The worst hand hygiene mistakes you make

Everyone understands the importance of proper hand washing, but there are things you make that spread more germs.

It is prudent to say that the world has collectively learned how muchsuitable handwasher Actually is that everyone does its part to stay safe and stop the spread of germs during this pandemic. There is a good chanceYou will spend more time in your kitchencook tons of meals, as you arelive the life of quarantine And it's in the kitchen where you could make hand hygiene mistakes. This is where you manage your food, so it's time to correct these habits!

Here we break out exactly what you will do wrong in the kitchen in terms of hand hygiene. And make sureClick here for any our last coronavirus cover.


You do not wash your hands enough.

preparing chicken in the kitchen

According toDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)it's important to wash your handsBefore, during and after the preparation of the foodAnd before eating too. So, if you wash your hands at the beginning of the cooking dinner and that's all, you will want to increase a little. Just think of the packages of each food product you cook as you touch, as well as all foods, kitchen tools and home appliances. Yes, it's a lot of germs that spread!


You do not wash your hand for the right amount of time.


Fast rinsing before starting cooking is fine, right? Not so fast! The CDC recommends you to claim your hands for at least 20 seconds after the link with soap whenever you wash your hands. Especially if you touch the food you know, you will then eat, you want to make sure you wash your hand during the right amount of time. You can sing "happy birthday" to yourself, or even the choir many popular songs is actually 20 seconds in length. Need an example?Britney Spears'"Oops, I've done it again" you welcome.


You let us go first with soap.

The hands of a man who washes his hands with soap dispenser

The CDC says it's better to wet hands with clean waterfirst before applying soap. So, go for soap on dry hands and then add water is not the best method when it comes to a hygiene of the appropriate hands! Looking for more advice? Be certainRegister for our newsletter To get the latest Coronavirus Foods news delivered directly to your inbox.


You touch the faucet just after washing hands.

fingers under hot water out of a faucet of a sink

So you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, then you reach the tap to deactivate it so you can prepare yourself. Well, you come first to make your hands all infested germs. See,The faucet handles may contain harmful bacteria And if you touch it right after washing your hands, you get the idea. The best thing to do after washing your hands is to enter a paper towel and use this to turn off the faucet. And for more useful reminders, see theseBest Kitchen Cleaning Tips.


You do not clean your hand towels.

Woman in apron wiping her hands

Using the same towels in your kitchen to dry your hands, dry the dishes and maybe even dry a spill on the counters only allows the spread of more germs. Not only do you want to make sure that you have different towels for these different scenarios, but you will want to wash these towels regularly, asa study Discovered only 49% of the cook towels tested had bacterial growth. You do not want them to sit in your wet cuisine, either!


You touch your face during cooking.

Woman cooking vegetables in the kitchen

If you find yourself with yourself your face while you cook, this way to spread unwanted germs. If it is easier to remind you not to touch your face, maybe wearing gloves just after you wash your hands and before starting cooking is a useful tip. Which brings us to the next point ...


You contaminate your gloves.

Man wearing gloves washing peppers vegetables produce in large bowl water

Using the same pair of gloves forVegetablesWhether you just used while cutting the meat, it's a non-GO. The germs that can lead to a disease of food origin thanks to cross-contamination are still something you should think when you are in the kitchen. And using the same pair of cleaning gloves on and more without cleaning the gloves themselves is not ideal, either. It is best to get your gloves out and arrange the type of disposal correctly, as well as clean your reusable cleaning gloves.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Coronavirus / tips
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