13 foods you should never put in your freezer

Unless you are in the mood for foaming food, keep these products away from the freezer.

All your grocery stores are not converted. So, while we applaud you for choosing to prevent food waste, proceed as careful. Some things look like and taste a lot to get out of the freezer they do not go, which can be less tasty and even dangerous.

Do not learn from your own mistakes-learn from our list! Keep these objects elsewhere next time you discharge grocery bags, and thank you later. Here are the foods you should not freeze, regardless of the circumstances.



carton eggs

Do not ruin perfectly good eggs by ticking them in the freezer. Although it is perfectly fine for storing a whipped egg in the freezer, water in a drunk drill will be sufficiently extended to crash, accommodate bacteria inside. And if it does not crack, the whites will transform anyway rubbery, which is one of the reasons why the egg-based ice cube gel is not a good idea. Keep all egg-based sauces, such as meringue, English cream and Mayo, from there too if you want them to maintain their texture.


Dairy products

yogurt in wooden bowls

Have milk? You will not have it more if you have it appear in the freezer. Instead, you will have a bad mess. And this is not the only dairy product you should leave cooling. Not only does the cream cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream all are all separated once frozen, but any cheese will also go to a change of texture. It will become friable if it were difficult to start and crystallized if it were soft, so buy only as much as you need and leave it in the refrigerator.

If you are planning freezing ingredients for a smoothie, freeze only your product bays and bananas. Let the milk and yogurt in the fridge.


Fried food

fast food fries coming out of fryer

Frozen foods are delicious when they are fresh - not so much when they are cold. Putting them in the freezer will make them really hard to warm up and that crisp outdoors will become Soggy.


Soft drinks

Soda cans

It's a mistake that you will only do once. Cooling a carbonated box in the freezer can be refreshing, but this will only lead an aluminum and long-term sticky soda. You will better store those of the refrigerator.


Fully cooked pasta

straining pasta in sink

Al dente or bust! The freezing of the completely cooked pasta leads to soft and soft noodles that are anything but appetizing. But if you cook of the pasta, which means that when it is always firm when it is bitten, you will get better results to warm up.

Do you want to freeze your sauce too? Pour it into an ice cube tray to make sure it merges faster faster.


Water-rich products

nightshade vegetables, nightshades

There is no better way to transform fresh products into a soft and soggy lame to throw it into the freezer. Lettuce, potatoes, cucumbers, watermelon and apples all have a high water content, leading them to ice in the freezer. When this ice melts on the defrost, you will be left with severely unattractive fruits and vegetables.



frozen beef burger patties
Chatham172 / Shutterstock

Freezing meat once suitable. It's when you defrost and put it in the freezer again that things start getting a small summary. Going back between the two states is an invitation for bacteria to reproduce and develop on your meat. This is the last thing you want when whipping salmon burgers or chicken tacos, so starting from your frozen meats and do not thaw only for immediate use.


Fresh herbs

Fresh herbs

What was once a green green grass can turn into a brown ball ball if it remained suspended in the freezer. With a change in temperature like this, the texture will be lost whatever happens.

That being said, there is a way to save some flavor: cover the herbs chopped into oil and freeze them in an ice cube tray.



white potatoes in bowl

Yes, McDonald is freezing his fries before being shipped to restaurants. No, it does not mean that the potato gel at home will work in the same way. AsPenn State University explainsThe freezing of potatoes will separate the starch and the water from the potatoes, which makes them soggy.




Think about two times before buying a Mayo Costco bath, because it will not do well in your freezer. The ingredients will separate, and it will not be appetizing.



PB and J

If you froze a fruit jelly pot, the texture will not be the same. As theNational Center for Preservation of Home Food at Georgia University explainsJelly jelly "can soak the bread" when he is defrosted and no one wants.



green bean casserole in pan

Unlike recommendations not to freeze milk or yogurt, you will want to stay away from freezing all the attractions or pans based on dairy products. The dairy will separate and you will be left with a meal less than appetizing.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.



curry powder
Nadia Yong / Shutterstock

Although some spices will become well in the microwave, others will lose their power. The National Home Food Preservation Center indicates that Curry "will develop a muston inactive" if it is frozen.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: tips
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