The 10 best healthy food trends in 2019

Nutritionists share 2019 healthy food trends that have encouraged people to make better choices or when they eat.

When everyone around is you try theLast fashionableIt's easy enough to confuse "popular" with "healthy". Unfortunately, they are not automatically the same - and 2019 saw its fair share ofPopular but unhealthy food trends.

Fortunately, however, many of the mostPopular food trends Were actually in good health: they encouraged people to make better choices about what or when they eat, and they helped people to make better understand what their bodies need to work in higher form.

To sort the trends of the junk food of the good legitimately good people, we asked the experts of the nutrition to tell us what healthy food trends they hope to paste up to 2020 (and beyond!). Here are their favorites.


Fermented foods

Kimchi being prepared

On the surface, fermented food might not have the trouble to appeal (never wonders what this thing floats on your kombucha is?). But there is a source of feedingprobiotics Hide inside these mysterious soft.

"I am all about emerging research indicating thatintestinal health is a major factor in general well-being, "says Dietian Barbie Boules, RDN,Barbie Balls Longevity Nutrition, "andfermented foods, which contain probiotics, promote a diversified and flourishing gut microbiota. "

Probiotics can help people with digestive disorders such as irritable intestine syndrome and Crohn's disease, but canalso be beneficial For a whole pile of unrelated problems, such as eczema and vaginal infections. "All ofinflammation Body weight of the mood can be connected to the health of the gut, then fill your diet with food to support it is a trend we should all be behind, "saysErin Palinski-Wade, Rd, author ofBelly fat for dummies.

If you do not already eat fermented foods, you can start by catching somekefir, Sauerkraut or Kimchi the next time you are at your local health market.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Herbal schemes


Veganism and vegetarianism Always forever requests, but in recent years they have gathered under an umbrella of lifestyle plans called "herbal". WhilePlant-based diet is not for everyone, dietitians are largely agreed that eat moreFoods of vegetable sources Never is a bad thing. "Reducing animal protein while increasing your intake of fruit, vegetables and legumes with a positive impact on cardiovascular health, body weight and longevity," says Palinski-Wade.

If you feel intimidated by the idea of ​​going into a factory-based diet, the good news is that you do not have to become a 24/7 herbivore in order toreap the benefits. You can slowlyTransition to a plant-based plan without fully giving meat. "Remember to fill half of your plate with vegetables or eating maybe a plant-based meal a day", suggests balls. "The benefits are vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fibers and hydration of [sources other than simply] of water."


Probiotics Shelves

Probiotic pill supplement

Remember when we sold you on the benefits of the health of probiotics? There is good news if you eat fermented foods is not your thing: you can also take a daily dayextra charge To get your probiotic solution. "[Probiotic supplements] can be a great way to support the health of the intestines, but you must systematically take it on the best advantage," says Palinski-Wade.

The only problem with probiotic pills? Probiotics that need to be refrigerated are more likely to be forgotten (you know, "sheltered from the eyes") and it's hard to take them at a time, as when you travel.

The stable probiotics of the shelf (that is, those who do not require refrigeration) resolve this problem, but Palinski-Wade warns that you have to choose your products carefully. Make sure that the brand you are taking has been tested for power for the shelf stabilization process to actually work. It's also a good idea to know what probiotics work better for your individual health needs. "You can take specific tensions to help some problems," says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, owner ofAmy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area. "For example, if you are taking antibiotics, you can take a specific probiotic (Saccharomyces Boulardiii) To help reconstruct the good bacteria that antibiotics kill with bad bacteria. "


Alternative milk

oat milk

If you always consume cashew's milk, you fell behind yourHealth Food Trends-En 2019, people under way began to get their oatmeal and pea milk (yes, peas!). Here is the 411 on the new non-dairy lacquer on the block:oatmealIt is essentially just just rolled oats mixed in a mixer with water and tense, while pea milk is made from the yellow pea powder and is vegan, nightless, gluten free and without soy.

But drink oats or stuffing milk really good for you ... or is it one of those things we all laugh at the end of 2020? Well, the petanque says thereis Advantage of drinking these alternative options: protein. You get about three grams per serving for oat milk and a size of 10 grams per serving for peas (which is more than you get with cow's milk or soy milk).

Nevertheless, make the passage of almond milk with pea milk is not necessary for everyone. "Unless you have a dairy sensitivity, you are a vegan or simply prefer these treatments from the point of view of tastes, there is no health benefit from evidence to brand-based brands", declares balls , which usually adds thickening gums, stabilizers, and extra sugar.


