20 instant feed that you should not really eat

This feeling of salivation you get as you scroll through your Instagram feed, it's enough to prove that the adage "We eat with our eyes" - and a growing body of research consists of discovering What point can it be devastating for your size.

With the rise of digital age, it seems that the taste of food is only two seconds important to be able to press a photo of your food. (Interesting, researchers have shown that people taking a picture of their food before eating will evaluate food more favorably than those who do not snap.) And everyone in the food industry is the restoration of this request Plates visually accredited: the leaders ensure a dishes shine aesthetically, the bakeries seduce the passing by opening their travelers already the doors to feed on the smell of the pastries of butter (which are also craft and cleverly colored colorful) in the street And bloggers are used by restaurateurs to post photos of their meals as effective public relations. Although the social posts related to food are perfect for business and when you want to tell you, they are not as important when you try to maintain your objectives of the body.

What exactly does an instantaneous food? On the one hand, the food itself is usuallyspectacularly indulgent In nature - full of grease and sugar in Gogo. This road combo exploits our scalable attraction for high energy foods because it is enough to see an image of fatty foods and high carbohydrates will make your brain become more alert and ready to consume this food than if you would have seen a picture of " healthy "vegetables, according to a study ofExperimental brain search. Another study confirmed these results, noting that your concentration of hunger-hormone-ghrelin increases in response to dietary image search. In addition to tasting considerably good taste, these foods are visually larger than life and their trend statistics are generally due to their equality in an extravagant creative way because they are impressive.

The problem: while these registered foods could get you "like", you will certainly not wantAs How your intestine develops after looking for these treats. And even if you scroll through your diet remotely, you are always at risk; Studies have shown that simply looking at these "porn of the" porn of the oozy Dribbling Dribbling Dribbling Dribbing's "Porn" Burgers Ringus is enough to get hungry, even if you were not before starting to scroll - and that puts you at risk To consume and eat even energy high energy busting. What it boils down to what it is: if you want to maintain a healthy diet and a body in shape, you should not let the tendencies dictate what you eat. That's why we gathered some of the most important and most important trends in water to the mouth that you should avoid escaping. And do not worry about missing all these love images of puppies and# IDEAUXMONDAY IDEAS still good enough.


Donut Sandwich

Worst social food trends Doughnut Sandwiches

Engraved photo of @rCorerera.

Of course, it might seem good for the gram, but everything that happens between two donuts will only give you a spare tire. If you are looking for a quick sugar solution without too much caloric damage, the simplest donut is the best solution. It isDonut-Single no plural. If you are looking to mount your bacon, your egg and cheese bread, try wrapping it in a corn tortilla like a breakfast burrito. Corn tortillas are one of26 foods that melt the love handles.


Oversized milkshakes

Worst social food trends oversized milkshakes

Photo courtesy of @ Freshmen15.

We do not know if it's ironic that an Instagram user nicknamed "Freshman 15" has downloaded this photo or if it is intentional. Anyway, you do not need to be a first year student to win 15 pounds after having consumed too many of these monstrosities. Excessive treated sugar consumption can cause weight gain and a series of diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.


Bagels rainbow

Worst social food trends rainbow bagel

Photo courtesy of @Classidynash.

These candy carbohydrates are a mix of two of ourWorst breakfast food to lose weight: Bagels and colored cereals. Bagels are the ultimate caloric bomb. You could think of them as a portion, but a single bagel is equivalent to about four slices of bread - and they offer very little nutrition. Not to mention, these are probably dyed with artificial colors derived from coal that have been linked to learning and concentration (like ADHD) in children.


Mac and cheese cheese

Worst social food trends mac and cheese grilled cheese

Engraved photo of @rCorerera.

If you thought Mac and the cheese was Ringard and carbonized enough, wait until you see the instagrambles made with her. Their creations range from this mac and grilled cheese without nutrition, to ...


Mac and cheese on a hamburger

Worst social food trends mac and cheese on a burger

Photo courtesy of @Hungryyc.

At least gives you some protein and iron by hamburger; However, our hopes of this moth exposed even being perhaps a tomato rich in lycopene have been disappointed when we discovered that it was actually another fried Mac and the cheese layer. Calibrate the next creation ...


Mac and cheese like Burger Bun

Worst social food trends Mac and cheese bun burger

Photo courtesy of @hunson_avabeer.

If you could not get enough Mac and cascading cheese by passing your hamburger, you can have it on the top and bottom of it! If you really need a cheese solution, get your M & C on the side. These cakes are breaded fried and cooked in inflammation and inducing,omega-6Vegetable oils -laden.



Worst social food trends sushirito

Photo courtesy of @GillieHouston.

The sushirrito is a cross between your two favorite foods: sushi and a burrito. This roll often Instagram may seem appetizing, but looking closer, it's really just an oversized, unbalanced flat stomach. Because of their enlarged size, have higher calorie sushirritos and high glycemic white rice, but only the same amount of vegetables packed phytonutrients and omega-3 rich in fish as a standard roller.



Worst social food trends ramen burger

Photo courtesy of @Goramen.

