That's what happens if you accidentally eat moldy fruits

Fruit molding mold as soon as you decide to eat, it's something that happens far too often. But can he eat really harm yourself?

It happened to the best of us: you decide to prepare a fruit salad, but when you start to remove a bit in a bowl, you suddenly realize these cherries that you have had in the refrigerator. Even more tear, it's when you already eat fruit and get out a bit of a strawberry only to see her with mold. Yikes. The fruits of the mold are quite scary, and it could not taste all this awesome, but it's in fact dangerous?

We are registered with some experts weigh to help us go deep down this secular issue.

Is mold dangerous?

For the most part, our experts agree: While the fruit of mold is not the most delicious,This is not usually a health danger.

"The mold on food is much more common than you think," says Dr. William Li, a scientific doctor and author ofEat to beat the disease: the new science of how your body can heal. "Some mussels," he says, "are actually edible, like the kind you find on the cheese."

Of course, just because you like brie and blue cheese does not mean it's nice to bite in a moise bay. But according to Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author ofThe candida regimeIn some cases, you may not even know that the fruit you consumed was moldy.

"The ingestion of fruit mold can occur, more often than you think," she says ", most often without even realizing that it happened." And it's not a dangerous perspective.

Richards says it is unlikely that you will feel unwanted effects because of eating moldy fruit. She notes, however, that there are some symptoms to keep an eye on, such as nausea, vomiting, gas and diarrhea. These, she said, could be signs of gastrointestinal distress.

What really happens if you are involuntarily eating moldy fruits?

If you consume moldy fruits, the first thing to do is protect your health.

"If you want to monitor your GUT microbiome, eat fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut," says Li. "Drink a glass of pomegranate juice can also help healthy bacteria to develop naturally in your intestine. "Some people will want to be particularly careful to consume moldy fruit, according to Amanda A. Kostro Miller, R & D, LDN, which serves the Advisory Council forSmart life.

"If you are part of a high-risk population (seniors, immunosuppressed), it is extremely important to buy, store and cook food safely," she says. "Someone who is particularly sensitive or who falls ill with molded fruits can experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, as well as other symptoms of food poisoning." It also provides that certain types of molds are more dangerous than others.

"Some of the most dangerous mussels are under the classification of mycotoxins," she says, noting that they are usually on grains, nuts, celery, grape juice and apples. To stay safe, be particularly careful of these foods if they have become moldy. People with mold allergies will also want to be particularly careful of their exposure to the fruit of mold.

"If you are allergic to mold, you risk risking classic allergy symptoms (whether light or severe)," says Miller. "If you fear that you have ingested the mold and you have a bad reaction, consult a doctor."

While food mold is probably a non-question for most people, li note that some evidence that eating mold fruits over a long period can be harmful for your general well-being.

"Some research suggests that mycotoxins can damage your GUT microbiome, one of your body's health defense systems," he said.

John Ward, IICRC, NAK, Internachi Certified Mussel Inspector in Ottawa, Canada, adds that long-term mold exposure can lead to neurological problems or even cancer. So, while ingestion of punctual mold does not matter, do not usually make.

"Obviously, the more months you can avoid, the better you are," he says. "But I did not stretch more than one bite of a moldy apple, as long as it does not happen several times over a long period."

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How can you keep the fruits from becoming moldy so fast?

To prevent fruits from becoming moldy, exercise precautions: Buy only as much as you need and consume it as quickly as you can.

Richards notes that some fruits can become mold faster than others, such as oranges, strawberries, apples, grapes and raspberries, and Miller adds that the mold will spread faster on soft fruits than on those of The company because the mold can penetrate faster. In the softer flesh. Keep even smaller amounts of these fruits and wash them just before consumption can help you reduce the likelihood they develop mold.

If you find a fruit in your bowl is moldy, you might be tempted to throw it. But you may not need!

"Many people launch everything that has a mildew embankment," saysTOBER AMIDOR, MS, RD, CDN, award-winning and award-winning nutrition expert and author ofThe best book of rotisserie chicken recipes: more than 100 tasty recipes using a bird bought a store. "This is not necessary and can actually lead to food waste."

According to Miller, you can cut the molded part of a firm fruit, as long as you also cut a border from another inch-deep around the mold.

"Also, make sure you do not touch your mold and cut the fruit in other parts, otherwise you will simply spread the mold around the fruit when you cut," she says.

If in doubt, according to Ward, it is always better to launch fatal food - and without sniffing it, as you could inhale the toxic mussel spores.

"The best advice I can give you is to use a good judgment," he says, "and if you're still not sure that the bay bay, it's better to be safe than sorry and just throwing it . "

Categories: Groceries
Tags: fruit / tips
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