19 symptoms that could be a sign of something serious

Here's when you should worry and what to do about it.

The symptoms and signs of a serious illness are often undeniable. For example, there is no doubt that the pain with the sudden central chest, radiating the left arm, associated with vomiting, sweating, pallor and collapse, is probably a heart attack.

You call 911. Simple.

But much more often, it seems that the symptoms slip very slowly on you. They can be lightweight and seem innocent. So, what should you look at? What strange things can happen to you that this could be a sign of something more serious? When should you get help? Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Involuntary weight loss


If you find that you lose weight for no apparent reason, it should send alarm bells. Involuntary weight loss has a serious health problem very often. A2017 research studyPosted in the medical newspaperPlos a The included patients who had unintentionally lost more than 5% of their body weight during the previous 6 to 12 months. After an investigation, 33% had a malignant tumor (that is, a tumor), 37% had a non-malignant medical diagnosis and 16% had psychosocial causes (such as depression, the consumption of associated drugs and the 'immobility).


Reduced appetite

Displeased young woman doesn't want to eat her breakfast

Loss of appetiteis quite common to your age. The smell, view and taste of food contribute much to your appetite. With aging, these senses can all be altered. However, this can lead to poor diet and weight loss. If you start feeling your food, it's time to think why it could be. Mediocre dental hygiene can mean chewing and swallowing is not so easy. Depression can cause a lack of interest in food. A loss of general appetite can also be the result of other chronic diseases or may even mean dementia.


Constant thirst

with closed eyes drinking clean mineral water close up, young woman holding glass

We can all be thirsty from time to time. It is a normal body response that tells us that our body needs more liquid. However, if you feel thirsty all the time and drink more than 25 cups of liquid a day, it's called Polydipsia. You will probably be constantly in and out of the bathroom to have a pee.

Polydipsia is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. Early diagnosis of diabetes is very important. When diabetes occurs as acute disease, it can be threatening life. This is called diabetic ketoidosis. Do not let it too late, if you notice a thirst increase, test yourself.


Get up at night to pass the urine

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

Do you wake up to have a pee of more than once a night? It's callednocturia, and it's more common than you think. One in three over 30 years old visit the bathroom to piss at least twice a night. 25% of falls in the elderly are caused because of that.

So, what could cause it? In men, prostate problems are common because they get older. The enlarged prostate restricts the flow of urine. In women, vaginal prolapse often affects the function of the bladder. A deficiency of estrogen and after menopause can contribute to urinary symptoms and urinary tract infections. Sometimes nocturia can be a symptom of kidney disease.

Insomnia can also be a cause - people are often awake and think about their bladder!InsomniaCause Fatigue and Fatigue of the Day and is a significant risk factor for many other diseases, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, dementia and cancer.


Tired all the time


Feel tired is one of the most common reasons for going to the doctor. However, aREVIEW 201626 medical studies revealed that fatigue is a bad predictor of physical illness. The results showed that 18.5% of patients were depressed. 2.8% were anemic. 0.6% had cancer. 4.3% had a serious condition not malignant.

The authors concluded that as an autonomous symptom, fatigue itself is rarely a manifestation of an organic disease. Investigations should be adapted to any other coexist symptom. Emphasis should be placed on stress and psychosocial factors.

If you areFeeling tiredDo you suffer from any other symptom too? It is important to consider your diet and your way of life and your work / life balance. What can you do to make improvements? However, if you have other symptoms, it should ask you to see your doctor.


Be cold

Woman feeling cold

It's very strange that if you take a group of people in the same room, some will complain too hot and others will say the opposite. There is often no clear reason why, however, some medical conditions can be cold.

  • Hypothyroidism(A sub-active thyroid) is one of them. About 1 out of 10 women have evidence of hypothyroidism. This is also associated with fatigue, slow and constipation.
  • Anemia Occurs when your blood lacks red blood cells. Because these cells wear oxygen around the body, if there is not enough, your body is relatively exhausted with vital oxygen. You can feel tired and have cold hands and feet. There are many causes of anemia in order to investigate. This can be a sign sometimes of a serious medical condition.
  • Chronic stress means that your body lives in a constant state of "fighting, fear and flight". The liberation of adrenaline makes your heart beat faster and you can start sweating. While the sweat dries on your body, you can then feel chills. People suffering from chronic anxiety and stress can feel warm and cold.
  • Diet-You could be cold because you are in a negative calorie balance. In more extreme cases, those who have a mental anorexia often feel cold.

Blood on the toilet paper

Person's Hand Using Toilet Paper

If you notice blood on the toilet paper, this is most often due to batteries (a.k.a. hemorrhoids). The batteries are varicose veins that occur around your anus. You will not know they are there unless they bleed or start hurting. It's very common. In fact, when I was at the medical school, they said that 50% of the population have hemorrhoids and the other half are liars!

However, it is always better to be sure it's really only hemorrhoids.

  • Bleeding on toilet paper can be a sign of intestine cancer, you should check and chat with your doctor. Most people will not have any intestine cancer.
  • Bleaming piles can cause anemia, which can be very slow in appearance.

