How to eat for the health of the earth (and yours)

Which is better for the planet, it's also better for your body.

If this year has taught the world something so far is that the planet is in serious crisis mode.Greenhouse gas emissions Have brought the average surface temperature of the planet to increase, the warm oceans and the ice sheets shrink. Polar bears have become aVulnerable species. Every year,18 billion plastic pounds-How more than straws - enters the oceans, causing serious damage to creatures that call it at home.

It may seem that change can only be done on a large scale, but you can start making a difference today - and everything starts with your diet.

While exchanging plastic straws for metal options and using reusable grocery bags whenever possible, what you eat and how you shop with a greater impact on the environment you do not think. Between the amount of greenhouse gas damaged by the earth produced by the meat industry and the type of products you buy, change your habits, you can also help make the world better, but it can also improve your health. Here are 10 ways to eat for the planet, starting today.


Stop eating so much meat

Meatless monday grain bowl mint broccoli lettuce tomatoes

If you plan to leave the meat, there is no better time to do that now. In a recent report published byThe lancet37 scientists from 16 different countries presented the best diet for the planet and health of people, and it is herbal. By cutting the meat, people can not only reduce their risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes, but also to help the environment. According toEnvironmental Working Group (EWG), while lamb, beef, pork and cheese generate climate-affected greenhouse gases, high protein plant foods like lentils, tofu and beans produce the least . In addition, the production of meat also uses large amounts of pesticides, fertilizers, fuel and intensive water on the environment and abroad.


Organic eating whenever possible

woman smiling at farmers market

Of course, the purchase of organic products can sometimes be a bit more expensive. This is really worth the extra cost, however. According toOrganization of United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO), organic farming has practices that can help produce food without long-term environmental damage through the use of organic fertilizers, soil construction practices such as crop rotations and a huge Reduction of groundwater pollution - something common in non-biological agriculture. Organic go can also help improve your overall health and well-being. They are less likely to contain pesticide residues than conventionally breeding foods, the one thatJama The study reduced your risk of developing cancer.


Buy from bulk bins

Bulk bins

Bulk bins at the supermarket can be a little intimidating, but there is a reason why you should always have your dried products from these garbage cans. In addition to significantly reduce what is being thrown into garbage with less packaging and food waste, it is also cheaper. A report found that the purchase of organic bulk food tends to be89% cheaper than getting the stuffed stuff. In addition to that, it also allows you to try new things. You can get essential essentials of essential, rice and nuts, as well as herbal proteins, such as lentils and beans, which can be used in an infinite amount of healthy meals.


Stock On vegetables without plastic

Pick bananas grocery shelf

The next time you go to the store, look how many vegetables are wrapped in the plastic. Grocers likeWhore And the Joe merchant has already made commitments to reduce andRemove plastic packaging In the product section over the next two years, it will always have a little time until each supermarket is on board. For now, load on healthcutically enjoying vegetables by shopping options without plastic and putting them inReusable mesh manufacturing bags.


Buy imperfect products

Imperfect produce ugly carrots

It's easy to access the habit of going forever to tap on products until you find the perfect choices. By going with vegetables that do not generally do the cup, you can help prevent food waste and reap the benefits of health health. According toImperfect products, 20 billion products of products go to waste every year due to also be "ugly" for grocery store standards. This uses valuable resources - such as freshwater and cultivated land and produce greenhouse gases when it ends in landfills. Instead of launching these foods, the company celebrates its imperfections and vessels in your door. Additional bonus: it's cheaper.


Stop ordering so much to take away

Couple making salad

Order to take sounds like a good idea - especially on these nights you want to do anything except that you cook! Unfortunately, these unhealthy options are not just bad for your body. They are also bad for the environment. Taking the time to prepare more nutritious options at home, you will enjoy your health and reduce the amount of take-out containers used, such as non-recyclable plastic crickets andfall in landfills.



Woman holding up an outstretched hand saying no to a man offering her a glass of dairy milk

Reducing your meat consumption wonders about your health and planet, and eat less dairy (or completely charter) will also make a considerable impact.Report Found both the meat and dairy industries play an important role in global warming - as long as the world's five main meat and dairy companies are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions that the largest oil companies. The dairy is a source of saturated fat and can contribute to heart disease,Diabetes, and potentially put you on aIncreased risk of cancer-More to mention one of the main causes of digestive problems - instead of the plants could help you feel better than ever, now and in the future.

RELATED: To lean for life with that14-day flat stomach plan.


Pay attention to nutrition labels

Woman reading nutrition label on granola

Read through eachnutrition label At the grocery store takes time, but it can enjoy your health and planet in a serious way. After assured that the article is really good for you, also check how recyclable it is. It's not because the product has a symbol of "pursuit arrows" on that does not mean it's. According toEarthlyIt is important to look at the number in each triangle. While the plastic that composes things like water bottles is recyclable (although always wasted!), Plastic # 3 (including food leaves and fruit trays) and N ° 7 (including L Acrylic, nylon and fiberglass) are not. Plastic No. 4 is not always recyclable either, which includes plastic bags (such as those used to pack the bread) and compressed bottles.


Eat seasonal vegetables

Asparagus plant growing

Eating in the season allows you to get the freshest and tasty products to help you pack your meals with a flavor - not to mention many vitamins and nutrients in health. This also helps the environment. When you eat food that grows naturally in each season, you are able to shop locally and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions needed to get food from elsewhere in the world in your plate, explainsThe farm project. It also tends to be cheaper because a harvest is always more readily available at the top of its procurement.


Support your farmers market

Farmers market organic cherry tomatoes
Anne Preble / Beldshshshsh

Speaking of shopping in a seasonal way, why not hit the local farmers market? As it is literally agricultural table, the food you will bring at home could not be cooler. You will also reap the health benefits of eating products because it did not just go through the country (or the world!) To get to you. You will already reduce greenhouse gas emissions to eat local treats, but you can also walk or ride a bike for grocery shopping to help the planet - and enjoy your general well-being! -Even more. Why not start with these 30 Spring Superfoods essential for weight loss ?

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