5 hacks of people who lost half of their body weight

It's hard work, but the end result is a XXL sweatshirt, you can match two people instead of one.

All weight loss is inspiring, but imagine the cutting of the number you see on the scale in two. This is what we call extreme weight loss.

If you have always wanted to reach such important weight loss, but I do not know where to start, your better bet is to go directly to the source. That's exactly why we have corrected safe-fire advice from some dedicated people who have lost more than half (!!) their body weight and feel better than ever. Whether you wanted to lose half of your body weight or please start 10 pounds, you can steal their tips and use it to power your own weight loss trip. Couple these motivation hacks with part of our200 Weight Loss Tips And you will be on your way to a thinner and healthier, you have no time.


Count calories, but not obsessed

Denovosibi reddit

Start weight: 312 pounds
Current weight: 139 pounds
Lost weight: 173 pounds

Losing half of your body weight takes time. For the reddit userDenovosibiIt took three years to see the results she wanted. Count calories using the MyFitnessPal application is what has kept Denovosibi on the right track. She then gradually added from the exercise to his plan while now quotas of daily calories. "[The biggest change focused on monitoring my intake. Counting calories has done everything! Now, I'm super active," she explains.


Do not focus on the word "diet"

Dolores lose it
Courtesy of Dolores Velez / lose it!

Start weight: 309 pounds
Current weight: 149 pounds
Lost weight: 160 pounds

Dolores Velez weighed 309 pounds and fell to 149 by restoring his habits rather than adjusting in the short term. "It's a lifestyle change, then move away from the word" diet "and start with [your] goals," she says. ByLoose it!A community-based mobile application, Velez has achieved its weight loss goal by following fitness and food intake. The 60s leaned on friends and talked about difficult times, but she never left.


Choose a non-digital goal

Kate lose it
Courtesy of Kate Viola / lose it!

Start weight: 279 pounds
Current weight: 129 pounds
Lost weight: 150 pounds

By using the loss!, Kate Viola has signed by half of his body of weight, and one of the ways she did was out of the scales and set personal goals that n. had nothing to do with numbers. That means it means in an old pair of jeans or feel good at the beach for the first time from time to time, having non-numerical goals to turn to the mark at the balance of the balance. "When youtray (And you will do it very certainly) remember that goal and focus on that. Do not let the trays stop or derail. Just about anyone who is or trying to lose weight hit them, then stick to the plane and you will break, "reassured the Alto.

4 And5

Meal preparation and add weights to your workout

Stillfat11 reddit
Stilfat11 / Reddit

Start weight: 372 pounds
Current weight: 160 pounds
Lost weight: 212 pounds

Half of the major weight loss battle consists of dealing with the amount of work you will need to place. For the reddit userStillfatIt meant to try and fail before she hit her stride and lost more than 200 pounds in just two years. Make small adjustments to its diet helped to pay the 20-50 pounds, after which it has experienced new energy and trust.

She cut carbohydrates, kept her daily calorie consumption between 1,600 and 1,900, prepared meals each week and started incorporating weights into her training scheme. "I [go to the gym] 5-6 days a week now and have a coach. I change my program every 8 weeks and have strong lifting to HIIT, circuits and heavy cardio." Continue building the muscle and drop books beyond the weight base by following your workout with these25 best high protein snacks.

Categories: Weight Loss
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