The new signs of coronavirus warning in children

Symptoms of the new multisystem inflammatory syndrome to search for your children.

One of the few aspects ofCOVID-19 [Feminine This has provided low relief has been that it does not seem seriously affecting the children who catch it. And although it remains extremely rare for a child to be affected by the virus, there has been a recent increase in an alarming disease considered a coronavirus reaction. Hospitals started to report cases of children with inflammation of blood vessels, limiting blood flow to the heart and other organs. CalledMultisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, or badIt seems to be a complication resulting from a CIVID-19 infection and can cause severe organ damage without fast treatment.

MIS-C is the reaction of the body to Covid-19, rather than the coronavirus itself, it does not show up like conventional coronavirus indicators that we have learned to pay attention in adults (dry cough, fever, exhaustion , etc.). During theCDC awareness and clinical communication activity Briefing On May 19, the speakers stressed that there is about two to six weeks between the initial CVIV-19 infection and the appearance of put.

Many children who have developed MIS-C had been perfectly healthy before showing symptoms of put. They tested negative for Covid-19 and have never displayed typical symptoms of the disease. But many have been positive tested for the antibody test, suggesting that they had contracted Covid-19 before. (In touch:3 precautions to take as your city rovers - according to your age.)

So what are the symptoms of MIS-C?

The symptoms of MIS-C vary from one case to the next, but according to the team of experts, the CDC has assembled, they can include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Persistent fever for more than a few days
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Eruption
  • Red and cracked lips
  • Red eyes (conjunctivitis alias or conjunctiva injection)
  • Foots swelted or hands
  • Lymph nodes swelted on one or both sides of the neck

Many of these symptoms and the resulting inflammation of the arteries are similar toKawasaki's disease, which also causes swelling of the arteries and mainly affects children. But children affected by MIS-C tend to be older and more likely to require critical care than those who contract Kawasaki. Michael Levin, professor of pediatrics and the international health of children at the imperial college during the briefing describing the children he has dealt with the age of one to 16, with a median age of 11 and 62% of them were men.

If their children suffer from Kawasaki or MIS-C disease, their parents should seek treatment for them immediately.

"I think any child at home who has persistent fever, abdominal pain or abdominal symptoms, as well as skin rash or conjunctivitis eyes, they should be seen by a pediatrician right away," said James Schneider, Head of Critical Pediatric Care Medicine at the Kids Medical Center Cohen,DURING THE BRIEFING. "And I think, as a pediatrician assesses a child, if there are signs or symptoms of Kawasaki's disease, the child should be referred for an additional assessment and a cardiologist needs to see that child."

Parents must keep in mind some points:

  • MIS-C is extremely rare. As scary as the symptoms are and as serious as they should be taken, the chances that a child suffers from MIS-C is distant, with less than 200 cases reported throughout the United States. Even rarer is that death resulting from MISC.
  • These symptoms could be caused by many other conditions. Like a cough could indicate many other health problems that Covid-19, a child displaying the above symptoms could deal with any number of other conditions. Vomiting could be due to a typical stomach flu. Eutting and swollen lymph nodes could be caused by the throat of the narrow. Leave a medical professional determine if it's bad c.
  • It can be treated.Blood tests can quickly tell physicians if children are experiencing errors and tests are able to assess whether there is cardiac damage or inflammation requiring medical treatment. While Levin notes that some of the patients he found, "took some time enough time to get out of intensive care," the majority of patients quickly responded to treatment. "
  • There is a lot that researchers still do not know.The researchers are moving forward to better understand the put and the best way to treat it, with several current multinational studies. "Anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators such as immunoglobulins, steroids, anti-TNF, anti-IL1, etc., improve the result and reduce the risk of coronary artery aneurisms?" Levin asked during his presentation. "What are the mechanisms? And are there biomarkers who distinguish each group of Covid and other conditions? These are the questions we have practiced in the United Kingdom and really needed to be treated at a multinational level to share resources. "

Parents have naturally done everything they can to avoid hospitals in the middle of house prescriptions and concerns to avoid exposure to Covid-19. But public health experts urge only if their children present these symptoms, that parents take them medical care right away, to start treatment before moving forward. Follow the latest coronavirus news,Subscribe to our newsletter And be sure to read theOne way to get Covid-19 while grocery stores, according to the last CDC guidelines.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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