30 foods you should never eat raw

There are some foods that are better consumed cooked.

The potential hazards ofcookie dough Before it is in the oven, so tempting that it is, are well known enough. But did you know that there are actually foods that can be toxic so consumed raw? Reins beans and elderberry, for example, are perfectly fine, if not big when cooking, but they can be very dangerous if it is consumed raw. And then there are also cruciferous vegetables that are much easier to digest, have more benefits for health and taste better if you eat them cooked. Here are the 30 foods that are more consumed instead of cooking eaten floods.Here's how sneak even more vegetables in your diet too.




Spuds are one of our favorites and the most versatile food: they can be fried, roasted, mashed or twice, but they should not be consumed raw. unclean and green potatoes, which should never be consumed, may containToxic compounds called glycoalcaloids which can aggravate the digestive system. Not to mention, taste and texture would not be so appetizing either.


Rhubarb leaves

Rhubarb leaves

The rums of the rhubarb plant are edible, but the leaves can actually be toxic and can lead to difficulties to breathe, burning sensation of the mouth and throat, and even crises, according toNEW YORK MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL.


Lima beans

Lima beans

You may have grown to eat these vegetables, but you should never have a vintage. Lima beans have a compound called LinAmarine, which breaks down into cyanide. Fortunately, cooking beans for only 10 to 20 minutes makes them totally harmless to eat.


Red beans

Red kidney beans

Another type of bean that should never be consumed raw is the red bean, even more than the white bean. Only four or five of them cancontain high levels of toxin lectin, Which can cause severe foodborne diseases. They must be cooked for a good half hour, and the water must be completely emptied after to ensure all the lectin is able to escape.


Wild mushrooms


"It's never sure to eat wild mushrooms, raw or cooked, without a qualified expert," saysAlexandra Oppinheimer Delvito, M.S., R.D., C.D., a professional dietitian based in New York. Most of the varieties of fungi you would find in a supermarket are safe to eat raw, says Delvito, but their flavor is certainly improved by throwing them into a saucepan with some spices.




It is probably not surprising thateggs Should not be consumed raw due to the potential contamination of Salmonella bacteria. "In order to ensure that all existing bacteria is killed, the egg must be cooked at a safety temperature, which is 145 ° C. If the eggs are mixed with other ingredients, they must be cooked at 160 °. F, "says Delvito. It suggests using pasteurized eggs or egg products if a raw egg recipe.


Beef, pork and chicken

Chicken pork beef

You should always pay attention to notes on the restaurant menus warning you against the consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked meat and poultry, says Delvito. "Meat must be cooked at a minimum internal safety temperature. For minced meat, which is 160 ° C. For beef or lamb steaks, roasts or chops, which is 145 ° F, then leaving for three minutes. And for pork, which is 145 ° F, then letting rest for three minutes. Turkey and the chicken must reach an internal temperature of 165 ° F, "says Delvito. "Below these temperatures, you take a risk. »




Manioc is a staple in many South American and African dishes. But, like beans, limited the raw root and leavesContains a cyanide derivative and should be baked or grilled for optimum taste and safety.




While the berries have a reputation for fighting colds and flu, and even acne and irritated skin calm, their gross shape can be toxic. It is better to boil them thoroughly before adding them to your preferred syrup or elixir, according to theNational Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.




Aubergine, before it is cooked, has the same compound as glycoalcaloid raw potatoes do,solanin, Which is not mortal, but it is still not ideal for eating raw. In addition, a study offood chemistry showed that eggplant can have more antioxidant advantages when jumped in olive oil, so it is a win-win situation.



Puffer fish

Polishing fish should never be eaten cru - and it is even a risk of eating when cooked. "Potfish-fish-fish is a toxic compound called tetrodotoxin, which is not necessarily heat-destroyed. Parts of the fish containing toxin must therefore be carefully eliminated, ensuring that none of the rest of the fish n. is contaminated by the toxin, says Jennifer Dennis-Wall, PhD, leading a scientific writer toBiorasi, a contract research organization. In addition, unlike Japan, there is no training and certification process for American leaders to cook this potentially deadly fish, according to theFDASo it is even more risky to consume unis.



Broccoli sprouts

Crus cabbages like the Mungian bean and alfalfa can be dangerous because pathogenic bacteria can enter the seeds, even before growing. This can be dangerous for pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems, according to theFDA.



Raw almonds

Amer almonds grow like acyanogenic plant, which means that it contains cyanide. Almonds are always cooked or roasted, but they are not cautious to eat raw. The gross shape ofThe bitter variety is actually illegal in the United States.But it is more prevalent in some parts of Europe.



Glass of milk

It is important that milk and dairy products follow treatment before being ingested. "Dairy products are pasteurized to kill pathogens and this process is very important in preventing certain serious foodborne diseases causing infections," says Dennis-Wall.



Raw honey

Honey should go through similar processes like milk to make sure it is careful to eat. Honey is pasteurized because in its gross shape, it can contain spores of a toxin called Clostridium botulinum, which can also doharm the pregnant women and children less than one.


