The 10 worst food trends "Healthy" of 2019

We have asked several experts to bring together the worst food trends in 2019 that are resolutely unhealthy.

If there are two words that can do nutrition experts ride everywhere their collective eyes, they would be "ceto diet. Of course, it is very popular, the shocking promises Results of weight loss, and has even been promoted by some of our favorite celebrities (we are looking for you,Halle Berry) But is it really healthy?

Most experts say that the answer is a big, fat and unfortunately, Céto is not the only wolf in sheep clothing in terms of fake health trends. This year, we have seen the rise of several other popular approaches to lose weight that all claim to be "healthy", but in a real way over evidence, science, or even good judgment.

We have asked several experts to round the best of the worst, the trends of the 2019 health foods who are decidedlyUNHealthy (and hopefully appointed to disappear in 2020).


Keto diet

Keto, ketogenic diet

Let's finish one on the first way. Keto, a low carbohydrate, fat-rich diet that has been originally designed for people with epilepsy, can be beneficial as part of itsmedical application. But somewhere along the way, people started doing Céto just to lose weight and it's not big.

"The number one keto is that it is not designed to be a lasting approach to being healthy, it is on weight loss, the period," says Barbie Boules, RDNBarbie Balls Longevity Nutrition. "So what are you supposed to do when it's time to stop? »

Worse still, when you are on the ceto diet you are not just cutting the rear carbohydrates; You are alsoCut out precious nutrients which provide foods rich in carbohydrates, such as magnesium, potassium and vitamins B. "Ceto diet limits what you eat and because of that, you can be at risk for many nutritional deficiencies," says Amy Gorin , MS, RDN, owner ofAmy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area. "It is also a dangerous diet for people with type 1 diabetes [since] the style of food increases the risk of diabetic acidocetosis, a deadly disease. »


Carb cycling

Carb cycling example high carb breakfast cereal juice low carb eggs avocado apple toast

Supporters of this trend assertioncarb bike (Namely increase and decrease your levels of carbohydrate by day by day), can reset your metabolism and help you maintain a healthy weight.

But stresses that the cycling of carbohydrate contents is designed for athletes, so unless you are, you are not likely to see an advantage. In fact, you might feel really terrible enough. "My specialty is the well-being of women: it's unbalanced day by day in terms of propagation of macronutrients can create hormonal hell," explains Balls.

Nutrition experts warned people forever about the dangers ofThe treatment of your diet like a yo-yoAnd that's basically what you do here with carbohydrates. The habits you can stick to always are always a better choice.


Diet combinations

Woman holding plate of keto foods at a table

Keto and vegetarian, Vegetarian and intermittent fast,Intermittent and keto fast: As long as two regimes are not diametrically opposed to each other, people put them together in 2019. Hey, if a diet helps you lose weight, it goes without saying that two diets help you lose the sameFollowing, law?

Wrong. "Try to follow a meal plan that isthe two ceto and the intermittent (or vegan and keto, etc.) can limit incredibly and unlikely to be supported in the long term ", saysErin Palinski-Wade, Rd, author ofFat Belly for Dummies. "[If you] Try to make too many changes at a time, you can end up making any changes at all. »

In addition, matchmaking the latest feeding trends can cause serious nutritional deficits. Palinski-Wade says that getting enough protein in a healthy way on a ketone regime is quite difficult in itself, but add to that a sequencevegetarian or vegan diet (In which protein sources tend to have fewer protein and more carbohydrates) and makes you very difficult to stick to this style of eating.

At the end of the line? A diet at one time, please.


Herbal meat

Burger king impossible whopper
With the kind permission of burger king

In the summer of 2019, Burger King presented America at theimpossible whopper: A meatless alternative with classic dumpling that has been served in BK forever since, well,. The herbal burger is made from the water, concentrated soy protein, coconut oil and sunflower oil. She even "bleeds" as an ordinary hamburger thanks to what is calledhem.

The problem, however, is the overall quality of herbal foodstuffs. "Adding morevegetable food At your diet is a great way to improve overall health, but not all plant foods are equal ", says Palinski Wade.

Whether KFC's plant-based or "chicken" burgers, many fast food alternatives are high in sodium and saturated fats, which means that their claims to be the healthier option. are usually less than accurate. For example, BK'sImpossible whopper contains 630 calories, 11 grams of saturated grease and 1,080 grams of sodium; By comparison, an ordinary OL 'Big lie Between 660 calories, 12 grams of saturated grease and 980 grams of sodium.


Premature cabbage crust

Cauliflower pizza crust

If you buy a frozen cabbage crust for Friday Pizza Night and you tap on the back for making the choice healthier, we have bad news for you: you should stay stuck with carbohydrates.

