How long does it take to marinate the chicken?

There is nothing worse than a dried bird.

It's not a marine secretchicken Can completely turn its flavor. So how long does it take to chicken before yourself to decide to cook it? It depends on the dish you prepare, but there are still rules to keep in mind.

When the chicken is soaked in the perfect mix of oils, acids and spices, it adds more zest and makes the meat tender and juicy. After all, who does not like a deliciousChicken Tikka Masala Wherechicken curry plate?

The marinades are particularly important to grill chicken, because the high heat of the grids can dry. We asked Jason Hall, executive head atIntellectual At New York; Chris Coombs, Chef and owner toUrban hospitality of Boston; and Bogdan (Dan) Danila, Executive Chief ofQueensyard In New York, to perceive how long you should marinate the chicken for best results. Start serving a public tender offer with these expert advice on how to marinate poultry as a professional.

How long does it take to marinate the chicken?

In general, you should not marinate chicken for more than one day. However, the duration of your chicken must marinate is relative to each dish. "I think the marinade should always be appropriate, otherwise you can denature the proteins and have a negative effect on the texture," says Coombs.

Danila suggested that during the preparation of the chicken, the best practice consists of the air dry it by hanging it in the refrigerator for five to six days before use. It also marks the chicken for at least six hours with a 10% lemon juice, which helps the marinade and spices to penetrate the meat. At Queensyard, it uses curry and algae stuffing to stuff the chest and offer extra flavor for the skin. It then slightly covers the chicken with a salt truffle butter. The whip helps avoid splitting when the baked chicken.

You could always think that the most tasty marinades are those who sit longer on meat, but it's not always the case. "These days, I make strong marinades and concentrated at 15-30 minutes before cooking at room temperature in a metal bowl. This allows cooking more than your protein is not cold ice when you start At the cook, "adds coombs.

For a less concentrated marinade, even an hour will do the trick. "When preparing the chicken, I usually let it marinate for about an hour before cooking. But if you use a thicker and more intense marinade, you could do it for a shorter period, "explains Hall.

Is the marinal period different for different meat cups?

If you cook dark meat, you may want to marinate longer, explains the room.

"During the marination, the general rule is that dark leg meat takes longer than breast meat," he says. "During the preparation, I like to use a simple" Vinaigrette style "on the breast-for example, Evoo, lemon juice, herbs and / or spices and a marinade style" thick barbecue sauce on the leg and the thigh ".

How are the ingredients of the marinade charged?

Coombs says it clearly depends on the ingredients you marinate. "The specific concentration of salt, acidity and spices is always a factor," he explains. But even if it's a factor, the product is more important than the marinade.

"A good marinade should contain the bay sheet, thyme, parsley and leeks", suggests Danila. "For fried chicken, a marinade [should contain] Buttermilk, Cilantro, lime, lemon, salt and pepper, parsley, garlic powder and onion powder, immerse the chicken for 24 hours."

The ingredients of a marinade also focus on what will happen if you leave the chicken marinated too long. "All that acidic acids could essentially cook the meat and decompose proteins into meat," says Danila. "This makes it a molded tasting, and it ruins the meat before doing it!"

If you marinate the chicken in a plastic bag?

Many self-proclaimed heads at home use the plastic bag method to marinate. It sounds simple and easy, but it can also make disadvantage to your dish. "If you go marinade for a long time in a bag, it should be more diluted, like a salad vinaigrette, for example, an Italian vinaigrette with a higher oil concentration and less salt," says the coomers. "For me, I think it's a waste of time because I like the flavor of the chicken itself and that I would only like to accent, do not take it." The main advantage of chicken preparation in a bag is that you preserve the overall humidity of the chicken.

RELATED: Easy, healthy recipe ideas, 350 calories that you can do at home.

If you cut the chicken into pieces before marinating it?

Danila recommends that when you cook with fried chicken, you should cut it before mariner. But for a whole roast or a chicken breast, leave it all. He suggested preparing the chicken "on the crown" (with the main OS still in), which will provide the results of the most optimal flavor.

Is boneless chicken easier to marinate?

"Yes, you need a time to marinate shorter because it does not need to affect the bone," says Danila. "It may take a few hours. However, when you cook the chicken in this way, it might not have the same composition of flavor, because you lose the bone, which exploits and reduces flavors throughout the meat. " Looking for more flavor? Let meat on the bone.

Now that you know how to prepare your chicken and what you need to marinate with, you can try a new recipe without stress without spoiling the taste!

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