Strange side effects of alcohol that you have never heard before, says science

Before hitting a Happy Hour, consider these potential symptoms to drink.

Saying and doing stupid things, handle your car in a ditch (or worse), Dui, regrettable tweets, painful dance movements, wooden mouths.

These are just some of the common ugly side effects of alcohol consumption you know, perhaps even a personal experience. We can continue on: weight gain, abuse of substance, belly fat, etc. But science points to many others who could surprise you.

This turn is on us. And for more things about all things drinks, do not miss theseSide effects of abandoning alcohol, according to science.


Beer goggles

Men and guys out drinking beer at a bar

Beer glasses are a real thing, says research. At least, there is some truth that some drinks can do more attract your barcunctures, according to psychologists from the University of Edge Hill of England in the newspaperPsychology of addictive behaviors. The researchers visited local pubs and asked 129 heterosexual, men and women, sober and slightly intoxicated customers, to take a computer-based test. Participants were responsible for indicating whether the letter "T" was shown properly or reversed while being said to ignore the unattractive faces that were displayed as a distraction at the same time. It turned out that sober subjects found only attractive entertainment faces while intoxicated participants found attractive and unattractive entertaining faces. Psychologists have concluded that alcohol "mitigates attention to attention to attractive faces". In other words, people can consider a wider field of acceptable buddies than drinks come down and "beer glasses" continue.

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Nocturne enuresis

Young woman, blond hair, fainted in bed.

This seems scientific, but you are probably already familiar with nocturnal enuresis; He is more commonly called Basswetting. A complete bladder can work like a swimmer alarm on your smartphone, forcing you to get up to Pee. But you can ignore the signals "I have to go" of your body, especially when you had too much to drink. Alcohol removes an antidiuretic hormone that invites your kidneys to keep the water so that you drink, your body makes more urine. Booze also irritates the bladder, according to theNational continence association. Say that you had a rum and a coke; Alcohol and caffeine are known to trigger the Detrusor muscle in the bladder to contract, you will make you pee, even before your bladder is full. The final result can be wet legs if your "coma" induced by alcohol is stronger than your desire to get up and go to the bathroom.


Hive, sneezing, wheezing, stuffy nose

Woman blowing her nose into tissue

Although you can be allergic to beer, most people simply have a sensitivity to some of the ingredients thereof. "The most common reactions of beer are types of grains, modified grain protein hops, mussels, mussels or barleys," writes Cleveland Clinic doctorMark Rood, MD, inHealth essentials. "Sensitivities are also possible to additives present in some beers, including sulfites, sodium benzoate or Tarazine".

Sulphites, histamine, yeast, tannins and egg whites (sometimes used as a filter agent) are also common triggers of allergy or asthma reactions, according to theAmerican Allergy College, Asthma and Immunology. In an investigation in the German journalDeutsches Arzteblatt International, 8.9% of women and 5.2% of men reported intolerance and / or symptoms resembling an allergy after drinking wine. The most common symptoms included rinsing congestion, itching and nasal.


Beer's potomania

Mature man with bad headache at home

It is a serious illness introduced by a high alcohol consumption, mainly beer, five cans or more per day and a bad diet. It is a type of hyponatremia occurring when the blood sodium concentration is abnormally low, according to case studies in the open access medical journalHealing. Sodium is a critical electrolyte that helps regulate the amount of water in and around your cells. It is often very low in hospitalized patients with a history of alcoholism. Symptoms of "beer potomania" include confusion, fatigue, headaches, nausea and muscle weakness.

Related:What happens to your body when you drink beer every night


Disrupted deep sleep

Sad Woman Lying On Bed

You may think that a good cognac cogna could help you hang - and that may be, but you can pay for that in the wee hours. Alcohol, even a single glass late at night, can disrupt deep sleep, the most rejuvenating stage that occurs in the last step of sleep not Rem. AGreat Finnish study more than 4000 people published inMMIR MENTAL HEALTHfound that the consumption of moderate alcohol (two drinks a day for men and a woman) decreased by 24% of the quality of sleep, while the men and women who drank a lot (more than two per day for Men and more than one for women) experienced a lower sleep quality by 39.2%. Alcohol is a short-acting sedative, which means 2 to 3 hours after alcohol concentrations fall near zero, a rebound occurs and excitement is stimulated. As it takes about an hour for the body to metabolize a glass of wine or liquor, if you have some late at night, your deep sleep will be disturbed just when you need it the most. Takeway: Stop drinking alcohol at least 4 hours before bedtime, suggests a review of 2009 studies inAbuse of substance. For more tips for getting a better night's sleep, check7 healthy food changes that help you sleep.


