I will give up dairy help you lose weight?

Some people derive this food group rich in calcium with weight loss. But it really works?

These are the swirling celebrities of weight loss such asKhloe Kardashian And Jessica Alba have credited to help them reduce. By forced regime staples such as cheese, milk and yogurt, defenders without dairy swearingcow helped them lose these unwanted books.

But do you cut this whole food group the magic factor to help you lose weight for good?Eat this, not that! Jim White, Rd, CSMA and owner ofJim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios To obtain the low tendency of charcuterie.

Why cut the dairy could help you lose weight

You have probably heard anecdotal evidence of the person who deposits dairy products and see results. Khloe Kardashian said the dairy products of the ladle helped him lose 11 pounds in a month and a half without making other changes. Moreover, when panelists on theZero Yellow Diet abandoned dairy for six weeks, they saw spectacular results; Participant Martha Chesler said she lost 7 inches from her waist! Plus, then, what is the magic behind the dairy frame and weight loss?

You have changed your caloric consumption

Although some people have been able to have found the success of weight loss after abandoning dairy, it has probably more to do with a combination of healthy eating habits and a decrease in calories than to give up cow's milk specifically .

"A cup of skim milk has 90 calories. If you are really trying to watch your calories, do something like unsweetened almond milk that has 30 calories, yes, you can reduce the number of calories you are taking on some products Like that, "White explains.

So, if the full fat dairy is an important part of your daily caloric consumption, you discover that the tricks will help you lose weight as you reduce calories.

You cut an allergen

In addition, cow's milk avoids can help flatten your belly by making you feel less bloated, especially if you are one of the 65% of American adults who are lactose intolerant. Do not be able to digest correctly dairy could result in bloating, gases, cramps and other GI problems. Leaving it out of the menu will relieve many of these problem enlargement problems.

It's not because of this myth

Although the abandonment of dairy products to lose weight has led to success stories, White says that some of the benefits of alleged health of the food group reduction are largely exaggerated.

Some people assume that dairy products are inflammatory, similar to foods such as sugar and trans fat, which trigger inflammation in the body, which can lead to weight gain and chronic disease. It turns out that it is only true for people who are intolerant at lactose.

A 2013 study published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that "the consumption of dairy products does not exert adverse effects on inflammation biomarkers in overweight or obese adults".

Why keep the dairy in your diet could help you lose weight

Dairy fat increases satiety

In fact, maintaining dairy products in your diet could actually help youto lose weight; A study published in theScandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care found that high dairy grease was associated with lower risk of belly fat. Experts believe that the fat content of dairy products can expand feelings of fullness and minimize total calorie intake, which helps keep belly fat to the bay.

Dairy protein builds muscle mass

Another study that year of the magazineNutrition and Metabolism Discovered that milk protein could actually help improve your metabolism by helping build lean muscle mass. More lean muscle mass means your body burns more calories at rest, which will help you reduce.

Bottom Line: It could, but it's not necessary


In the end, it's a personal decision whether or not you want to keep the dairy as part of your overall diet. White explains that dairy comes with countless health benefits: "There are so many benefits of having dairy products such as calcium, which acts like an electrolyte and vitamin D, which is of course a Major impairment in the United States, it also has protein. . "

However, if you are intolerant to the lactose or you do not enjoy the taste of dairy products, you can still have a perfectly healthy diet and lose weight without it. Simply make sure you eatOther foods rich in calcium and get your recommendation from 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams a day.

At the end of the day, losing weight requires a combination of lifestyle choices, including eating more fresh food, cutting calories and growing and sleeping activity. By cutting an entire restoration groupmay help you lose weight, it's because of the decrease in calories; Dairy deproissées itself is not the magic answer.

"Overall, I think dairy should be an important part of the plan, especially if you enter these nutrients rich in calcium", concludes white.

How to keep the dairy in your weight loss diet

If you try to lose weight and want to keep the dairy in your diet, White recommends paying attention to the type of dairy that you consume;Greek yogurt Better than regular because of the rich protein content. Complete dairy production can also have a place on the menu, especially because fat can help absorb better vitamins, but low fat and fat-free options are better for people looking to cut calories. You can enjoy three servings a day, he says. This will give you the 1,200 milligrams of calcium you need.

"There is a great reason why people earn weight and eats too much food, and eats unhealthy foods," says White, adding that it's just not realistic to cut a whole food group, especially because of the good dairy.

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