20 health errors that you have made today

Which of them did you do? After reading that, you will never do it again.

Are you sure you have a healthy lifestyle? Are you sure you do not make health mistakes? I think a lot of us, including me, a doctor, you feel virtuous. Ok, we have strange milking, we are all humans - but most of the time, we think we are doing well. Law? Especially now that there is a virus and we are all self-insulating insulation and "health"?

In fact, a normal day, it is so easy to do as many things that are totally contrary to the best tips for your health and be totally ignorant. So here is my typical day. Maybe you recognize some of my health errors. Are they also some of yours?Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You did not do your bed

A couple making bed

So what? -You do you think thinking. You'll just know later tonight, so why disturb? Maybe during your coronavirus isolation, you do not even understand!

An interestingto studyI revealed that 59% of people do not make their bed every morning, and these 62% are unhappy. People who do their beds regularly seem more likely to be in good jobs, take regular exercises and own their own homes than people who do not.

Make your bed is a way to start the day as you mean, with a sense of purpose. It is proven to help self-esteem and serves to reduce clutter.


You have eaten ice out of the bathtub and put it back into the freezer

woman sitting next to the fridge, trying to keep diet and healthy eating

Unfortunately, ice cream can be a major culprit in spreading germs. If you let it melt too much, before putting it on the freezer, this sweet sticky mixture is a perfect reproductive floor for bacteria. The most common pathogens are Salmonella, Campylobacter, E.Coli and Listeria.

Always scoop your ice in a bowl with a clean spoon. Replace the lid in the bathtub and reflect immediately. If your ice cream has become Slushy, throw it, do not refer to!


You sleep too much

Alarm clock ringing,annoyed woman waking up in early morning for work.Sleeping disorder

Not yet!Late for a zoom call?Which yard is it to sleep through your awakening? Exhaustive dormancy comes with a health warning. People whooversleephave increased the risks of heart disease, diabetes and premature death. This can also be a sign of depression or obstructive sleep apnea.

It may seem trivial, but if you regularly need to sleep - this should be a call of wake up (no word game) for a health check!


You watched a late night movie

Woman look at tablet computer at home

That's why I slept - like when I went to bed, I could not sleep!

The truth of the question is that the TV emitsblue light. This interferes with the circadian rhythms of the body, our natural body clock that tells us when it's time to sleep. At night, as it falls dark, our bodies produce hormonal melatonin that makes us feel sleepy. However, this blue light of the TV stops your body from producing melatonin.

For best results, we should all stop watching TV a few hours before bedtime, relaxing and reading a book.


You are sitting for eight o'clock

man using smart phone while relaxing at home. Smiling mature man at home sitting on couch reading phone message.

So, I did not move all day. I'm sure many of you did exactly the same thing. You are stuck at home and watch TV or work, in front of a screen. But (after reading this article, of course) - fix!

There is now substantialsearch dataThis shows an extended session is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular accident and cancer. APlos aExamination of all studies published on this subject 1989-2013, included more than 500,000 adults. The investigators of the study reported that after 7 hours of session, for each additional hour, your risk of dying increases by> 5%.

Working to stand up standing, taking ongoing zoom calls and taking a short break once per hour to move, are all now recommended daily.


You drank all the bottle of wine

Woman's relaxing at home on the sofa with a bottle of wine and glass by her side.

We all deserve a glass of wine at the end of the day. Maybe even two. But if you end up finish the bottle yourself, think about this fast mathematics: so the average bottle of 750 ml (ABV 13.5%) of red wine contains10 unitsalcohol and about 600 calories. If you drink four bottles of wine a month, it is 27,000 calories a year - the eating equivalent 48 Big Mac a year!

The maximum amount of recommended alcohol is 14 units per week (ie two glasses one night) and this should be extended over the week and not consumed at a time.


You have not washed my hands after using the toilet

Washing hands rubbing with soap man for corona virus prevention, hygiene to stop spreading coronavirus.

Here's the amazingstatistical: One gram of human coca contains on a hill bacterium! The best thing to do to stop the propagation of diarrheal diseases is to wash your hands after being on to the bathroom. This, of course, also applies to cold and influenza viruses, as well as dreaded coronaviruses.

Do not wash your hands means bacteria and viruses are transferred everywhere - door handles, work surfaces and mobile phones, for example. Then, when we put our hands in our mouth, we fall sick!

