the best of us, so plan the day you go Grocery, food preparation and stove, help you make sure you have the tools you need to make better food decisions when it counts. "

- Nicole Anziani, CDE, FIT4D


You do not eat enough calories

hungry woman

"Many Dangetes make the mistake of thinking that if they cut more calories, they will lose weight faster. Although I stop that the opposite is almost always true. Try to maintain a very low calorie diet. Conduct to sabotage in the form of binging and, finally, give up. In addition, cut too many calories stands your metabolism possibly for the long term. In general, women should not eat less than 1,200 calories and men under 1 500 calories a day, and even these levels are tight enough. "

- Ashvini Mashru, Ma, Rd, LDN


You believe in the halo of health

Granola jar milk

"Some patients [my] patients are deceived by commercialization of food and think things like granola, energy bars, or a sweet bottle green tea are healthy when they really added empty calories and A tip of blood glucose. "

- Nicole Anziani, CDE, FIT4D

"The erroneous nutrition labels or assuming that some foods are good for us [is a problem]. Thus, yogurt perfumes, smoothies, granola, energy bars. Do not assume; Look at the label, then reassess. "

- Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CDN, Actual NYC Nutrition Nutrition

To make sure you have not fallen for any of these so-called "healthy" foods that are really disguised junk food, be sure to avoid the32 health food halo to stop eating immediately.

Categories: Weight Loss
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