Tout 30

keto smoked salmon on cucumber with lemon avocado sauce
Beth Lipton / Eat this, not that!

TheDiet, which tells people to the diet to consume unprocessed foods-dense nutrients in their "whole" form,culminated in popularity in 2017. But he continued to stay around since, andThurlow Cynthia, NP, a nurse practitioner specializing in nutrition, hopes that there is still this way.

"Thil Th30 helps people eliminate foods that are the most inflammatory as gluten, grains, dairy products, soy or sugar," she explains. "It also adjusts the pallets and preferences of my patients, [who makes a win-win in my book."

Tout33 can be restrictive since itDoes not allow processed foodswhich means that it is probably not the best choice for a long-term diet; But when it is used appropriately as a short-term elimination scheme (number 30, for 30 days, is right in the name!), it can lead toLiving Lifestyle Changes.



matcha green tea with whisk on white countertop

Matcha, a variant of green tea, did the same on coffee menus for a moment, but it was not before this year that we started to see that things appear more widely in revenue. Made from high quality green tea sheets of powdered leaves, the drink is then mixed with hot water (rather than tempered) to make a frothy drink.

"All that brings us to eat more antioxidants is a good thing, and Matcha provides antioxidant from health aid," Gorin said, which represents the epigallocatechin gallate-a compound thatCan prevent and combat cancer.

One of the things that makes the Matcha such a health star of 2019 is that it's good for you and very easy to work in your diet. "I have seen more and more innovative ideas for consuming Matchla by integrating it with drinks as well as revenue such as Matcha green muffins," says Gorin.



Paleo granola in a bowl ready to serve with breakfast.
Rebecca Sickers / Eat this, not that!

This diet is another way to go back to your ancestral roots, as well as talking, when it comes to your food: people onPaleo eating foodSimilar to what would have been available during the paleolithic period, such as lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Like all the Thurlow says that much unprocessed consumption mode can lead to significant changes in your overall food attitude - and your health.

"If this is done correctly, Paleo can be extremely beneficial and many people lose weight, improve the health of incidents and sleep better," says Thurlow. Caution? Do not fall victim of all Paleo food marketed on the market, that Thurlow says will not be much better than junk food in terms of overnsensology (and unnecessary ingredients). Instead, make your ownPaleo Granola Recipe at home.


Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet salad

As in the world of fashion, there will always be a place for the classics and theMediterranean diet Is a perfect example of how good things never go in style. The Mediterranean diet has been popular for ages and I am happy to see that it is still popular, "says Gorin. The food style is more of a lifestyle than a real diet, which means that it has an important sustainability factor.

On the basis of the eating habits of people living in the Mediterranean, the diet usually includes vegetables, fruits, fish, olive oil, nuts, beans, legumes and a moderate amount of red wine and dairy . In addition to weight loss, theAdvantages of the Mediterranean style to eat Extend with cardiac health and cerebral health, there is also a good reason to hope that people always embrace this trend in 2020.


Homemade cauliflower crust

cauliflower florets being grated into rice on a marble counter
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

We intend to find a dietician who does not want to see people to eat more vegetables! Of course, you could throw peppers on your pizza, but if you turn all your pizza crust in a vegetable? Enter: the cauliflower crust, seen everywhere in 2019 frozen foods with fantasy restoration menus.

"A huge contributor to poor health and weight gain is the excessive contribution of refined carbohydrates," said Palinski-Wade. "By replacing some of these refined carbohydrates with cauliflower alternatives, you can eat your favorite food more nutritious."

That said, premature crusts are often responsible for additional drafts (such as white rice flour). If you're going to go Cauli, you have to go homemade. "I have a recipe on my website that is the crust of cauliflower, because it is supposed to: a cauliflower head, 1/3 cup goat cheese and an egg," says balls. "No charges, gums, protein or mixed grain isolates."


Activated charcoal

Charcoal powder

A specific type of charcoal treated with very high heat to make it more porous, the charcoal activated is commonly used as aTreatment of overdoses or accidental poisoning (which is of course, how Thurlow became familiar with her).

"I used to use years ago to use an activated carbon for overdoses," she says, "but I like to use this binder with my patients and myself."

Because activated carbon can bind to toxins in the intestines and prevent them from being absorbed, Thurlow says it can work (in moderation!) If you are traveling in a foreign country, with food poisoning or Occasional detox drink. Basically, this sort of thing does what it says that it makes and can even benefit people with gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, gas and bloating - but it's powerful stuff and should not be bad used.

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