Efficient hand washMeans using hot water and soap, then indulgent between fingertips and under and around the nails and ends of your fingers, as well as the back of your hands. This must be done for at least 20 seconds. The hands must then be dried on a clean towel.


You ordered out again

Delivery man holding paper bag with food on white background, food delivery man in protective mask

It's okay to offer you once from time to time, especially since you ordered in support of coronavirus damaged restaurants. But think about what you order.

71% of Americans are now overweight or obese. Eating great fat, processed foods kill more Americans today than smoking! Dr. Joel Fuhrman refers to this as "fast food genocide".

It's "chips, soda, cookies, sweets, cereal bars, fries, burgers, pizzas, white flour goods and all other low calorie foods," he says " , that people often eat several times a day. " Eating a healthy nutritive diet is absolutely crucial if we have to turn around these obesity statistics and not just become part of them ourselves.


You missed your five portions of fruits and vegetables

Assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables

My day started late, I have never moved from my office, I'm tired now and there is nothing in the fridge. Oh darling, again, I did not have five portions of fruits and vegetables!

Why do we need five servings of fruits and vegetables every day?

WHOEvice The recommendation that a food containing sufficient fruit and vegetable is an effective measure to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and handle body weight. Fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, fibers, water, phytochemistry and antioxidants. These are essential for our corporal functions.

Taste the rainbow: many of the fruits and vegetables of bright colors (eg beet, red cabbage, eggplant, berries) contain large amounts of healthy antioxidants.


You had a cake for breakfast

Senior woman smelling the taste of her homemade muffins while standing on a kitchen

I understand. You opened the refrigerator door and the cake at last night's fudge looked at you, and before you knew it, you caught a slice and prevailed! This better intention of making a fruit smoothie has never materialized. Or maybe you eaten a muffin-which is essentially a cake at breakfast.

OK-here is the truth. No breakfast is better than this breakfast. Skip breakfast means that you keep your night quickly from the previous night. Long periods of fasting are good for your metabolism. Fasting and the email are correlated with longevity. Try it and see how you feel. It's better not having breakfast than to eat a slice of chocolate cake!


You have on-greeted your fries

French fries with ketchup on dark background, top view

WHOhave published recommendations on salt. Most people eat at least twice the recommended amount of salt every day. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure and increase your risk of coronary heart disease and cardiac crises.

The salt is present in many processed foods, such as bacon, ham, salami, salted chips and snacks, as well as in bread, cereals, soy sauce and stock cubes. Limit the salt in your diet is likely to give you an extra year of life! (Well, I should not eat fries anyway.)


You have "only 3,000 steps"

Woman checking fitness and health tracking wearable device

Like many of my contemporaries, I wear a Fitbit hoping to do at least 10,000 steps a day. However, if you, like me, are sitting at a desk all day and self insulation, it can be very difficult to achieve.

In fact, 10,000 steps per day are an arbitrary figure used to give some estimate of how you are active.

Less than 5,000 steps per day is classified as "Sedentary lifestyle. It is important to increase this low level of activity. Ideas include walking or cycling (as long as you stay six feet from others). How about going up and down the stairs several times per hour to get a pause from the computer, or having a desktop bike, or a pedal exerciser, so you can ride a bike in front of your computer!


You probably nibbled

Coffee and Marshmallow Cookies in natural rustic background.

What happened to this whole package in Mallomars?

Snacking is usually not a good idea if you try to lose weight and improve your diet. A2019Full examination of current medical evidence in the review Nutrients concluded that to maintain optimal body weight and good health:

  • Eating 2- 3 meals a day-not in snack
  • Take breakfast - it's because there is an advantage of starting eating earlier in the day (unless you fast))
  • Ask for your last meal of the day at 3:00 pm. That's how you can fast during the night
  • Avoid meals late at night - it would break the fast
  • Increase the protein content of your food-protein increases satiety and reduces hunger
  • Have 12-16 hours of fasting in a period of 24 hours - it is only after 12 hours of fasting that the failure of fat really starts.

You dorce your nails


About 30% of adults bite their nails (call itOnychophagy) Although this is generally considered a problem in childhood. Most research on nail bite have been in the pediatric population - however, the principles are the same.