"Most commercial cauliflower crusts are not a" cleaner "or healthier than a crust made of wheat, yeast, water and salt," says balls. "They can be lower in carbohydrates, but people need to be better educated on why" Low-Carb "is not [always] a healthier approach to eat - especially when it means compensating for the texture and the flavor with nutritional garbage. "

What is "nutrition bins" is balls that refer to? Unnecessary ingredients like Xanthane gum flour, corn or rice flour and added sugar, which can be found in many crown crusts sitting in your frozen food. If you want to harvest the health benefits of a cauliflower crust, take the time ofmake your own.



Heart health diet

Otherwise known as "food approaches to stop hypertension", this style of eating has been promoted by the national heart, lung and blood institute as a means of lowering blood pressure without drugs. TheDiet Encourages people to eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products, as well as small amounts of fish, poultry, red meat, legumes and grease.

The only problem? It has not been designed for weight loss, so all dairy products, cereals and starches have proven to be so perfect for people who want to lose weight. Since then, the dietcontinues to be refurbished and revised Several different ways with an eye towards weight loss butThurlow CynthiaNP, a nurse practitioner specializing in nutrition, is still not impressed.

"This one was largely discredited [because theseFood can be highly inflammatory and contribute to weight gain, diabetes and obesity, "she says." There were limited studies on its effectiveness and I think it's an obsolete option. "

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Mct oil

MCT oil in glass cup with half of coconut

If you have already traveledKeto Recipes On Pinterest, you probably noticed many of them, including something calledMct oil. There is a lot of science complicated here, so we will cut to the pursuit: Mcite means medium chain triglycerides, a fatty acid chain found naturally in some oils. MCT oil is a manufactured substance that has become popular upwardsCoffee bullets. Its fans say that the supplement can burn fat, remove hunger and support weight loss, especially when used in conjunction with a low fat diet, such asKeto.

It sounds good, right? Not so fast. Palinski-Wade says that much of the research has been made on small populations. It can therefore not be applied to your own health needs. In addition, it could do more harm than good if you are not wise with that. "Depending on your individual food needs, the addition of large quantities of this oil to your meals and drinks may not take advantage of your health," warns Palinski-Wade. "It can provide an excessive amount of calories and large quantities cancause oxen or malaise. "


CBD infused coffee safe

Nitro cold brew coffee

Hemp derivativeCBD oil (A.k.a. cannabidiol, an active ingredient in marijuana) is almost everywhere at this moment, being considered a natural treatment of symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia and chronic pain. ThroughHarvard Health, the substance does not cause high, so people started completing with it on the left and right, even go so far as possibleCAFES Infused CBD specialized retailers.

Although some of the CBD oil research seems promising, it has repeated that it is a supplement and supplements are generally not regulated by the FDA. So it's a kind of wild world. It is convenient to get your daily dose of CBD with your morning Joe cup, but the power and purity of your supplement could vary considerably from one purchase to another.

"If you choose drinks and cafes with CBD added, make sure you know what you get," advises Palinski-Wade. "And make sure to discuss the CBD with your health professionalTo make sure it is appropriate for youand will not intervene with other medications or supplements you could take. "

At the end of the day, CBD oil could do everything he claims to do - but these statements have not yet been proven, do not assume that you have a free pass here.


Intermittent fast

intermittent fasting

The proof is not yet there forIntermittent fasting benefits and somePeople can take it too far. "Intermittent fasting can be done in a healthy and durable way, but I talked about many people who follow the food style and who are taking too little to maintain an active way of life," says Gorin.

Even if he can work in moderation, the intermittent fast is also delivered with a warning "Do not try" for many different people. Gorin says that because it's restrictive nature, intermittent fasting could lead toeat too much Wherebing, by making a potentially harmful choice for people with a disorderly manual story.

This is not a good choice for people with diabetes, children or pregnant or breastfeeding women. It's difficult for people who travel a lot or who have unpredictable schedules. And finally, he can pose a problem for athletes (or anyone likes to hit the treadmill of the A.M.). "I do not like people often work in the morning without fuel," says balls. "It's a non-no."


Chia Seed All

Chia seed pudding

These teensy small seeds have had a huge cultural impact on the US diet people over the past year, which appear in smoothies, yogurt and salads, and even getting closer to the role of the star in their own flat:Chia Seed Pudding.Fiber top And omega-3s, chia seeds pack a big punch in a small package.

Although research on theBenefits of eating chia seeds It is always emerging, there are some evidence that they can also reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. So why are they onthis listing? "I think the seeds of Chia are a good option with healthy fat, but to consume them daily - or as a dessert substitute - is not necessary, and I see far too many people using the pudding of the seed of Chia as A safer daily dessert option "explains Thurlow.

Instead of stuffing your face with a pudding of flavored chia seeds and think it's better than treating a reasonable dish ofice cream, consume chia seeds in moderation rather than excess (and, by all means, let yourself have a real Sundae from time to time).

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: diet / tips / Unhealthy
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