The CDC just said when vaccinated people can stop wearing masks

The amendments to the recently announced guidelines of the Agency have not yet changed the namespreads.

As vaccinations continue to move across the United States, many are optimistic that life is getting closer and morenormal. And while these hopes were stimulated on March 8 when US disease control and prevention (CDC) centers have published updated guidelines that describeWhich entirely vaccinated people can now do safelyThey have dropped from major changes that some may have hoped, as eliminating the need to wear face coatings or allow their trip. But during a briefing announcing the new guidelines, the agency has always put light whenVaccinated people can stop wearing masks in public. Read it to find out what this could mean for the coming months and to use the EPI correctly, checkIf you see that on your mask, the FDA says throw it immediately.

More people need to be vaccinated and cases need to go down before the masks can leave.

young doctor giving middle-aged woman a covid vaccine
Shutterstock / Halfpoint

During the press briefing examining the newly unveiled changes, director CDCRochelle Walensky, MD, was requested by a journalist what factors had helped to stop shortRemove more restrictions on the trip and use of PPE in public. "There is increasing data now that suggests that [vaccinated persons] could obtain revolutionary infections with less amount of virus, less disease, less symptomatic disease-disease. However, we are still waiting for data to be emerging could transmit This virus to other people, "she explained.

Walensky also pointed out that even if significant progress had been made in growing vaccinations, a vast majority of people have not yet received JAB. "I think it's important to realize that, as we work even further90% of the population is not yet vaccinated And that it is our responsibility to ensure in the context of 60,000 new cases a day, which we protect those who remain unvaccinated and remain vulnerable. We do our best to do it. "And for more than people vaccinated peoplecando now, discoverThe CDC says that the entirely vaccinated people can now do these 3 things.

More search and data are needed for the CDC to modify the mask instructions.

two researchers holding blood vial
Shutterstock / Cryptographer

Nevertheless, Walensky remained optimistic that the coming months would see that most of the major goals encountered this would allow anotherRevision of the public health guidelines of the CDC. "Our next steps in terms of confidentiality I mentioned, it's really to see a greater feeling of the vaccinated population, and we are actively on how to do it, as well as of the opinion that, of opinion , see further business refuse in the country, in addition to waiting for new data to appear, "she said. "We hope in a relatively short period, but we also need to see new new data." And for more than one way, you can not really keep you safe, checkIf you superimpose these masks, the CDC says to stop immediately.

Recent changes allow the entirely vaccinated people to make themselves mutually unmasked.

Intergenerational family dinner

Although they are not rid of masks, the CCC's guidelines have proposed major changes in what are immunized are allowed to do. "The CDC recommends thatFully vaccinated people can visit with non-vaccinated people Another household inside, without masks or physical distances - as long as non-vaccinated persons and non-vaccinated members of their household are not at high risk of severe Covid-19 disease, "said Walensky.

She also clarified the changes, saying, "Here's an example: if grandparents have been vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and family, even if they have not been vaccinated - as long as the girl and her family were are not at risk of serious illness. " And for more COVID news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

All guidelines still need to be followed when visiting high-risk people.

man and woman social distancing on bench

Nevertheless, the Agency indicates that the preceding guidelines - in particular bearing a mask, a social distancing and the meeting preferably outside - should be followed during the visit of anyone who is not vaccinated and toHigh risk of developing severe covidation. According to the CDC, this includes anyone over 65 years old, whoever pregnant or whoever is immunocompromised, smoke or has medical conditions such as cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD,DOWN syndrome, obesity, sickle sickness, type 2 diabetes and various heart conditions.

"When it is fully vaccinated, people are visiting non-vaccinated people, we need to consider the underlying risks of non-vaccinated people and non-vaccinated members of their household," Walensky said at the briefing. "We take this approach because all our guidelines are rooted to make sure we keep people safe." And for more times when you can finally be able to firmly put Covid in the past, checkIt is at this moment that the Pandemic of Covid will be completely over, say experts.

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