Do not be embarrassed! Fit and go see the doctor. Remember - even the Queen of England is on the toilet!


Bad breath

Woman checking her breath with hand

Are you one of the 25% of the population suffering from bad breathingbad breath? It's not a joke, as this can be a sign of important underlying medical conditions. This can also put your health at risk. 85% of cases should not clean the teeth properly, not dental silk and not to visit the dental hygienist. Periodontal diseases-gingivitis are caused by the same bacteria that give rise to bad breath.

  • The presence of periodontal disease is associated withoxidative stress-This is a harmful physiological process in which your body is unable to eradicate the molecules called free radicals. The accumulation offree radicalsIncreases your risk of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and dementia.
  • 10% of cases of halitosis come from the ear, nose and throat, for example an amygdalitis, a postnasal drop and sinusitis.
  • 5% of cases of halitosis stem from gastrointestinal tract, for example, due to reflux and peptic ulcer disease. There is a suggestion that can be associated with an infection with pylori helicoplacter.

Blurred vision

woman over white with blurred vision and trouble focusing

You can either notice that your vision gradually becomes a little fuzzy or, you could suddenly find your vision is blurred. This requires an urgent medical assessment.

  • Gradual vision blurChanges related to the environment. You will only know when seeing an optician and seeing a test of sight and an exam. It is very important to have regular eye tests. Other causes of blurred vision include diabetes and a range of conditions that affect nerves and muscles providing your eyes. These include multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.
  • Sudden interference from the vision- This may be due to a detachment of the retina. It's an emergency. Therefore, you should not ignore blurred vision and visit the optician and / or doctor for in-depth check. If diagnosed early, a retina detachment can be processed and your view can be preserved, but if you leave it, this option can be lost.
  • The vision can also become blurry with a stroke. If it suddenly comes, and especially if there are other signs such as the drop of face, the difficulty of speech, the difficulty to chew or swallow, vertigo or headaches - you must see a doctor right away . Some shots can be reversed if caught early enough, but you do not have to leave it, you have to go to a hospital immediately.

Forget things, being confused

Horizontal portrait of stressful stylish unshaven male regrets something, keeps hand on head, looks down in despair

How often do people complain that they would lose their heads if it has not been screwed? We live in an increasingly busy and stressful society, so a certain degree of mistake with the personal organization and the skills of everyday life is probably by for the course. But how can you know when your cognitive thinking slows faster than it should be? Could you develop dementia?

If you go to the doctor, they will probably evaluate you using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). This is a test that takes 5 to 10 minutes and involves answering a few simple questions. The maximum score is 30. A normal score is 24-30. If you mark <9 This indicates a serious problem, 10-18 indicates a moderate problem and a slight problem 19-23.

The MMSE test should not be used alone as a dementia diagnosis depends more than it depends.



Sick woman coughing, experiencing hiccup.

The NHS recommends asking for medical help if you have had a persistent cough for three weeks, which does not progress. However, if you have other symptoms such as fever, coughing blood, chest pain, breathing pain (pleural pain) or adenopathy in your neck, or for example, you have an weakened immune system, you should See the doctor sooner.

  • Cough is a frequent symptom of asthma. When the asthma is well controlled, you should not cough. A sign that your asthma is flaring is often an increase in cough. Asthmatic must recognize the warning signs so that you can increase the use of your inhalers for asthma "to prevail" that you have been recommended to do so, to avoid an acute crisis.
  • Lung cancer is strongly related to smoking. But did you know, there has been a worrying increase in lung cancer in recent years, among people who have never smoked. Experts are not sure of reasons. If your parents smoked during your childhood it's a risk factor. Atmospheric pollution has also been cited. Radon is another possible cause.
  • Cough is also one of the symptoms of coronavirus as well as fever and shortness of breath. Call your doctor if you encounter these problems.

Abdominal bloating

Woman touching stomach painful suffering from stomachache causes of menstruation period, gastric ulcer, appendicitis or gastrointestinal system disease

I'm sure you've all heard people complain bitterly complaining that they feel plethoric. Which represents a "full" feel uncomfortable in your abdomen sometimes associated with growing eructations and wind. Most time bloating is not serious and is a consequence of overeating, too much alcohol or eating maybe too much spicy food.

However, so bloating is serious distress and causing you should ask for help because there are a variety of more serious medical causes. Examples include irritable colon syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease), certain forms of gastroenteritis (eg Norovirus, or E. coli), food intolerances (eg intolerance to Lactose, gluten intolerance) and gastroparesia (the food moves too slowly the intestine).

Sometimes bloating can be due to gynecological causes such as endometriosis, or much less often, ovarian cancer.

If you suffer from bloating, do not ignore it, go a check-up.



woman with headache holds hand to her temple making a painful expression

Most headaches are linked tostress,voltage and anxiety. Do usually suffer that they get these headaches and out and consider this as an unfortunate consequence of the pressures of modern life. However, stress management is very important because it has a marked influence with age, on our overall health, and increases the risk of many different medical conditions.

