Set of thrones: 7 great rumors about the new season

Winter arrives, but it's still a long way to go the first of season 7. While we advent you further in the unknown territory that has not been covered by books, fans become more in More speculative as to what will happen next. As usual, only Mr. Martin certainly knows and probably some of the scriptwriters.

Winter arrives, but it's still a long way to go the first of season 7. While we advent you further in the unknown territory that has not been covered by books, fans become more in More speculative as to what will happen next. As usual, only Mr. Martin certainly knows and probably some of the scriptwriters. After the Cersei Waterfall with the Forest Fire and the High September, which has taken the life of dozens of seemingly "essential" characters, we understood that everything was possible. Even Jon snow returning from the dead. Oh, wait, it has already happened.

Dany is about to arrive at Westeros
We are waiting so long ago that it happens! At the end of last season, Daenerys and his powerful fleet headed for Westeros and that the rumor has that we will not need to survive through many episodes of his trip - it will arrive at Dragonstone in the very first episode of The new season!
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Jon will meet Dany early
Fans have specified a lot about non-existent relationships between Jon and Dany. For a brief moment, everyone thought that the meeting intended never happens (with Jon being dead, you know), but the light of hope shone on the game of Thrones fans while Jon returned to life And that Jon came back to life and Daenerys went to Westeros. Many believe that not only the two of them actually meet, but that will happen as soon as the second episode strikes the screens.
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Daenerys de Bloodthirsty
The mother of the dragons could be as simple and blood as many leaders in front of her. It is believed that it will begin to conquer the landing of the king by meeting lords and other people in power, but it will have enough of these games enough and will try to resume the city with the brutal force of its powerful dragons. Also tempting that it sounds, Tyrion will probably try to stop it by giving sarcastic advice wise as it usually does.
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The death of Littlefinger
As much as we love the Baelish Witty Petyr, it's hard to deny the fact that the man walks on a thin ice. Because of his negligence and his little games, Sansa has been taken by Ramsay and has suffered a lot. Littlefinger is like a double agent with his own agenda, and earlier than later, he will be caught. The rumor has the now powerful Sansa (with his brother being the king in the north and everything) will discover the relations of Littlefinger with Cersei and condemn him to death to relay sensitive information to the queen on the throne of iron.
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Jorah will survive
Yes, Jorah made many mistakes of his life, but his eternal love in Daenerys and his loyalty to she was too moving and sincere to let him just die like that of a hideous disease. It is speculated that Jorah Mormont will meet in the old town, the same place where Sam Tarley went to get his "mastery". Together, they will work on a cure for gray and, hopefully, will save the brave knight so that he can stand again by Dany.
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We will have more flashbacks
There are many virgin points in the history of Westeros and his personalities. We believe that viewers will finally have an overview of Rhagar's relations and Lyanna. It is only natural after all the speculations on Jon Snow being a Targaryen. We will need a strong proof of that! And as Jon will meet Dany soon, it would be wise to make a flashback on his true origins.
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The death of a dragon
In the last season, we have been painfully aware of the power of white walkers. They constitute a great threat for all the Westeros and will stop at nothing to conquer it. The king of the night knows how to raise dead, so why not do it to a dragon? The rumor has Dany will appear to save Jon, but before she succeeds, one of her own "children" will turn into a different type of monster. It can be the moment when the wall finally falls.

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