8 Tips for low calorie diet expert cocktails

For each season, there is a reason for raising a glass. And we have good news: you do not have to sacrifice your turn to reach you.

Just like the holiday season seems to be warm with a hot Toddy or a cup of chicken milk, so the summer months feel a lot richer with a cold beach margarita. And just because you try to keep your body bikini - ready does not mean that you have to let all these hours pass. Here, eight nutritionists tell us what libations they recommend - and turn to themselves - when a cocktail cocktail call.

Sweet on bitter liquors

"I like to start a balmy evening with a campari and a soda with a blood pressure pressure. Not that I think I think I'm soaked, but the bitterness of Campari helps to activate the detoxification of the liver and metabolizing alcohol faster. There is no sugar either in the cocktail, so I will not suffer from a hangover of sugar and alcohol the next morning. "- -Dana James, CDN, Founder of the NYC Food Coach

Refresh your margarita

"Daylight Summer is the Margarita Time! I order a healthier version always has all the flavor, made with a mixture of freshly squeezed citrony lemon lemon and lemon-lemon-lemon or lemon soda -Calorie. This saves 110 calories that would otherwise be in the ½ cup of pre-manufactured margarita mix. A fresh lime broom on the edge adds flavor instead of salt and sugar. "- -Libby Mills, MS, RDN, LDN, National Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Balancing your drink with sparkling

"When you go out for a summer cocktail, I usually control a manufactured with champagne and Saint-Germain-Simificy and no added syrups! If it's not available, I'm going to order a sea breeze, made of Grapefruit and cranberry juice and just 1 oz of Vodka. Once again, it does not have syrups and is not in charge of calories of liquor, which can be added very quickly! "-Lauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN,Lauren Minchen Nutrition, PLLC

Trade in your usual tonic

"My two preferred hot weather drinks are mojitos and vodka tones. The two are refreshing and speak" summer "at home, I reduce the calories by buying tonic water without sugar. There is little to any difference in taste. Between the regular and the sugar without the control of Mojito in a bar or house of someone, I think they are usually already mixed, so I ask the glass about a quarter Filled with Soda Club and the rest may be the rest mojito. When mixing a lot at home, I add a lot more soda from the club that "stretches" syrup (or sugar) and rum. "-Christine Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAD, President, Committee of the Member Value, Academy of Nutrition and Dietary

Dress your wine

"I tend to lean to the white wine, but sometimes, when I'm at a party or outdoors with friends, it's good to have something different. As the summer approach, if I had to order a cocktail, I would go for Sangria. If they do it with just fruit and selertzer and no extra sugar, it can be a fun and refreshing drink without all the extra calories. "-Ilyse Schapiro MS, Rd, CDN, founder ofIlyse Schapiro Nutrition

Jelly trade for fresh fruits

"I tend to avoid too sweet drinks, such as frozen margaritates of a machine, daiquiris and something cream cream. These drinks are usually astronomically in empty calories up to 500 calories by glass. I enjoy the occasional margarita from pressed lime juice and other fruit juice, on the rocks and with a slight dusting of salt on the rim. At home, I sometimes use the skinny margarita brand because it is lower in sugar and dress it with a little fresh orange juice pressed. "- -Michelle Dudash, Rd, Consultant Chef Blue-Certified Cordon and the author of Cleanable Eating for busy families: Take meals on the table in minutes with simple and satisfying recipes of your children and your children.

Just Nix pre-made mixers

"During the summer, it seems that everyone drinks all the time, barbecues with cocktail beer by the pool and garden nights with sangria. But no matter where I am, I always try to keep it easy because I want to feel good in my swimsuit and avoid drinking my calories. Current sweet mixers in summary drinks cause greater grooves, and has time for that? I often drink rosé wine as well as cocktails based on vodka or tequila, butwithout sugar or juice added. If I look for something sweet, I will order a flavored vodka like pear or orange and add club soda and a lime to dilute and add an effervescence. If the margaritas are on the menu, I ask for tequila with the Mudded lime on the rocks. All these drinks give you the flavors you want (and the buzz you after) without adding books! "-Amy Shapiro MS, Rd, CDN,REAL NUTRITION NYC

Keep your order simple

"Although it is unlikely, you find me sipping a cocktail - I prefer a glass of wine a lot - I encourage my customers to the grinding scale, no deprivation. The secret of the choices of meager cocktails is to skip the common blenders like sugar soda complete mix cocktails of juice, juice, tonic and pre-mixed, and sip something simple. A good example is a vodka and a soda club. A portion of an ounce of vodka varies from 70 to 100 calories according to the brand, and adding a soda club does not contribute additional calories. Spice vodka recipes are a hot tendency now and is a great way to add flavor without calories. "- Heather Mangieri , Ms, rd, cssd

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