A red nose

red wine in a glass next to bottle

Alcohol dilates blood vessels on the face and especially the nose, aggravating a disease known as Rosacea in some people. But a big alcohol consumption does not cause "red nose of the alcoholic", the enlarged and bulbous rosacea subtype. Even teetotalers can have rosacea, says theRosacea National Society. But many victims of rosacea note that alcohol, red wine, in particular, exacerbates the outbreaks. Red wine contains compounds similar to histamine called Tyramine, a known vasodilator. In ainvestigation Of 700 patients with the National Rosacea Society, 76% reported cutaneous reactions after drinking red wine. The beer triggered red noses in 41% of respondents; Scotch has attracted the least of push, 21%. At least a good good can come from red wine, however:12 surprising services on the health of red wine.


Reduction of chills, lower body temperature

skinny margarita

Take a brandy pinch of a vial while skiing can warm your alpine core cold, but it does not last long. As we learned above, alcohol is a vasodilator, stimulating blood volume in capillaries below the surface of your skin. This creates the feeling of heat while your basic temperature can actually be lowered, which could be dangerous if you do not realize how cold your body is becoming cold. In addition, alcohol consumption can reduce the ability of your body to shudder, its naturally warming response to cold temperatures, according to a study of the Environmental Medicine Army Research Institute published in theJournal of Wilderness Medicine.



Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

Alcohol can be considered a poison, and it can trigger a crowd of changes to your digestive system that can lead to a nearest sprint. Here's how: according to a report ofBiology of addiction, Alcohol is inflammatory. This means that alcohol consumption causes irritation of the gastrointestinal tract while disturbing the normal function of drawing of the large intestine water, which causes liquid stool. Alcohol is also overcut digestion and kills good intestinal bacteria, which can contribute to diarrhea in the drinkers of the frenzy as well as chronic alcoholics. For more, see25 the worst habits for your digestion.


Anxiety and depression

Sad and lonely woman feeling depressed

Not surprising, but the trouble to be underlined: a lotstudiesShow that mood disorders such as anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems that occur with the alcohol use disorder. And when you suffer from depression and alcoholism, the prognosis is worse than if you have less disorder.


Bad breath

bad breath

You do not laugh someone with a Schnapps pepper. A night drinking can give you a bad breath Malodor-Malodor. A study in theDental research journal Suggests the intake of alcohol and overweight is associated with high volatile sulphide levels, a bad breath measure.



Sick young woman lying in the bed covered with blanket

Bad dreams are common in alcohol-dependent patients during abstinence and withdrawal, according to a study ofAlcohol and Alcoholism. The researchers studied a group of alcoholics and a group of healthy people on their sleep and dream experience over four weeks, while drinkers refrain from alcohol. The results showed that alcoholics have experienced an alteration of the quality of sleep and their dreams tended to be more negatively tested than those of healthy materials. A common theme in the dreams of detoxifying alcoholics: alcohol.


Desires of greasy hamburgers.

fast food burger

Ok, no surprise here. You know that some drinks can make you hear La Crave McDonald's, the wolf on a bag of Doritos or order a pizza at midnight. Cocktails, or more specifically to ethanol, the active ingredient of them, stimulate the appetite. That's why the French Saucy invented the aperitif. But how to drink the trigger to eat too much? Researchers reporting inNature CommunicationsRealized a rodent study in which they injected ethanol into mice for three days and watched a marked increase in their food consumption. In addition, they found that ethanol caused electrical and biochemical hyperactivity in the neurons of the hypothalamus which are normally activated during intense hunger. In other words, alcohol consumption bursts your brain feed circuits thinking you are hungry. Then also can these 25 foods that make you happy .

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