7 precautions you need to take before going to the grocery store

Go through this checklist before coming out of the supermarket door.

GoingGrocery stores are a major concern For many people during this period, there are several precautions that you can take to reduce your risk of contracting Covid-19.

However, everything starts with the way you get ready and not, we are not just talking about doingA grocery list. Spreading to all the necessary materials and understand why they are important, is essential to minimize your chances of coming into direct contact with the virus.

So, the next time you go to the grocery store, consider taking these precautions before leaving the house.

READ MORE: Click here for any our last coronavirus cover.


Take your mask


The old coronavirus theory is not transferable through the air is being protected. Chinese scientists foundCoronavirus RNAwhich toNew York TimesDescribed intelligently as the "genetic plan of the virus", suspended in theaerosol Inside two hospitals in Wuhan, China. If the RNA in the air droplets is infectious or not is not even clear. More research is needed to determine that.

What we know, however, is that these little breathing droplets expire out of their mouths remain in the air for at least two hours. TheTimesInterviewed Linsey Marr, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Virginia Tech, who declared this conclusion, "strongly suggests that there is a potential for airborne transmission".

To minimize the chances of exposure when browsing it in the grocery store, be sure to wear your mask.


Bring gloves to wear, but only if you do it correctly

shopping with gloves

You may have heard some reasonswhy you should not wear latex gloves at the grocery storeBut say they are ineffective to potentially compensate the contraction of COVID-19 is not correct. The only reason for latex gloves would not do the protection is if you aretouch your faceor other personal objects with them still on.

In an article published by theCleveland Clinic, Infectious Disease SpecialistPatricia Dandrache, MD said: "We see a lot of people in public port gloves, which is not wrong to say. But unfortunately, most people do not wear or do not have their gloves properly, which defeats the whole purpose. "

Believe it or not, there are many ways you can beWear protective gloves incorrectly Such as reuse on multiple trips to the grocery store or even try to clean them after each use. The biggest risk you encounter self-contamination, touches you your face or phone after handling the grocery store or hand on the shopping cart. Latex gloves must be eliminated immediately after use and you should clean up directly after removing them to reduce your risk of exposure.


Clean and disinfect kitchen surfaces

woman cleaning counter

This step is important to follow beforeand after You bring to the grocery house. If you are going to put fresh products that are not in a bag - and you are considering eating, skin and all, such as apples, peaches, pears and cucumbers, it is important that you clean and Disinfect the kitchen counter before placing them on the top.

In an oldEat this, not that!article, Selly FIEST, Executive Director of NonprofitPartnership for Food Security Education, detailed differences between clearing a meter and disinfect it.

"Cleaning and disinfection are not the same thing. These are separate and important measurements that you can take to reduce the spread of harmful germs," ​​said Feist. "Cleaning eliminates germs, dirt and impurities of surfaces thanks to the use of soap or detergent and water. Disinfection lowers the number of germs on the surfaces by the use of a Dilute bleaching solution easy to do at home. "

And do not forget toWash fruits and vegetables safely Before eating them!


Put a disinfectant of the hands in your pocket or bag

hand sanitizer

During the pandemic, having a hand disinfector at any time, including going to the grocery store, is a good idea. If you use grocery races without latex gloves, bring a hand disinfectant should be an absolute priority. Regularly apply your hands when shopping, when you pay, and before you touch anything outside the store, like a car door handle or keys.


Bring your bags of mesh that if they are clean

fabric grocery bags

Your roomgrocery store can have a "strict"No reusable bag"Politics, but if they do not, you may want to consider bringing your own bags of mesh manufacturing. Why? Although we do not know if the virus can be transmitted through objects simply, we know that thiscan survive on plastic up to three days, and if you launch a broccoli head in a bag of complementary plastic products that is then touched by a cashier, youmayto be at risk of bringing the virus into your home.

At present, there is no research on the fact that the virus can cling to mesh, and at the very least you can wash it immediately after use. Consider filling a bowl with boiling hot water and a touch of detergent. The combination of heat and soap will probably be sufficient to destroy any trace of the virus.


Pack some disinfectant wipes for your phone

cleaning phone

Do you like to extract the recipe you buy on your phone during the store? Many people do! During the pandemic, however, it's not wise. If you absolutely need to do that, consider bringing disinfectant wipes for your phone. Wipe your cell after every time you touch it and if you do not wear gloves. To do good measure, disinfect your hands before taking your phone.


Feel sick? Stay at home.

woman covered by a blanket on the sofa with high fever and flu

The allergy season is the whole swing right now and even during normal, symptoms can sometimes be confused with those of common diseases. However, if you touch or sneeze, avoid going to the grocery store, at the very least, to avoid causing panic among other buyers and workers. Consider having yourGrocery store delivered And left outside your door until your symptoms pass.

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