12 ways to maintain your weight loss
Sometimes it takes more effort to maintain the number at the scale it has done to reach it first.

Losing weight takes a lot more of you than just excess fat and dirty books; He takes the blood, sweat and tears on top of that. And once you have done it with your corps and your ideal weight, all that discipline and sacrifice took a toll. The last thing you want to do after so much work is to continue working, but just because you have reached the finish line does not mean that you can stop running again.
In fact, if you do not put as much time and effort to maintain the weight you have worked so hard to lose, the chances you earn the right of return are overwhelming. According to a Stanford University study, only 5 percent of people to successfully maintain the loss they did. That's why we have rounded these infallible solutions to help you keep keeping it off. And if you want to do more than maintain and lose even more, we haveways to overcome weight loss trays also.
Do not give up your routine ...

Whether it's a gym or yoga mat that helped you stay active down and thin, continue! If you stop working after weight loss, you will experience a diver of metabolism, according to researchers from the University of Alabama. And as obvious as it may seem, you would be surprised to see how much to choose to throw the sponge as soon as they reach their goal. Yes, you can celebrate and savor in your success, but these 5 testers you got a.m. 130 pounds Go stand there too! This study revealed that people who are 40 minutes from cardio three days a week or lifting kept from burning calories at the same pace. Make sure you use the rightprotein powder After these sweat sessions.
... or Miss your morning meal

It is not an old waive tale; Breakfast is really the most important meal of the day. What nearly 80 percent of the National Weight Control registry members are more involved in losing an average of 66 pounds and keep it for more than five years? They regularly eat breakfast. pop so, an English muffin in the toaster or tearing the lid of thisGreek yogurt. Starting on the right foot, you define the trend for the rest of the day.
Low calorie keep keep

During a study in theAmerican Society for Clinical Nutrition Loked these same members of the National Weight Control Registry, they found that their weight loss of success stories had even more in common. Their secret? Low daily food in calories and fat. If you choose to follow with this, make sure that the fat than youare Eating are healthy like lawyers, almonds, or peanut butter. And when it comes to your number of calories, just as diligent in your tracking that you were back at the beginning before losing these dirty books. Otherwise, they will sneak down straight back.
Keep control
Instead of engaging with massive cheating meals to compensate for all the hard-earned calories you cut your weight loss trip, enjoy the gentle substance with moderation. This same study revealed that lower levels of disinhibition-a.k.A food. Fringales-have been periodic linked to a weight chance more than 60 percent of maintaining for more than one year. With a number like that, what other incentives do you need to keep your pulsions under control?
Choose chew more

When the researchers at Harbin Medical University have studied people's chewing habits, they found that the way you physically eat your food more to do with the weight loss you might think. In fact, people who have chewed each blocked 40 times consumed about 12 percent less food than those chewing only 15. This is because your brain does not record immediately that your stomach is full, in order to slow down gives you the time to realize not hungry more. You can also try to put your fork between each bite and, or even eat with chopsticks.
Handle your mood

Your diet makes you depressed? It is possible that some of your favorite foods are factors that contribute to your mood swings, thus cut the culprits of your grocery list as soon as possible and take any other necessary measure. Otherwise, your depression can maintain the loss of ensuring weight of a serious struggle. A study in theJournal of Clinical American Nutrition Found lower levels of these were linked to a greater success to keep the books off.
Keep clutter counters without
Out of sight, out of mind, is not it? If you do not walk through the freezer section on your shopping, you are much less likely to take a pint of chip to mint, so keep that in mind when it comes to the organization of the kitchen. Resist the temptation is hard enough already without salty snacks and sweet pleasures you stit up in the face every time you walk in the refrigerator. In fact, Brian Wasnink, director of Cornell Food and Brand Lab, has found a link between the weight of a woman and the food she leaves. Women with soda on their counters weigh an average of 26 pounds more than women with spacious spaces, and those who leave cookies are usually on 8 books heavier.
Go big

It turns out that there is a number magical in terms of weight maintenance: 15! When the researchers of Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Labs Inc. have studied weight observers, they found that the loss of 15 per cent or more of your body weight meant that you were more likely to continue to lose over time. Less than 19 percent of the study participants who had lost as much as the weight found after two entire years. So, cut according to your calculations and give your body a better chance in the long run.

Prepare, this one is difficult to hear. According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, nearly 65 percent of diet people resume the weight they lost before three years have passed. Instead of being discouraged by these numbers, use it as a reminder that you should not be a diet, but a healthy lifestyle instead. It is much easier to continue to count calories and shopping MindFully than to continue to completely cut carbohydrates or stop sugar quite. Stick with a weight loss routine that you can continue even after you have achieved your goals without torturing you.
Opt for flavonoids

According to a study of theBritish Medical JournalThe middle-aged and more people who have eaten rich flavonoid regimes were more likely to maintain their weight than those who do not. Are you wondering what flavonoids are and how to get your daily dose? Fortunately for you, these antioxidants are found in all kinds of fruits and vegetables, ranging from sweet potatoes to blueberries to Roman lettuce. As if you needed another excuse to supply these food groups the next time you tap the product section of your local grocery store.
Do not choose change

Change is good, but not always. When it comes to choosing what's happening on your plate, coherence is the key. In fact, a study in theJournal of Clinical American Nutrition found that the majority of people who lose weight and maintain it sticks for the same eating habits as one day of the week or one day of the week. So, do not see a good thing; Holding on these healthy long-term habits will make long-term results.
Step on the scale

When was the last time you enter the ladder? If it was not today at any time, you should probably get. Simply because you like the number that is on a scale does not mean that you should stop the verification. When the participants in a study at Cornell University pushed to lose 10 percent of their body weight, those who did it during the first year kept the books off for a second year too. The researchers believe that these results have to do with how often they are mounted on the scale because this action has reinforced the decision they had made to eat clean and exercise regularly. And if you do not take our word, trust peer reviews this advice comes. weigh you is one of6 science-backed ways to lose 5% more belly fat.

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