I tried a tea cleaning for 7 days

Tea saved my mother's life. It changed my life. And I think it will change yours.

Shortly after my birth, my mother has developed a diabetes. He runs in our family; I lost an uncle with the disease and I have other parents who struggle with her. I remember the day I sat with her, after the doctors told him the limitations of Western medicine when she came to diabetes. I asked her her time as a nurse in Korea and what she knew about East Medicine. And the same word continued to come on time and again: tea.

It was a common drink in our house when I was young. And for a short signage in Korea, I had rediscovered tea for myself. Now, with my mother's life at stake, I knew I had to act. I threw myself in research, using the medical history of my parents and my own skills as a dedicated journalist and gourmet.

And what I discovered - and what is shared in my plan7 days old flat belly tea-The a mountain of stunning evidence that tea can not only help eliminate unwanted books and bring blood glucose under control, but can eliminate most of the worst diseases of our time, while helping to eliminate stress and give us the control of our lives. Click on before to see what happened during my first week.


I lost weight immediately


I tried this cleaning myself and within 48 hours, my size was smaller, and I felt lighter, more alert, yet quieter. I shared it with my mother and his 7-day career brought his blood glucose under control and his weight shocking pounds. And then she and I shared it with our friends and the results were the same through the board. In just 48 to 72 hours, our friends reported significant changes in their body shapes, as if tea flattered their belly from the inside.


I focused on green tea

Each tea has its own special weight loss powers, but if your boat is flowing and you can only catch a packet of tea before swimming at the desert island, do it with green tea. Green tea-a basic component of7 days old flat belly tea-Is the bandit that chooses the lock on your fat cells and the drained, even when we do not make the most intelligent food choices. Chinese researchers have found that green tea significantly reduces triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in subjects that eat fatty diets.


I ate delicious meals

You will start your morning with tea, enjoy a smoothie for lunch, then delicious dinner based on lean protein, healthy greases and filling fibers for dinner. Throughout the day, you will enjoy at least 4 cups of delicious teas - the book is filled with 40 selections and recipes for all tastes and budget.


I burned fat faster

Brazilian scientists have discovered that participants who have consumed three cups of the drink every day for a week had fewer markers of damage caused by the cell caused by exercise resistance. This means that green tea can also help you recover faster after an intense workout. In another study, it on participants who combined a daily habit of four to five cups of green tea every day with a 25-minute workout for 12 weeks lost an average of two more books of More than tea drinking exercises.


I stimulated my metabolism


The concentration of EGCG - the superpotted nutrient found in green tea can be up to 137 times more in powdered tea. EGCG can simultaneously stimulate lipolysis (ventilation of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of new adipose cells). A study revealed that men who drank green tea containing 136 milligrams of EGCG - what you would find in a single portion of 4 grams of Matha-lost twice as much weight than a placebo group and four times more belly fat over three months


I reduced my desires

Before going to dinner, go out a cup of green tea. The active ingredient in green tea, EGCG, stimulates levels of cholecystokinin or CCK, hunger-that hip hormone. In a Swedish study that examined the effect of green tea on hunger, researchers divided participants into two groups: a sipped group of water with their meal and the other group drank green tea. Not only have the tea sippers reported less than one desire to eat their favorite foods (even two hours after sipping the beer), they found that these foods will be less satisfactory.


I saved money


Think about it: each bag costs cents.


I drank tea just before bed

You probably already know that chamomile tea can help induce sleep (even a brand called asleep weather). But science shows that teas actually work on a hormonal level to reduce our agita and bring peace and sleep. Studies have found that weavers like valerian and hops contain compounds that can actually reduce stress hormone levels in our body, bringing sleep - and reduce the body's ability to store fat!


And I do not drink when I woke up

A study in theInternational Journal of Molecular Science found that fasting during the night, followed by a green tea consumption (at least 30 minutes before your first meal of the day), authorized for the best possible absorption of EGCG, the magic nutriment of7 days old flat belly tea.


I reduced stress


Red tea, also known as Rooibos, is an excellent choice for when you are struggling with midday stress. What makes the rooibos especially good to appease your mind is the unique flavanoid called aslashin. Research shows that this compound can reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and grease storage and are linked to hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. .


I enjoyed with friends

A new study in the newspaperHormones and behavior I found that those who feel alone undergo greater levels of traffic hormone stimulating appetite after their consumption, making them feel further. Over time, people who are solitarious simply take more calories than those with stronger social support networks.


I mixed it in a smoothie


Green or white teas make large bases for smoothies. In a study presented to the North American Association of the Study of Obesity, researchers have found that regularly drinking smoothies instead of meals increased the chances of a person to lose weight and keep it from more than a year. Add your favorite tea to one of these56 Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss!


I threw in some seeds of Chia


These small black nutrition pieces are packed with fibers, protein and, the most important of all Omega-3 fatty acids. Pairchia seeds With green tea in a turbut smoothie, the burning powers of tea. According to a study study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can not only improve the bioavailability of EGCG, but also its effectiveness.


I made oatmes with that


Why not empower rice, quinoa and even oatmeal with the burning properties of the green tea belly? Attach 4 green tea bags on a wooden spoon. Fill a small pot with 2 cups of water; Add a wooden spoon and tea bag. Bring water to a boil and remove tea bags. Add the grains to the boiling tea water and cook as indicated.


I threw my meals


When drinking tea with a salad or soup, make it effort to add black pepper to your meal. Recent studies have indicated that a compound found in black pepper, called Piperin, can help improve the blood levels of EGCG by allowing it to linger in the digestive system longer - which means that more people are absorbed by the body.


I shared my plan with the world


In one week on7 days old flat belly tea, you will lose up to 10 pounds of obstinate abdominal weight; Look and feel lighter and lighter, without exhausting exercise; Reset your metabolism to make durable and automatic weight loss; sleep deeper and feel more energized; considerably reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease; Beat stress and bring a complete calm to your mind.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: detox / Tea
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