≡ Beware of the symptoms of 6 cancers, "silent killer" which is difficult to detect! 》 Her Beauty

This time we will share important information about 6 types of cancer that are difficult to detect from the start, some even dubbed "The Silent Killer"!

Until now, more and more types of cancer are found. Some types of cancer have clear symptoms and are easily distinguished compared to other diseases. But there are several types of cancer that turned out to be difficult to detect in the early stadium and only visible symptoms after reaching an advanced stage. As a result the treatment carried out was even more difficult and the chance of healing was reduced.

This time we will share important information about 6 types of cancer that are difficult to detect from the start, some even dubbed "The Silent Killer"! What cancer is that? Direct scroll down yes.

1. Pancreatic cancer

The pancreas is located inside the stomach, hidden behind the stomach and intestine. Because its position is difficult to reach, often the initial symptoms of pancreatic cancer are difficult to detect. Patients may only experience mild abdominal pain, loss of appetite or weight loss. This makes the sufferer often mistaken and consider it an ordinary digestive problem.

Most sufferers of new pancreatic cancer undergo specific tests such as biopsy if severe symptoms have arisen such as continuous pain or the emergence of jaundice. If it is at that stage, pancreatic cancer usually enters an advanced stage and the treatment process is even longer. That is why pancreatic cancer is often called "The Silent Killer".

2. Abdominal cancer

Early symptoms of stomach or gastric cancer are often considered as ordinary digestive disorders. Because this cancer usually has symptoms similar to mag or rising stomach acid while still in the initial stage phase.

Other symptoms felt by people with abdominal cancer are full of fullness after eating a little, flatulence, nausea and abdominal pain. These symptoms often also occur in ordinary digestive problems, so it is difficult to distinguish between digestive problems with abdominal cancer.

Surprising again, this cancer usually develops slowly, which makes the sufferer feel accustomed to the symptoms that arise. Patients eventually often think that this is a digestive problem that arises due to diet or stress. Because of the characteristic character, this cancer is difficult to diagnose at an early stage without endoscopic examination or biopsy.

3. Lung cancer

In the third list there is lung cancer. This cancer often does not show significant symptoms unless it has reached an acute stage! Why did it happen? Lung cancer has symptoms similar to other diseases, such as the appearance of coughing, shortness of breath and hoarseness. This makes many sufferers who think only attacked by flu, respiratory infections or negative effects of smoking.

Besides the lungs do not have many nerve endings, so the cancer does not cause significant pain to spread to other parts of the body, which makes it detected. Many people with lung cancer are also active or passive smokers, who consider these initial symptoms only due to the habit of inhaling cigarette smoke. Because of the characteristics of the symptoms, early detection of lung cancer can only be done through imaging examinations such as x -rays or CT scans.

4. Breast cancer

Although breast cancer is often the topic of discussion at medical seminars, the detection of the dinya is fairly difficult, especially in certain types. This is due to certain types of breast cancer such as breast cancer inflammatory, Not always forming a lump. This type of cancer usually has symptoms such as reddened or warm skin. So it is often only considered an ordinary infection.

Pain or discomfort in the breast usually only appears in an advanced stage. So that the only way to detect breast cancer, especially for types that do not cause lumps, is with routine medical examinations such as mammography.

5. Brain cancer

Brain cancer often shows symptoms that resemble nerve disorders such as migraine or even behavioral changes. This is because the symptoms of brain cancer depend on the exposed area. For example, if cancer appears in parts of the brain that indirectly affects the main function of the brain, then the symptoms can be very light or even not felt.

If brain cancer is in the part that directly affects the main function of the brain, then the symptoms still vary. Symptoms that may appear are headaches, blurred vision, spasms or easily stressed. Even some brain cancer can grow slowly so that the body can adapt to the small changes that occur, which makes this cancer difficult to detect in the early stages.

6. Kidney cancer

In the last list there is kidney cancer. This cancer rarely causes pain or real body function problems in the early stages. This is because the kidneys are near the pancreas, which is in the inside body near the abdominal cavity. This makes new kidney cancer sufferers will feel symptoms when already in an advanced stage, such as the appearance of blood in the urine, back pain or lumps in the stomach.

Even in fact, most cases of kidney cancer are found accidentally during medical examinations for other conditions, such as abdominal ultrasound. In addition, there are still many who do not realize that there are several types of cancer that do not provide significant initial symptoms, especially for some types of cancer that attack organs that are minimal nerve or located on the inside of the body.

Those are 6 types of cancer that are difficult to detect while still in the early stadium. Generally they have a faint, non -specific symptom or even not felt at all. Therefore we suggest you to be more aware of routinely see a doctor, especially if there are suspicious symptoms. In addition, you also have to live a healthy lifestyle to minimize the risk of developing cancer.

Remember, the earlier the cancer is detected, the greater the chance to recover fully! Don't ignore small signs, because health is a very valuable asset!

Categories: Lifestyle
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