There are many moreCauses of headaches, Some of which are serious or can threaten the vital prognosis. It is important to take action if you have a headache that is different from your usual headaches. Beware of the headaches that come suddenly and are associated with other symptoms. For example:

A common cause of a sudden, serious headache is a stroke. Look for the signs of FAST:

  • FAS - Your face is falling on one side
  • ARMS - Incapacity with lifting arms on the head
  • SPeech - Exposure Disorders
  • TIME - Get help immediately in the early stages of brain strokes can be reversed.

If you are concerned about headaches, go chat with your doctor. They will check your blood pressure and can recommend for example a visual test. Also check your medications, as a headache can be a side effect of some medicines. Do not leave it, prevention is always better than cure.


Change the appearance of moles

Girl with birthmarks on the neck

The incidence of skin cancer has increased by 135% since the 1990s! For the best prognosis, it is very important to diagnose melanoma early and before it is widespread.

Risk factorsFor melanoma, we can cite the Caucasian, have pale skin, loyal hair and an intense exposure history in the sun. Be aware of your moles and check if there are any changes. Look for one or more of the following:

  • A - Does the asymmetrical mole?
  • B - Does he have an irregular border?
  • VS - Does your taupe have different colors?
  • D - Is it larger than 6 mm (the size of an erase gum)?
  • E - Does it evolve, that is to say changing over time?


Man hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness,a problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway

Dizzinessmeans different things for different people. You could say that you feel dizzy if you feel choked, or you weak. Or you might feel dizzy because you feel that you are turning - more properly called Vertigo.

These attacks can last minutes or hours at a time. They can be accompanied by other symptoms such as tinnitus, auditory loss or ear pressure. 15% of patients complain about vertigo have a serious underlying disease.

Examples of causes include: anxiety, panic attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, penalty and benign vertigo disease.


Change of habit of the intestine

Door knob on or off the bathroom

You will now know what your normal intestine habit looks like. Some people have only their bowels open two or three times a week, while others do it every day.

If yourusually changes the intestineFor example, you more often have cacares, softer stools or diarrhea, abdominal pain, and especially if there is mixed blood with the stool, this can be a sign of intestine cancer, and you must see the doctor without delay.



Medical check at the shoulder during a physiotherapy examination

Always take pieces and bumps that you notice on your body seriously. These can have a serious cause. They may take some time so you can notice them, then will not arrive at disappearing or starting to enlarge.

It can be difficult for the doctor to know the cause of the size. It will depend on where it is, how long it has been there, size and sensation, as well as associated symptoms.

Common bumps include:

  • Lipomas - Simple fat bumps
  • Sebaceous cysts - Benine cysts containing sebum
  • Other cysts - for example. hernias, epididymic and hydrolence cysts
  • Enlarged lymphatic nodes - may be due to eg infections. Glandular fever, or lymphoma / leukemia, or other cancers
  • Cutaneous infections - for example. abscess
  • BENIN BREAST CONDITIONS for example. fiboadenoma
  • More rarely:cancer for example. breast cancer, thyroid cancer

The food tastes funny

Bad taste of salad

It's calleddysgeusieand has many possible causes. The taste of food affects your appetite and if you can not love to eat, it can cause anorexia and weight loss.

Short-term causes include upper respiratory tract infections and mouth infections. In the longer term, viral hepatitis is a recognized cause. It can also be associated with self-immune disorders such as SJOGREN syndrome and the SLE. The loss of taste can however be a characteristic of serious illnesses, including HIV and advanced cancer.


Night sweats

Sleep disorder, insomnia. Young blonde woman lying on the bed awake

Do you swear at night? In middle-aged women, menopause could be the culprit. However, there are many other causes for nocturnal fever. Do not assume that it's normal, see your doctor, especially since fever is one of the symptoms of coronavirus.

The current causes included hyperthyroidism, low blood glasses (uncontrolled diabetes properly), sleep apnea and the side effect of certain drugs (eg antihypertensive).

The causes are widely divided into four categories - infections (eg subacute bacterial endocarditis, osteomyelitis), inflammatory conditions (eg rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis), cancers (eg, pancreas) and various (eg inflammatory inflammatory disease and thyroiditis).


Last thoughts

female doctor or nurse wearing face protective medical mask for protection from virus disease with computer and clipboard calling on phone at hospital

After reading all this, what is the conclusion?

Get to know your body and do not be shy to report the changes that worry you.

It's hard not to become a hypochondriac! It is also true that self-help is important in the early stages of any disease, so you should not rush to the doctor too quickly. However, if things are persistent and it's not right, do not feel intimidated to ask for help.

You can call your doctor's surgery and talk to a team member. You can also call a help line for advice. The emphasis on these days is firmly on preventive medicine and catch early things to get the best prognosis.

Concentrate on a healthy lifestyle and adapt good health behaviors to give you the best result for life. As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writerDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.

Categories: Health
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