Ramen went from our college microwave to our hearts, such as fast and cheap meal gains popularity of reworked recipes. (As well as in one of ourThe best protein rich soups!) And as we saw with Mac and cheese, any folk food will eventually find his way on a hamburger. In this creation, a complete set of Ramen absorbs saturated fat oils as it is fried in the form.


bagel padded

Worst social food trends overstuffed bagels

Photo courtesy of @HungryBetches.

We are more impressed that these padded bagels correspond to a part than the fact that people will consume the whole thing. In addition to being a disorder to eat, these carbohydrate boats will also make a mess of your body goals with their extra cheeses and fry bacon batteries. If you want a breakfast sandwich, charge a little avocado, egg, tomato and paprika metabolism stimulating on a piece of whole wheat bread. It is the perfect combination of fat, protein and fiber to power your body and one of ourHealth breakfast with only 5 ingredients!


EGG or Overkill lawyer

Worst social food trends anything with an egg

Photo courtesy of @Putaneggonitnyc.

We are large fans of eggs and lawyers atEating But nolike that! The eggs are a large source of protein and choline, a compound needed for muscle movement, and lawyers provide a dose of healthy monounsaturated fat for the heart. But if you jump on the lawyer train, you must do it in doses: the size of the portion is just a quarter of this green fruit. Because lawyers are so rich in fat, we recommend that you stick to add it to your meals per quarter.


Pizza pizza

Worst social food trends pizza

Photo courtesy of @BrotherBrunopizzaLiandBagel.

Pizza, when surmounted by bones of construction, rich vitamin K or onions Roquette, promote endurance, is not bad for your health. When your pizza is lined with more Ringard, the Pizza Carby, you can say hello to an additional pudge.


Stacks of pancakes

Worst social food trends pancakes

Engraved photo of @rCorerera.

If your pile of pancakes is as big as one liter ofCokeYou probably should not eat everything. The problem with many Instaworthy dishes is that restaurants are trying to make them bigger than life, making our guts bigger than can be integrated into our skinny jeans.



Worst social food trends BURGERS

Photo courtesy of @burgerlift.

The funny thing is, a well done hamburger is not a choice, even so nutritional terrible you try to lose weight. Overcome with lettuce, tomato, onion, light sauce like dijon mustard and sandwich between a bread of reasonable size, a hamburger can be a feast rich in protein that will not completely throw your diet off road. But a double stacked stacked hamburger high fat, rich in sugar and rich calorie condiments is another story.


Deep Fried Oreos

Worst social food trends Deep fried oreos

Photo courtesy of@CheatDayEats.

He is one ofWorst biscuits in America Because it is packed with processed ingredients, artificial aromas, high fructose corn syrup, and a trans fat substitute. The coating with more bleached, unesen flour, frying in inflammation oils inducing and serving with one side of the ice cream is an oh oh no.


Cream and Pie Ice

Worst social food trends ice cream

Photo courtesy of@ice cream.

Ice cream used to be just milk, sugar, cream and from time to time a little fruit. But these days, he is among the most corrupt and confusing-food on the planet. Stick to have your fashionable pie, rather than on an ice cream horn, and you can save yourself from what can be everywhere at the value of a day of your recommended sugar consumption.


FRIES Loaded

Worst social food trends fries

Photo courtesy of @skinnypignyc.

We get a meal does not feel too complete without order of fries, but many sides can be much worse than the burgers they are associated. Like these bad boys, for example. They are aggressively cheesy, baconie and are superimposed on a bed of safe cream. Translation: carbohydrates on carbohydrates on fat. If you indulge in your crisp cravings, leave the bacon and cheese in the burger.


Donuts with candy barbs

Worst social food trends donuts

Photo courtesy of @already_een.

Most donuts have already come with a fifth of your daily recommended sugar consumption, and you do not need to topote it with more common and very transformed candies. And do not be fooled by specialists in smart marketing; Even biological candies are one of the32 health food halo to stop eating immediately.



Worst social food trends spaghettieis

Engraved photo of @litschiltsch.

A food trend from abroad has become in the form of spaghetties and no, it is not the Italian genre. This dish is really ice cream noodles drawn up in a "tomato sauce" with strawberry and garnished with white chocolate "Parmesan cheese." Lucky for us, this dish has not yet immigrated to America, and we would like it to stay that way. If you feel inspired, Top your ice cream ice cream with real strawberries, including blood sugar stabilization fiber can balance added sugar and a pinch of dark chocolate, which is packed with antioxidants that canmake you smarter.



Worst social food trends smores burger

Photo courtesy of @arjieljosephfg.

When this campfire clip is sandwiched between Graham Crackers, it's one thing. What we can not put ourselves in the back is when the gooey, chocolate, marshmallows (and ice?) Are placed between two small white flour breads. In addition to being sugar of marshmallows (which are simply made of gelatin and sugar), your blood sugar level is certain to show an extra tip of simple carbohydrates too easily digested in the bun. Once this happens, and your hunger returns with revenge, we hope you reach something from the fruit department.



Worst social food trends burrito

Photo courtesy of @nycdining.

If you are wondering if you can eat again in Chipotle so you can get a monster burrito like this one, the answer is negative, Amigo. It does not matter how health of your boys in Burrito, there is no way to shake salt. Why? The tortilla itself is filled with 690 mg of sodium - less than half a day of admission recommended!

Categories: Healthy Eating
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