3 reopening precautions you need to take - according to your age

Avoid making these errors when the restrictions of your city are starting to raise.

Cities areBegin to reopenWhich means people will leave their homes and present themselves on social distancing practices. However, just because restaurants and bars open their doors again does not mean that business can resume as usual. There aremany precautions We will always have to continue taking and probably for a moment.

We have broken three potential scenarios in which people of all ages (young adults, older adults and children could potentially get and other people at risk of the virus.

Once cities reopen, it is important that you stay away from ...


Bars that look overcrowded.

crowded bar seats

For those who love Bar Hop - we look at you especially for young adults - whenThe bars reopenYou will need to take it on yourself to stay away from locations that do not respect the suggested guidelines. The bars should stick out how many people are allowed to enter, however, there will probably be many who does not respect these suggestions.

In South Korea, a 29-year-old man who visited Covid-19 visited five discotheques and we believe infectedNearly 80 people on his exit. By limiting the number of bars you visit as well as staying away from those who are already packed with people, you will reduce your chances of contracting (or propagation) the virus.


Restaurants that allow people to wait inside a table to open.

busy restaurant

For those who are 65 years old, it is wise to stay away from restaurants that still allow large groups of people to gather around the entrance. Why? Dr. William Lang, Medical DirectorGlobal, says one of theworst things you can do in a restaurant Waiting for a table to open a table inside the restaurant or standing inside a clogged bathroom on this. Those who are older are already at high risk, and if they turn around many people, their risk of exposure increases.


Public playgrounds.

outdoor playground

Parents should keep young children away from playgrounds as long as possible, even after the restrictions elevator. Children are inclined to put their fingers in their mouths, which is a direct way for the virus to be transmitted. For example, if a child who had a virus sneened on the monkey bars and shortly after the other child placed his hands on the same place and then put their fingers in his mouth, they contract more than COVID-19. Not to mention playgrounds invites many children to run - not an ideal setting for practicing social distance.

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