Plain flour

White flour and rolling pin

In addition to crushed eggs, raw flour can also make you sick, so that cookie dough is a double risk. Due to an epidemic of E. coli 2016, suspected of being raw flour, theCDC Advises that all foods that may contain uncooked flour should be avoided. "Gross flour also has a higher amount of compounds called phytates or phytic acid. Phytates bind to certain minerals, such as iron, zinc and evolve them of absorption," says Dennis-Wall. But if you cook the food that has raw flour in, you should be clear. "Some of the phyats can be destroyed to a fermenting degree, which occurs when there is a yeast in bread and that it remains to go up, or soaking before cooking," she says.


Green beans

Green beans

Crus green beans are not necessarily toxic, as they were once considered unutaneous, they can haveHigher levels of protein lectin, which is in many beans and can cause digestive problems. Green bean whitening considerably lowers lectin levels and is the safest way to eat them.



White rice

Uncooked rice, if you were even able to chew it, would not be safe at all to ingest. According to a study in theInternational Journal of Food MicrobiologyIt can contain a bacterium caused by the disease. It is not usually present in the cooked rice, but can begin to form if the rice is left side or not refrigerated correctly after cooking, so it is important to be safe during the preparation.



Broccoli on a wooden cutting board

Broccoli is a leguminous that is a nutritional advantage at cooking: if cooked properly, it can increase combat compounds against cancer called glucosinolates, saysAllison Knott, M., r.d.n., c.s.s.d., a dietician based in New York. "A study examined the effect of broccoli vapor with respect to frying or boiling and found that preserved steam or increases glucosinolates, while frying and boiling have caused the compounds to degrade Significantly, "said Knott. And it can also be much easier for your digestive system to treat broccoli if it is cooked rather than consumed raw.




This broccoli veggie sister can also be delicate to tolerate and digest raw. Roasting or grilling this can be easier on your stomach and can bring out a delicious flaw in the cauliflower. A study of theInstitute of Food Technologists Also found that cauliflower has lost the least minerals and essential nutrients by grumbling or precipitating it in the oven, as opposed to boiling.



Asparagus bunch

Asparagus is one of these vegetables that probably taste better seasoned and cooked properly, but it is also healthier. Search for theInstitute of Food Technologists found that the cooking of green asparagus increases its antioxidant content compared to the consumption of raw rods.


Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are certainly tastier and tend to lose some of their bitterness when cooking; Not to mention, they could cause fewer bloating and gases that they could if it is consumed raw. Cook the cabbages liberates a cancer compound called isothiocyanates, which can help inhibit the growth of tumors, according toHarvard University Public Health School.



Kale on a plate

Of course, a curly cabbage salad is a meal dish or perfectly plentiful side, but when it comes to digestion, you could suffer. Cooked cabbage Cooking can help soften the fibers and help digestion. In addition, cooked cabbage is better for those who have thyroid disease because its gross shape can inhibit the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland, according toLinus Institute Pauling of Oregon State University.




Cabbage, like curly cabbage, is a member of the cruciferous family. Not only is it difficult to digest gross for some, but the cooking also brings vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, and the content of folic acid yet, according toMegan Ware, R.D.N., L.D.



Ripe red apples

For decades, one of these one day has been said to keep away from the doctor. It ishigh in both antioxidants and fibers, Which can be both a blessing and a curse. Some people are embarrassed by food with too many fibers, which can cause gastrointestinal problems. Apples have also high fructose content. Fructose is a Fodmap, a compound that some people may need to reduce in their diet to eliminate bloating, IBS, or other digestive problems. Peeling and cook apples, as in apple sauce or baked apples, could make them easier to digest.




It is more of a taste and the sanitary preference to avoid the olives to eat right next to the tree. "The olives must be healed, otherwise they are extremely bitter and not pleasant to eat," saysMike Roussell, PhD.




Crus or cooked, spinach enjoys a ton of nutrients. But when steam cooked, you may be able to both digest better and absorb the iron and calcium more easily, according toConsumer reports. Oxalic acid in spinach, which usually prohibits the absorption of iron and calcium, decreases with heat, so cooking ultimately helps the body boost of its nutrient levels.




Research published in theJournal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that the boiling zucchini, relative to frying or steam, can increase its nutrient factor. But make sure to leave the skin intact because it is where theCourgette nutrients are the most abundant.




Tomatoes are delicious fresh, or, or roast cooked, baked. But put them in heat releases a lycopene called nutrients, an antioxidant that can improve cardiac health and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. "The kitchen helps to decompose the cell walls and this freed nutrients such as cooking lycopene foods usually makes them easier to digest for that reason. Breaking the cell walls, "says Roussell.



Raw pumpkin

One of our favorite autumn flavors takes an even richer flavor when cooking in breads, pies and soups, and it may be better for you too. While you would probably not want to eat anyway, cooked pumpkin and its parents of winter squash, such as the glans, Delicata, and the porn drown-up of high levels of vitamins A and E, according to merchandise .

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