40 things that healthy cooks always have on hand

Even the most amateur cook at home should have these staples needed at your fingertips.

Will Federer face Djokovic with an old worn racket? Does Adele take the stage with a cheap karaoke machine? Not probable. When people are proud of excellence, they make sure to have the best equipment, the most reliable tools and advanced peak techniques at your fingertips.

So why should you satisfy something less?

Of course, winner Wimbledon, garnish pop charts and amass one of the world's largest fortunes are all noble efforts. But are they as important as feeding your body with the best food possible? After all, the study after the study shows that the cooking of the house in good health with the whole newZero Belly Cookbook!-Is the fastest way to achieve weight loss. There is no easier way to control the quality of your food and the number of calories going in your mouth than throwing an apron and a head hat.

So, before passing another penny on a training gadget or a meal delivery system, take a moment to make sure your kitchen is up to. To make perfect flat belly dishes, you do not need to buy a million different things - just a handful of the best. Use these tools and pantry staples below to start preparing a weight loss storm today! Once you are armed and ready, do you also make out the50 best supermarket shopping tips from all time!


healthy cooks cooking tools

First thing first: your good health arsenal will not be complete without these practical items!



Healthy cooks blenders

The mixers are a game change device that needs each time every time you need. Not only can they bring together your morningsmoothie In seconds, but they can also be used to mix healthy soups and protein shakes.



Healthy cooks blueapple

How many times have you pounded money on fresh fruit and vegetables, only to find them in decomposition in your refrigerator before you can enjoy them? It is beyond frustrating - and a waste of money. The solution: Bluapple, a gadget that absorbs ethylene gases in your refrigerator that is responsible for rotting your apples and berries. A package of two $ 10 sellers. Yes really. A healthy diet does not necessarily have to be expensive, as you may have seen in our27 healthiest snacks under $ 1!



Healthy cooks zester

We love the citrus zest because it is without calories but gives food a huge flavor. The thing is that you need a zest zest. (With lemons, lime and oranges, you should throwmandate in your zesting mix; They have major antioxidants that help things like hair loss!) Faces: You can also use it as a superfine grater for calorie-dense foods like chocolate or cheese. When things are finely grated, you are using less.


Cooking scissors

Healthy cooks kitchen scissors

With a good pair of kitchen scissors, it is fast and easy to cut the fat chicken out of the chicken, cubes meat for swirls and herbs snips. Once you have a pair, you will wonder what you took so long!


Chopper by hand

Healthy cooks handheld chopper

With a pocket helicopter, cut fruit, vegetables and walnuts become much less a chore. (It also helps accelerate this blue apron preparation work!) And the easier it is to make healthy recipes, the more likely you will be to stick to a smart weight loss plan. A mini culinary robot - the type of two cup of cuisinart - also makes a similar job.


Measure cups and spoons

Healthy cooks

An obvious staple, but it's always worth saying! More, the ingredients and portions of ocular globe are not the best idea of ​​the moment you try to Whittle your intermediary, especially with regard to more caloric-dense foods likePasta, walnut butter and cheese. Cups and measuring spoons make sure you stick to the right service size every time.


Food storage containers

Healthy cooks food storage containers

Not only are the storage containers perfect for saving remains and packing healthy work week lunches, they are perfect for keeping semi-prepared ingredients like fresh fruits and vegetables. If you wash, cut out and keep starting ingredients in advance, it will be much easier to get a healthy meal on the table.


Citrus Squeezer

Healthy cooks citrus squeezer

Fresh lemon, orange and lime juice make large additions to a variety of dishes - and are virtually non-calorie. The only drawback? Treat with astringent juices and escape the seeds. Our advice: Instead of tightening the fruit of the hand, collect a lemon-based mail or a manual mini juicer. He catches the seeds and pulp for you, doing the easy-pile-lemon task - you get the idea.


Cast iron

Healthy cooks cast iron

If you usually use some butter buffers or a few tablespoons oil to grease your stove, you can addHundreds of unnecessary caloriesto your flat in good health. Nix the need for grease and cut the fat on your plate by investing in a cast iron cookware. Yes, non-stick pots serve the same goal, but they can release potentially cancerous toxins to food in your food. Although the Environmental Protection Agency does not quite suggest a non-retractable cookware, they do not yet know the effects on long-term health of unsanked chemicals. It is therefore better to deceive you on the side of caution and stick to the cast iron. Pick up a variety of different pieces, so you are ready for any culinary adventure that awaits you.