There is a link with anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. Nail bites can cause dental problems with destruction of nerve roots, malocclusion and wounds to gum.

This has been relevant since now, we must all stop putting our hands in our mouth to prevent the propagation of coronavirus. The nail bite is a real problem.

Cognitive behavioral therapy has been cited as effective treatment. (I guess I need to find myself a therapist.)


You were too lazy to clean your teeth

Morning of sleepy young man with toothbrush in bathroom

How many of you forget to clean your teeth in the morning, because you are stuck at home and not to see colleagues anyway? It's a big problem.

The regular toothbrush is so important. Your mouth is the gateway of your body. Your oral health is closely correlated with your overall health. The proliferation of bacteria in your gums causes an inflammatory reaction. Not controlled This significantly increases your risk of developing serious diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

Let's face it (literally!) The bad breath is quite disgusting. You must regularly brush your teeth and visit the dental hygienist once social distance is over.


You have forgotten your morning medicine

Tablets in a red pill box

Yes, I am guilty of that too, sometimes. Forgetting to take your medications is incredibly common. Seventy-five cent of US citizens admit not to take their medications properly. The cost for the country is estimated at about $ 1 billion a year! But: "Drugs do not work if people do not take them!" As the former General surgeon C. Everett Koop, said MD. We must all do better.


You have released your hair

Stressed woman pulling her hair

The medical term is trichotic abuse. It is a habit, most often practiced by women, who unconsciously picks hair repeatedly and seem unable to stop. It causes bald patches more often on the scalp.

Funnily enough, biting nails and hair often pull together. Some people eat their hair and swallow it - it's called trichophagy. Occasionally hair balls - Nown like trichobebezoars - require a surgical intervention of a blocked gut!

Anxiety, stress and mental health disorders should never be neglected.


You bought medications on the internet without thinking

Woman buying medicines online

When you feel worried, you want to buy pressed medications, it can be easy by mistake and buy in a dishonest pharmacy. It's dangerous because you can not be sure you get the right product. False drugs can be contaminated by high levels, for example, fromtoxic metalslike mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic.

They can not contain the right ingredient of the drug you need.

The FDA has clearlyWarningon buying online drugs. Always check the online pharmacy; Requires a valid doctor's order, is authorized by yourPharmacy Counciland carries the National Association of Pharmacy Advice (NABP) Verified the Practice Sites of the Internet PharmacyTmVisitVIPPS website.


You have not filled your food log

author at home writing in journal

Did you know that the writing of what you eat helps you lose weight?

If you need to convince, take a look at the following:

In a2017Study of diabetes prevention and weight management, participants were followed for 12 months. They were asked to follow what they ate by filling the pen book and paper every day and regularly submit their theses in their health.

At 12 months, they fell into 3 groups, rare trackers (<33% followed days), inconsistent followers (<66% followed followed) and coherent followers (> 66% days followed).

Only coherent followers have reached weight loss - an average of 9.9 pounds.

I get that-yes, and I'll buy a food diary!


You have not bothered a sunscreen

man applying sunscreen

People of all ages are strongly encouraged to live a "healthy life", "says theSkin cancer fund. Even those of us working inside are recommended to apply a sunscreen to all exposed domains - at least SPF15.

For outdoor workers, or when participating in sports, you must use a SPF 30 or higher sunscreen and a new request every 2 hours. U / v Sunlight constantly damaging our skin. Regular use of the sunscreen reduces your risk of skin squamous cell carcinoma of 40% and 50% melanoma.

It also reduces the start of wrinkles, sun spots and collapse.


Final thoughts of the doctor

professional physician talking to camera

So now, you think I'm a lazy, disorganized, overweight, a slab that has a bad breath, is bald with bitten nails and a secret wine problem, which can be found late at night, eat ice cream the bathtub!

Please note that I have the gift of the writer for exaggeration!

In fact, I have an IMC in the normal range, look at my diet carefully, care of my nails - and I keep a newspaper!

I think it's interesting to interest that so many of us are denied on the risks we take with our health. So much on this list seem quite innocent, but if they are health habits that become persistent, they all add up to the important health risks that we do not even realize that we take.

Give him a thought. What simple changes can you bring to reduce your hidden health risks? Last comment - If you do not take anything but read this, please wash your hands.

The future of survival on our planet depends on it.

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writer Dr. Fox Online Pharmacy .

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