7 worst errors that you should not do while reopening your city

Restrictions are starting to loosen in some cities, but you want to make sure you always stay safe.

Slowly but surely,Cities begin to reopen And it's only a matter of time before you feel that you are completely ready to go out again in normal life. While almost everyone is impatient to come back to the way life was, it's important to keep in mind that things will be different. And you want to make sureYou do your part to keep you and others safely When your city reopens its doors.

, We break below at the bottom of theworst errors You should avoid doing as your city reopens its doors. And so you do not miss last updates, make sureSign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!


You stop wearing a facial mask.

woman put on a fabric handmade mask on her face

Simply because you are given the ok for the head more often now outside just go on a grocery race, you always want to make sure you wear a facial mask.COVID-19 [Feminine is still very present and as we all know,It propagates by the respiratory droplets. So, if you have the mask, which will reduce the risk of being exposed, like everything it takes is a cough infected person, sternates or talking about transferring droplets.


You do not wash your hands too often.

hand sanitizer

Correcthand washing Should not stop now that cities are starting to relax the restrictions. If anything, keeping your own hands is even more important! Keephand disinfectant With you when you are traveling, as there is a good chance that you could end up touching your face, which is the way unwanted germs can enter the mouth and nose.


You flocks in overcrowded areas.

crowded bar seats

You might be tempted to visit all yourpreferred bars And restaurants right away, but you always want to be aware of clear direction places that are too many people.Social distancing Should still be put into practice, so if you are at the restaurant or have a drink, make sure that the implementation is to keep the crowds under the control and ceiling of the number of people on a leash.


You touch everything.

touching everything

Cities The reopening is exciting, but we are not clear for now. It is not ideal to get the things you do not need to touch each other. While you make your purchases, it's always a good idea to stick with theconcept of "look with your eyes and not your hands" and just limit the amount of surfaces you touch. Be careful when it comes to touching your face, too, as limiting your exposure to germs is always your best bet.


You stop your home workouts.

home video workout

Yes, you miss the gym. We understood. But for now, it is better that you always keepdo these training sessions that you have developed at home For the moment, like gymnasiums are fertile ground for, thus, germs. In fact, astudy published at the beginning of 2020 revealed that 25 percent of the surfaces tested in four different sports training halls has current influenza virus bacteria. Yikes.


You take the children at the playground.

Couple with face mask stuck in airport terminal

WhileA walk in the park Has something people and their families took part during the pandemic, leaving the children in your life to get back on the playgrounds is something you do not want to do quite quite. Even that restrictions are lifted, we do not know if these playgrounds are properly disinfected and think, the little children are known to put their hands in their mouths. It takes just a few seconds for germs to spread on a playground.


You think everywhere is back and running.

woman outdoor wearing medical face mask, social distancing, sitting on a bench, isolated from other people

The restrictions are lifted, but it is obvious that the world is still fighting thebattle against coronavirus. All companies will not be open to its usual hours or exploitation of its typical staff size, so it could take a few extra minutes for you to get that Starbucks you drink order you expect in a socially distant outside line. You are always on foot outside in a world that is very careful and take precautions, so it's not life as you knewjust now. Be patient and keep in mind, everyone is impatient to come back to the way things were once, but for now, it's a work in progress.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Coronavirus / tips
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