Garlic crusher

Healthy cooks garlic crusher

Eating garlic can helpIncrease your immune system, helps eliminate heart disease, combat inflammation and lower blood pressure. And not to mention, pretty much any better tasted when associated with the aromatic vegetable. Our last complaint: the exploitation of the extraction can be boring. With a simple pressure of a handle, a garlic presser rubs entire pods for you-will like that!



Healthy cooks spiralizer

This kitchen gadget - from the moment makes spiral cuts, earth shoes and "noodles" of your favorite vegetables. If you want to spend pasta after passing Paleo or gluten free, you will love all the delicious dishes, you can get up. Zucchini and carrot "pasta" someone? How about some fries of fried soft potatoes made homemade? Or check theseExclusive and incredible recipes of Spiralizer!



Healthy cooks herb keeper

Nothing forms the taste of a meal likefresh herbsBut popular varieties such as rosemary, thyme and basil will often go wrong before the total can not be used. Do not be afraid, healthy chefs, all hope is not lost! There is an easy way to stop wasting your money on herbs. By allowing the plants of the stems to attract a fresh moisture from the bottom of the VAT, a herbal guard can prolong the life of your spices (and asparagus too) up to two weeks. We love Chefs Glass Herb Harber ($ 20).

Non-porous cutting board

Healthy cooks cutting board

If you usually use your cutting board to cut the two raw meats and the products, make sure it is non-porous, no bacterium can not hide below the surface and contaminate other foods with potentially dangerous bacteria. We are fans of Eco Plastic Eco Cutting Boards ($ 20). Not only do they keep the positive, they are made from reproached milk whispers, so they are ecological too! Choose one, then cook with one of these35 Greater chicken recipes for weight loss!



Healthy cooks slow cooker

The last thing you want to do after a crazy-busy day is to whip a culinary masterpiece on a hot stove. If you invest in a cars dish (alias a slow cooker), you can always make a healthy meal and a healthy meal without all nights of the night. All you will have to do is throw your recipe ingredients in the pot and hit the cooking time before going to work. Those35 healthy pot recipes Are sure to feed your culinary inspiration.


Red operating plates

Healthy cooks red serving plates

In a study published in the newspaperAppetite, subjects have consumed fewer snacks anda soda When their plates and cups were red. The reason: the researchers believe that the red color reduces the amount we are likely to eat by subtly telling the spirit of stopping. We can not make sure it will work with bowls and trays, but it's worth a photo if it can cut the calorie of your meals without sacrifice!



Healthy cooks oil spritzer

Although there are a number offlat belly Healthy oils we love, adding too much to your panoramic or salad salad can add excess calories that your body does not need. A spritzer facilitates the creation of an entire dish without exceeding it. The best part: Unlike the type you buy at the store, you can fill it with any oil you like. (We have great oil suggestions to come below!)


Meat thermometer

Healthy cooks meat thermometer

Many recipes will cook your meat until the juice is clear or until it does not seem pink. However, the only safe way to know if your turkey or roast is fully cooked and free of bacteria causing disease, checking the internal temperature with a thermometer. For the most accurate reading, insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, away from the bones or greases.


healthy cooks food

Load your fridge and pantry with these healthy fat burning foods to prepare skinny.


Full wheat paste

Healthy cooks whole wheat pasta

Unlike white pasta, whole wheat contains the three parts of the grain, so it is filled with ultra-fiber fibers. And talking about carbohydrates better for you, take a moment later to run in this list to see if you are guilty of one of these20 bad carbohydrate errors of all time!



Healthy cooks oats

Oats - which costs less than a quarter-quarter per server - is packed with fibers, a nutrient that has been demonstrated to improve health and accelerate weight loss. It is also one of the best sources of resistant starch (HR), one of the best nutrients of the flat stomach on the planet. What makes RS such a power player? It digests slowly and triggers the release of the appetite suppressing digestive acids. In fact, a study revealed that the exchange of 5% of the daily carbohydrates of the resistant starch couldIncrease your metabolism by a number of 23%!



healthy cookes quinoa

Quinoa is the only grain which is a complete protein, which means that it contains all nine essential amino acids, says Dietian recognized Jackie Newgent. Packed with the hunger brichant combo of 8 grams of protein and 6 grams of fibers in a single cooked cup, it is a source of protein ideal for carnivores and vegans. Mix the quinoa in a stir-fry, add it to Chile or use it to clutter a bowl ofSoupe.


