8 steps to control hunger and frenzy eating

Do you feel hungry 24/7?

Do you feel hungry 24/7? Do you do your best to eat less, but you will then eat everything in your refrigerator in the evening? Are you asking how you may have hungry one hour after having a big meal? If the answer to these questions is yes - you might have trouble controlling your hunger and your consumption of consumption. It's a fairly common problem and good news is that it's manageable. Here are some steps you can take to control your hunger and stop the consumption of the frenzy.

1. Keep a food log
This is a good way to evaluate the situation. At first, write everything you eat, when you eat it, and if you were hungry at the time or not. Perhaps even create a hunger scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is "non-hungry at all bored" and 10 is "absolutely voracious". After a few days, do you read as if you eat because you are hungry or just out of the boredom and go from there.

2. Understand what is true hunger
Move your meal times. Do not eat at the same time every day. The actual signs of hunger include a growing belly, irritability, a difficulty in concentrating, perhaps even a headache. Try to eat only when you are really hungry instead of eating at fixed moments "because you should. Create a satiety scale where 1 has barely had food and 10 is completely stuffed and miserable. As you eat, pay attention to your full. Stop when you are about 6. You do not need to go to level 10.

3. Eat enough food throughout the day
One of the most common reasons for frenzy consumption does not eat enough throughout the day. It starts with good intentions like making a diet to lose weight and be healthy. But more often than people do not hit too many calories from their daily meals, they end up do not eat enough to lose weight faster, and it only leads to frenzy at the end. Make sure you eat enough calories. Determine the number of calories you need and reduce this number to 200 if you are on a diet. If you are not, simply stay in this limit.

4. Create a plan
If you are fighting with the banlière create "if that - so that" plan to avoid that and respect it. For example "If it's late and you are bored and you want chocolate - then read a book, look at a movie, make tea" or "If you have ever eaten more than you should not, then you Have you want to be able to get rid of the refrigerator - then count the calories and how much this worse it would be and go for a walk in place. "Found basically, you understand what triggers your drool and create a plan on how to to avoid.

5. Stay busy
Many people eat when they are bored. To avoid this - keep yourself busy. When you feel bored and you find yourself opening the fridge - call a friend instead and talk about something that does not involve food. Do you have some tea instead or go shopping or coffee. Distract playing with your pet or playing video games. Put music and have a small dance party for yourself. You can even make a workout instead. The goal is to distract you from thinking about food and doing something else.

6. Get rid of junk food
9 bingers on 10 times eating with a junk food. "Oh I'm just going to have this little chocolate bar like a snack" turns into 5 chocolates, 3 chip packets and an ice bath. Get rid of junk food. Just throw it or give it to other people. You will see that it is much harder to take care of eating, and you are much less likely to do it, if there is no junk food at home. There is a good chance that you will not leave the house just to get a junk food, so you do not understand. If you can not get rid of - hide it really well and if possible - in really embarrassing places. The struggle of obtaining could dissuade you from the suburbs.

7. Practice conscious to eat
A lot of time the frenzy to eat occurs when you do not even pay attention to what you put in your mouth. You thought you just opened this huge doritos bag a second time ago, but suddenly, it's empty, because you did not pay attention. You were probably on your phone or watch TV or YouTube. Do not eat when you are distracted, I reserve instead for 30 minutes for your meal. Wash yourself and eat and pay attention to what you eat. You will be satisfied and full of early and you will really taste your meal.

8. Does not eat alone
Food frengling often arrives when people are alone and feeling alone and vulnerable. If it seems familiar to you, try having meals with your friends and family. You are much less likely to take care when you are with other people. If you can not find a friend for lunch or dinner with - are you going to a restaurant and enjoy a meal. You will be surrounded by people and therefore less likely to order too much.

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