This only thing makes you twice as likely to die of coronavirus

A pre-existing condition doubles your death chances.

Since the first cases ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Has been identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, health experts attempted to determine why exactly, becoming infected with the mortal proves virus for some, while others show slightly or even any symptoms. In recent months, they have identified a variety of risk factors, ranging from age to cardiac health. Now, according to NHS researchers and Imperial College London, there is another pre-existing condition that can strongly influence your death risk if it is infected with coronavirus.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Obese people are twice as likely to die from COVID-19

Ato studyclaims thatPeople who suffer from coronaviruses who have type 2 diabetes - the most common diabetes form - are twice as likely to die than those who do not suffer from diabetes. Those with type 1 diabetes - the autoimmune shape of diabetes-rate worse in case of infection. According to the study, it is more than three times more likely to die. In total, the researchers found that a third of all Covid-19 deaths have one thing in common diabetes.

Furthermore,those who are also obese, with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40, are twice as likely to die that those who were obese or normal weight.

"This research shows the extent of coronavirus risk for people with diabetes and different risks for those who have type 1 diabetes and type 2", "Prof Jonathan Valabhji, National Clinical Director of England for the Diabetes and the obesity and the main author of the study, said. "Above all, it also shows that higher levels of blood sugar and obesity further increase risk in both types of diabetes."

In other words, lifestyle choices can strongly influence your death risk with respect to highly infectious virus.

"It can be worrying news, but we would like to reassure people that NHS is here for anyone to be concerned about diabetes - and put additional steps in place to help people and keep them safe, including sites. Online to help people take care of themselves., Digital consultations and a new annex dedicated for advice and support for people treated with insulin. "

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But you can "prevent or delay"

Aprevious studyled by researchers at the Wuhan Union Hospital published in the magazineMetabolism of diabetes research and exams, established a link between people withDiabetesContracting Covid-19 and a serious illness. The researchers have discovered that patients with diabetes, but no other serious health problems were "more likely from an inflammatory storm leading to rapid deterioration of Covid-19". This being at a "higher risk of severe pneumonia, the release of tissue lesions enzymes, excessive uncontrolled inflammation responses and glucose metabolism dysregulation" compared to patients without diabetes.

According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention34.2 million people of all ages - or 10.5% of the US population - have diabetes. The percentage of adults with diabetes increases with age, reaching 26.8% in those aged 65 or older. The Government Health Agency also highlights that you can "prevent or delay" type 2 diabetes, even if you are genetically predisposed and at high risk via"Proven and achievable lifestyle changes." As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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