Green tea

Healthy cooks green tea

Green tea Crawling with catechins, flat belly crosses that move the belly belly by triggering the liberation of fat fat. But that's not all: they also accelerate the liver's ability to transform this fat into energy. To increase the weight loss pair of your cup with a fresh lemon corner. The vitamin C of the fruit increases the catechin levels after digestion by a height of 60%, probably thanks to their acidity, which have been demonstrated to help the catechins prosper.



Healthy cooks avocado

This green creamy fruit is an excellent source of oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat that has been shown to Quell Hunger Pangs. Keep them in your kitchen so you can amplify the flavor and power to fight fats of everything, tacos and sandwiches to smoothies and omelettes! Seriously, there are so many disabled, healthy and almost pretty insanning lawyer dishes and almost too pretty that we have rounded the30 Best Advocate Recipes on Instagram!


Sweet potatoes

Healthy cooks sweet potato

The orange tubers are the list because they are high in fiber and have a low blood glucose index, which means they are absorbed slowly and you are murdered long after putting the fork in the mouth. Roast, zap or crush them and cover them with sweet or salty spices. They are super versatile, as we see in these20 Feed potato recipes for weight loss.



Healthy cook spinach

The favorite vegetable of Popeye is indispensable because it is rich in muscle iron and appetite suppressing thylakoids. Spinach are an excellent addition to soups, perfect like a bed of salad and a nutrient booster without stealthy flavor inSmoothies of weight loss.



Healthy cooks lemons

Lemons add a calorie-free flavor to all tea andwater Chicken dishes and desserts. They also double as a centerpiece of colorful dinner table - just throw it a dozen a large glass bowl or hurricane.



Healthy cooks grapefruit

Grapefruits are rich in phytochemicals, a bioactive compound that burns fat. In fact, a study published in the journalMetabolism found that those who eat grapefruit for six weeks lost an inch of their size. Awesome stuff! Stock up to lose weight.



Healthy cooks eggs

Eggs could simply be the easiest way, the cheapest and most versatile for your protein consumption and strengthen your health. They are loaded with amino acids, antioxidants for biceps health and iron. And thanks to the choline in the yellow center, eating eggs can also help ZAP excess flab and protect your brain from cognitive decline. Do you already eat eggs on the REG? Find12 things happening to your body when you eat eggs!


Greek yogurt

Healthy cooks greek yogurt

The researchers at the University of Tennessee have found that people who eat 18 ounces of Greek yogurt per day lost 22% of more weight and 81% belly fat more than those who do not have it. Start your morning, stirring berries in a united yogurt container, use it in recipes instead of mayonnaise, sour cream or butter, or add a smallGreek yogurt At your range of snack-time.



healthy cooks almonds

Packed with proteins and lower on the calorie spectrum that competition, almonds are a great snack and as well as a crunchy addition to salads, oats oats and breakfasts. These potential nutritional POWERs are essential for your food list that will help you stay slim.

Eating this! Advice: Nosh on the almonds before heading to your CrossFit class. AJournal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition A study discovered that the tear-shaped nut helps the exertioners to burn more fat and carbohydrates during the workouts. It's all thanks to their high content in L-arginine.


Biological chicken

healthy cooks chicken

A 3 oz. The cooked chicken breast contains only 142 calories and 3 grams of grease, but packs a quantity of 26 grams of protein, more than half of the export recommended by the day. Why Shopping Money for Biological Affairs? A recent study comparing the classic organic chicken, without antibiotics and USDA revealed that the concentrations of inorganic arsenic were four times higher in conventional chicken meat than in the USDA organic chicken.



healthy cooks oily fish

Fat fish such as wild salmon, sardines and mackerel are comprehensive fatty fatty acid fat and inflammation and cancer control reductors. All you do, however, do not buytilapia. Most people buy it because it's affordable, but you get what you pay. Compared to other fish, breeding tilapia contains relatively small amounts of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. This empires: because the breeding tilapia is nourished a corn and soy regime instead of the plants of the lake, they are proportionately high in omega-6 greases, which can harm the heart, brain and to affect again your mood.


