7 worst grocery stores that are too dangerous to shop
These channels ranked the lowest odds, according to consumption reports.

The coronavirus pandemic has not only visited a grocery storeVery stressful experienceBut the close interaction requires considerably increases the chances of contracting the Covid-19 contagion. national grocery store chains arereact in real time The responsibility they assume, by adopting new guidelines to maintain consumers and staff safety. Regardless, the grocery store has evolved considerably from a pleasant market experience to the one that is fraught with pitfalls.
Maintaining a clean supermarket is essential to maintaining consumer safety. So, what makes the following channels the worst places to go shopping during the pandemic?They have been cited in order not to comply with the security instructions accepted and / or have been classified as less clean byConsumer reports ranking. The following channels have gained either a passable or bad rating for cleanliness by the estimated buying guide, but we also chose those with the lowest reader ranking as well.
It is fair to emphasize that all the following channels have put in place prescriptive cleanliness standards for buyers and staff from the report. But it is safe to assume that if you were impure in the past, your cleanliness standards may not be optimal moving forward. Here is the countdown of worst grocery stores. To keep you informed,Register for our newsletter to receive important new coronavirus foods directly in your inbox.
Stop & Shop

Stop & Shop got a note just about cleanliness, but barely spent 72 on the cotes of the readers of Consumer Report. That said, the Boston-based chain made the institutenew standards For coronaviruses, which include adding "third-party cleaning service to our already vast cleaning procedures to hit key areas more often. But, they also decided to rather controversialnot Divertify consumers not to wear masks.

Safeway belongs to Albertson, and got a just note on cleanliness, but barely spent 72 on CR reader odds. They are taking safety measures to protect their customers, who understand the cleaning and disinfection of all parts their stores. However, there was a series ofCase Coronavirus at a number of Safeway Places, and 51 cases and death in a treatment center.

Shaw is also owned by Albertson, so that they take the same steps as Safeway to protect their customers. That said, Shaw does not require clients to wear masks, well to the chagrin of these social distancing guidelines put forward by the White House task coronavirus vigor. Speaking of it, here is the10 fast food chains that can not reopen in the near future for the same reasons for social distancing.
from Marc

While the Ohio chain gets a 77 CR reader note (which is better than others), it is the first in this list to get a bad cleaning rating ofConsumer reports.They address the questions of cleanliness during the coronavirus pandemic, which they have enrolled in their customers on theirwebsite.
Walmart Supercenter

Walmart is the largest retailer of, well, close to the world. (Here isThe 17 grocery products to buy now at Walmart during the pandemic.) InConsumer reports'Ranking, their cleanliness is mediocre, and when combined with the 70 ranking reader, which adds not to a big shopping experience. Walmart had some associates succumb to Covid-19, and they are the first chain facing apursuit of illegal death Therefore. They also set up aOne-way business model to increase social distancing, that many customers have ignored flat.

The chain also got a very low 70 on the basis of the North AtlanticConsumer reportsReading notes, and a "mediocre" note for cleanliness. They havePosted the following For alert buyers in how they manage coronavirus sanitation.
Key supply

Key The food is unique in that it is an independent grocery store cooperative that is based in Sten Island. He has the lowest score of 69Consumer reportsReading notes, and has been described as "poor" in terms of cleanliness. The announcement of the key food on how they approach coronavirus? Unfortunately,he does not understand anything on the rise in cleanliness standards. Food Key has seen many staff members left because of the coronavirus conditions, and even started the broadcast of advertisements in the new York metro area to hire grocery store staff. To keep you safe when shopping in a grocery store, here's7 tips for safe grocery shopping that you should absolutely follow .