Subtle signs Your quarantine regime will do lasting damage

The weight gain is not the only indicator of an unhealthy diet.

Let's be honest with ourselves - quarantine makes us weaken in our healthy eating. Late snacks andStress resistance sessions (BTW, do you know what thenumber one worst food is?), to our newly found hobbies ofbaking bread anddessertsIt is not surprising that we can meet the "quarantine 15" or other signs of poor nutrition. The most important thing is to start listening to our bodies and changing the eating habits that make us feel less than optimal. Here are some of the ways your body can tell you that it had enough of your quarantine indulgence. (Do not worry,Store your pantry with healthy foods This will pass through the quarantine is not so difficult.) If you want to stay on track with a healthy diet,Subscribe to our newsletter and get useful new foods and tips sent directly to your inbox.


You are gassy all the time

Woman holding stomach cramps digestive problems

Constant block is a major indicator of a bad diet. If you notice that you are constantly swollen and Gassy after drinking milk or eating cheese, you could be intolerant to lactose. Many people have sweet dairy intolerance and do not even realize it, so make sure you read the signs that your body sends you. If you are lactose intolerant, check these22 cutting-edge swaps for eating less slag.


You are constipated

Weight gain

Have problems on the toilet? Constipation and other irregular intestinal fluctuations are a great indicator of something that is not going in your diet. If you encounter constipation problems, you probably do not have enough fiber in your diet. Fiber regulates your digestive system and quite work properly, so it is important to keep a balanced diet with tons of fiber. Foods like beans, oats and whole grains are large sources for fiber.


You're always hungry

Hungry woman looking for food in fridge

You continue to tell you that you are ready to make a diet, but at the end of the day, you crash and eat an entire bag of chips and a pint of ice cream. Although your will has something to do with this, your diet can also be the root of the problem. "Binging is the way your body reacts not to have the nutrients you need - it's a biochemical answer and a signal from your brain that you do not give him what he needs," Cassie Bjork, Rd, told us in our article21 signs that you should change your diet.


You cut food groups

Cut carbs

Healthy diet should never cut whole food groups, except for medical reasons (such as lactose intolerance or celiac disease). Each food group is essential to provide all vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy and fit. This does not necessarily mean that if you are vegetarian or vegan that you have to start eating meat products, but make sure you get your essential nutrients from elsewhere that are suitable for your diet (beans are a great source of protein for vegetable lovers!).


You're still in a bad mood

Angry woman

If you are always grumpy, your diet could ruin your mood. When you reduce calories and carbohydrates, you will be irritated from the cravings. Corn,According to Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDNYour blood glucose is also low, which contributes to your mood swings. It recommends adding more carbohydrates to your meals, which will keep you satisfy longer and will help you the production of serotonin (your "happy" chemical ") in your brain.


You are tired

Tired woman with coffee

If you are constantly tired, your diet can lead to your slowness.Harvard University Noted that a bad diet can lead to a sense of fatigue all the time due to the lack of vital nutrients to make you spend the day. Make sure your diet integrates all your essential nutrients, such as healthy greases, proteins and complex carbohydrates, keeping fatigue at the bay.


You are constantly cold

Woman cold drinking tea

If you need a sweater in the summer, there is a good chance that your diet is out of balance. A study published in theAmerican College of Nutrition Journal shows that a hypochalude diet can have a negative effect on your thyroid, which regulates the temperature of your body - a slow thyroid will make you feel constantly Chilly instead of leaving all the carbohydrates, make sure to eat complexes coming from grains whole breads, pasta and other bakery products.


You break

Woman with problem skin

Acne and wrinkles are two major indicators of an unbalanced diet. A review published in the journalDermato-endocrinologyI found that a missing vitamin A diet can affect your skin. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the regulation of retinoid production and a deficiency in this crucial nutrient could also result in fragile dry hair and nails. Consume foods such as soft potatoes, carrots and winter squash to make sure you get your daily intake of vitamin A.


You are depressed

Tired man in bed

If you felt, what you consume daily can be the reason.The Indian newspaper of psychiatry found that omega-3 vitamin, mineral and / or fatty acid deficiency can actually lead to depression and other mental illnesses. They also noted that the taking of nutritional supplements containing folate and vitamin B12 has helped patients stimulate their mood and fight their mental illnesses.


You do not remember anything

Man holding his head

Even your memory is affected by the things you eat. According to a study byAnnals of neurologyWomen who consume more saturated fats have been labeled lower on memory and thinking testing compared to those who have avoided these fats. Keep your sharp memory like a knife by dropping hamburgers and fast food fries and go on something low in saturated fat, like a whole salad or lawyer toast.


You are always sick

Woman sick cold

What you eat influences your immune system. If you are on a low protein diet, you can compromise your health. According to a study conducted by theUniversity of School of the School of Medicine of Pennsylvania, protein helps strengthen your immune system; When you have a lack of essential nutrient of your diet, your immune system weakens and makes you more subject to a disease. To keep your body healthy and away from viruses and bacteria, make sure to eat protein packaged foods like meat, beans and green green vegetables.


You have no energy

Tired woman with laptop

If it takes too much effort to prepare you for the day, your diet probably lacks iron. One of the many iron tasks is to help increase energy levels by carrying oxygen throughout the body. But when you do not intervene enough iron, your body does not make enough of these essential red blood cells that carry oxygen and allow you to remain energetic for the day. One of the greatest symptoms of anemia (when your blood is low in iron) is low levels of energy and slowness, depending on theCleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education. If you have anemia, take iron supplements and incorporate part ofThe best iron-rich foods In your diet to pump the flow of oxygen and energy into your body.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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