Black beans

healthy cooks black beans

All beans are good for your heart, but none can increase your brain as black beans. This is because they are full of anthocyanas, antioxidant compounds that have been demonstrated to improve brain function. A daily half cup serving 8 grams of protein and 7.5 grams of fiber. It is also low in calories and saturated fat. Wrap them in a breakfast burrito, use them to make homemade hamburgers, soups and homemade salads or mix a cup with a low sodium salsa a pair with somehealthy chips! The options are virtually unlimited.


Olive oil

healthy cooks olive oil

One of oursBest Greases for Weight LossOlive oil is a basic ingredient in the Mediterranean diet of the Belly-slimming. Its effectiveness comes from its high concentration of healthy mononaturated fats, which have been connected to the reduction of high cholesterol levels - a factor of insulin resistance, excess weight and obesity.



healthy cooks cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of those spices that evoke holiday memories for just about everyone, so we are sure it's a spice you've ever been supplied in your kitchen - and it's a great news . The warm and soft spice is one of the most powerful in the world.superfeument! Scientists from the United States of agriculture say cinnamon can help reduce the risk factors associated with diabetes and heart disease. The spice has also been demonstrated to increase vigilance. To harvest the benefits sprinkle in your coffee, add a dash to your cereals or oats or add a pinch to a lot of vegetarian chili.



healthy cooks applesauce

If homemade bakery products are your food kryptonite, we get it. The hot and sticky cookies are difficult to say no to! The news of the goods are simply simply exchanging sugar for an unsweetened apple compote can save you hundreds of calories. While a cup of white tricks has more than 770 calories, the same amount of unsweetened extra has about 100 calories. Depending on the size of your cookies that could easily save you between 20 and 80 calories a pop! Although we do not apprass to eat excess cookies, if your candies have been healthy (like these15 healthy holiday cookies, you will be super proud of, eat one or two most probably probably will not do too much damage at your waist.

Eating this! Advice:If you exchange sugar for Cleaucece, a 1: 1 ratio works well; But for each side cup, you use, reduce the amount of liquid in your 1/4 cup recipe.


Coconut oil

healthy cooks coconut oil

The nuts of each for cocotitious - and rightly. Although it's fat, coconut oil is known to help you help reduce. A study of 30 men of the pharmacology of the magazine revealed that those who consumed 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (one of theThe 20 best fat foods for weight loss) One day narrowed the size of the size of an average of 1.1 inch in one month. Tropical grease can be used to blow, fry and cook cooking. However, it does not look long under the high heat, so do not fried deeply with it.


Cayenne pepper flakes

Healthy cooks cayenne

Capsaicin, the compound that gives Cayenne its fire from the signature, showed a burning of obstinate belly fat, hunger hunger and strengthen the body's ability to convert food into energy. Keep things useful so you can add a heat stroke to Chile, stuffed peppers, wild salmon andHealthy chicken recipes.


Medley of frozen vegetables

Healthy cooks frozen vegetables

We love frozen vegetable medals because they serve a variety of nutrients and can be used on your own schedule without fear of waste. To make sure you get a good magnitude bag, look for sodium, sugar and chemical-free varieties. Although they may not be the best solo, frozen vegetables make tasty additions for thick soups, fries, fajitas and omelettes. The addition of satisfactory nutrients on your plate does not become much easier. Need meal ideas easier mid-week? Look no further than these20 dinners of a pot for weight loss.


Frozen bays

Healthy cooks frozen berries

Fresh bays tend to be slightly more expensive than their frozen counterparts and are subject to rapid growth of mold if they are not perfectly prepared. Add them to smoothies, oats, Greek yogurts andchia pudding.



Healthy cooks cherries

Tarter fresh cherries are delicious in the summer months but hard to find during the fall and winter, that's why we suggest buying Gelen. What makes them worthy of being named an indispensable buy? They are powerful fat-zappers! A 12-week study of the University of Michigan found that the Feed Feed Tart Tart Cherries rich in antioxidant showed a reduction in 9% belly fat on rats fed a "western regime". They are also rich in anthocyanin, a flavonoid that reduces inflammation, heart disease, stroke and even certain types of cancer.

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