7 ways that the shortage of meat will change your grocery trip

Coronavirus changes the nation's food supply chain to your local grocery store.

The coronavirus epidemic has led to the closure of nearly 20 meat processing plants and, therefore, there is an increasing alarm that America can cope with a shortage of meat in the coming weeks. In recent weeks, the largest pork producer in the world,Smithfield Foods, issued a warning desire, a person similar to the concerns disseminated by theTyson Foods CEO and the Chairman of the Chamber Committee on Agriculture who said we could beA few weeks of a pork shortage.

Many grocery stores have changed the way they sell fresh meat to buyers. In fact, some wendy placeshave ceased to serve hamburgers. There are many reasons why theFood Supply Chain is so taxed by the coronavirus pandemic, but there are always ways to procure pork, beef and chicken, at least in the short term. Here's how you can expect your next visit to the different grocery store.


Limits on the quantity purchased.

Andy Liu / Shutterstock

National grocery giantsKroger and Costco are already limiting the number of fresh meats Products A customer can buy during a grocery store. As more meat treatment facilities start closing, this will probably become a tendency to other grocery chains, although there isOther options where you can find the meat you need.


Larger meat cuts.

According toThe Wall Street newspaper, a way that buyers move around the limitations of fresh meat purchases receive much larger cuts. WSJreports: "Customers of the shop and price rite chains belonging to Waken Food Corp., are awarded two articles that each of the oxen, chopped beef, pork and chicken. Store butchers reduce large meat for restaurant sales, weighing and repackaging buyers. "


Higher prices.

Of course, this is simply the economy born less supply and the increased demand for increased cooking at home (and perhaps panicked purchases due to the shortage of declared meat). According to the USDA, the price of 100 pounds of beef increased by just over $ 200 to nearly twice as $ 382, ​​before April 30.


Less selection.

Roger White, Senior Vice President of Sales and Merchandising in Related Food Stores, an association of more than 400 independent retailers, saidWSJthat consumers will find meat on the shelves ". But noted: "They could not find all the items they are used to see." So, expect to see less choice in your grocery stores. White claims according to which cuts, such as preferred beef and boneless pork lanyard, will be less available because they require greater manual workforce.


More "meat" plants

impossible burger ground beef
Courtesy of burger impossible

Whatsoever theImpossible meats, Beyond Burger, or variety of school gardenvegetarian burgersPlants-based meat substitute packs will probably be available for your backyard barbecue. And do not be surprised if sales will probably explode.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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