Love jerky beef? You will love Biltong

Raise, jerky. There is a new downtown snack that is the healthiest and meat.

If you have not heard of Biltong, it's time to get their hands on a package. It is often compared tojerk beef, and for good reason: the two snacks of meat look almost identical. It's the tasteand texture that differentiates the two. In addition, the two snacks are made completely differently and we go healthier than the other. Better understand what this deliciousmeat snack Were we called Angelo Viteral, Chef and owner ofOrnella trattoria, an Italian restaurant in New York, to give us a glimpse.

What is Biltong and what are his origins?

"Biltong is a form of dried and hardened meat from Southern African countries," said Viteral. "Different types of meat are used to produce it, ranging from the meat of beef and game to cut meat fillets that follow the grain of muscle or very thin sliced ​​flat pieces. It is extremely similar to a kind of jerky . "

The beef used to make Biltong is marinated in simple spices and ingredients such as salt, pepper, coriander on the ground and vinegar. The snack of meat has been made in South Africa for centuries.

How is Biltong different from the jerky beef?

The Biltong meat is dried in the air and then cut into strips. Jerky, on the other hand, is typicallytape First, second marinated, then cooked.

"The vinegar, salt and spices of Biltong, as well as the drying process, heal the meat as well as the addition of texture and flavor," says Viteral. "Jerky is traditionally dried with salt but without vinegar [and] is often smoked. During this time, Biltong is never smoked."

Ontimes, the jerky beef is sold in a variety of different flavors such as garlic, teriyaki and even habanero, just to name a few. This is because Jerky is flavored and hardened with marinades or spice frothes, while Biltong contains only simple spices or specific seasonings.

Jerky is also cooked either in a dehydrator or smoked, and Biltong is made through a process called air drying. To make a mass of the snack, the air drying process consists in lying the meat on metal trays where they are getting closerHot air drying rooms. In other words, it is never cooked.

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How would you describe the difference in taste and texture between Biltong and Beef Serky?

"Biltong has a very strong taste of Gamey," he says. "As for Serkky, the second you're dingy, you taste right away as you taste the smoke." The texture of both is also extremely different. Biltong is more tender and fluffy than Jerky, who is much harder and hard.

How does Biltong he high for you that Beef Serky?

"With regard to the nutritional facts for Biltong, in general, it's normally much healthier than jerky because it tends to be much lighter. An average portion contains nearly 50% of your daily protein," says Viteral . A packet of 2 ounces ofTraditional Biltong Bawnmore At 150 calories, 460 milligrams of sodium and a large gram of protein. Comparison, two ounces ofJack Links Additional original beef steak strips Jerky costs you 160 calories, 1,020 milligrams of sodium and 20 grams of protein.

Here are some of our favorite Biltong brands.

So, are we convinced of trying it? If so, here are some Biltong brands, we recommend and think you will love.


package of bawnmore biltong meat snack

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Bawnmore offers three different types of Biltong, but this particular style matches the Irish beef nourished with grass with a traditional South African tradition. Bawnmore makes this style of Biltong by hanging the spicy beef for several days at room temperature.

Brooklyn Biltong: Peri Peri

brooklyn biltong spicy peri peri flavor

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Brooklyn Biltong also search three different types of dried meat, but if you are looking for something that wrapped a heat, thePeri peri The variety may interest you. Thisspice Biltong is seasoned with garlic, peppers and cayenne pepper.

Ayoba-yo Biltong: Droëwors

ayoba yo biltong droewors beef sticks

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Ayoba-yo offers a different type of traditional Biltong known under the name ofDroëwors, which translates into a dry sausage in English. This song from Biltong is seasoned with coriander, pods, salt and pepper and suspended to dry for more than five days. Slim Jims does not hold a chance against this meat stick.

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